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File metadata and controls

481 lines (337 loc) · 11.9 KB

Graphical User Interface

The graphical user interface can be access by launching OpenROAD with -gui or by opening it from the command-line with gui::show.


Add buttons to the toolbar

create_toolbar_button [-name name]
                      -text button_text
                      -script tcl_script 

Returns: name of the new button, either name or buttonX.

Options description:

  • button_text: The text to put on the button.
  • tcl_script: The tcl script to evaluate when the button is pressed.
  • name: (optional) name of the button, used when deleting the button.
  • echo: (optional) indicate that the commands in the tcl_script should be echoed in the log.

To remove the button:

gui::remove_toolbar_button name

Add items to the menubar

create_menu_item [-name name]
                 [-path menu_path]
                 -text item_text
                 -script tcl_script
                 [-shortcut key_shortcut] 

Returns: name of the new item, either name or actionX.

Options description:

  • item_text: The text to put on the item.
  • tcl_script: The tcl script to evaluate when the button is pressed.
  • name: (optional) name of the item, used when deleting the item.
  • menu_path: (optional) Menu path to place the new item in (hierarchy is separated by /), defaults to "Custom Scripts", but this can also be "Tools" or "New menu/New submenu".
  • key_shortcut: (optional) key shortcut to trigger this item.
  • echo: (optional) indicate that the commands in the tcl_script should be echoed in the log.

To remove the item:

gui::remove_menu_item name

Save screenshot of layout

This command can be both be used when the GUI is active and not active.

save_image [-resolution microns_per_pixel]
           [-area {x0 y0 x1 y1}]
           [-display_option {option value}]

Options description:

  • filename path to save the image to.
  • x0, y0 first corner of the layout area (in microns) to be saved, default is to save what is visible on the screen unless called when gui is not active and then it selected the whole block.
  • x1, y1 second corner of the layout area (in microns) to be saved, default is to save what is visible on the screen unless called when gui is not active and then it selected the whole block.
  • ``microns_per_pixel` resolution in microns per pixel to use when saving the image, default will match what the GUI has selected.
  • option specific setting for a display option to show or hide specific elements. For example, to hide metal1 -display_option {Layers/metal1 false}, to show routing tracks -display_option {Tracks/Pref true}, or to show everthing -display_option {* true}.

Selecting objects

select -type object_type
       [-name glob_pattern]
       [-highlight group]

Returns: number of objects selected.

Options description:

  • object_type: name of the object type. For example, Inst for instances, Net for nets, and DRC for DRC violations.
  • glob_pattern: (optional) filter selection by the specified name. For example, to only select clk nets *clk*. Use -case_insensitive to filter based on case insensitive instead of case sensitive.
  • group: (optional) add the selection to the specific highlighting group. Values can be 0 to 7.

Displaying timing cones

display_timing_cone pin

Options description:

  • pin: name of the instance or block pin.
  • fanin: (optional) display the fanin timing cone.
  • fanout: (optional) display the fanout timing cone.
  • off: (optional) remove the timing cone.

Limit drawing to specific nets

focus_net net

Options description:

  • pin: name of the net.
  • remove: (optional) removes the net from from the focus.
  • clear: (optional) clears all nets from focus.

TCL functions


Determine is the GUI is active:


Announce to the GUI that a design was loaded (note: this is only needed when the design was loaded through the odb API and not via read_def or read_db):


To load the results of a DRC report:

gui::load_drc filename

Opening and closing

To open the GUI from the command-line (this command does not return until the GUI is closed):

gui::show script
gui::show script interactive

Options description:

  • script TCL script to evaluate in the GUI.
  • interactive indicates if true the GUI should open in an interactive session (default), or if false that the GUI would execute the script and return to the terminal.

To close the GUI and return to the command-line:


Layout navigation

To fit the whole layout in the window:


To zoom in our out to a specific region:

gui::zoom_to x0 y0 x1 y1

Options description:

  • x0, y0 first corner of the layout area in microns.
  • x1, y1 second corner of the layout area in microns.

To zoom in the layout:

gui::zoom_in x y

Options description:

  • x, y new center of layout.

To zoom out the layout:

gui::zoom_out x y

Options description:

  • x, y new center of layout.

To move the layout to new area:

gui::center_at x y

Options description:

  • x, y new center of layout.

To change the resolution to a specific value:

gui::set_resolution resolution

Options description:

  • resolution database units per pixel.


To add a single net to the selected items:

gui::selection_add_net name

Options description:

  • name name of the net to add.

To add several nets to the selected items:

gui::selection_add_nets name_regex

Options description:

  • name_regex regular expression of the net names to add.

To add a single instance to the selected items:

gui::selection_add_inst name

Options description:

  • name name of the instance to add.

To add several instances to the selected items:

gui::selection_add_insts name_regex

Options description:

  • name_regex regular expression of the instance names to add.

To add items at a specific point or in an area:

gui::select_at x y
gui::select_at x y append
gui::select_at x0 y0 x1 y1
gui::select_at x0 y0 x1 y1 append

Options description:

  • x, y point in the layout area in microns.
  • x0, y0 first corner of the layout area in microns.
  • x1, y1 second corner of the layout area in microns.
  • append if true (the default value) append the new selections to the current selection list, else replace the selection list with the new selections.

To navigate through multiple selected items:


Returns: current index of the selected item.

To clear the current set of selected items:


To get the properties for the current selection in the Inspector:

gui::get_selection_property name

Options description:

  • name name of the property. For example, Type for object type or bbox for the bounding box of the object.

To animate the current selection in the Inspector:

gui::selection_animate repeat

Options description:

  • repeat: indicate how many times the animation should repeat, default value is 0 repeats. If the value is 0, the animation will repeat indefinitely.


To highlight a net:

gui::highlight_net name
gui::highlight_net name highlight_group

Options description:

  • name name of the net to highlight.
  • highlight_group group to add the highlighted net to, defaults to 0, valid groups are 0 - 7.

To highlight an instance:

gui::highlight_inst name
gui::highlight_inst name highlight_group

Options description:

  • name name of the instance to highlight.
  • highlight_group group to add the highlighted instance to, defaults to 0, valid groups are 0 - 7.

To clear the highlight groups:

gui::clear_highlights highlight_group

Options description:

  • highlight_group group to clear, defaults to 0, valid groups are -1 - 7. Use -1 to clear all groups.


To add a ruler to the layout:

  1. either press k and use the mouse to place it visually. To disable snapping for the ruler when adding, hold the Ctrl key, and to allow non-horizontal or vertical snapping when completing the ruler hold the Shift key.

  2. or use the command:

gui::add_ruler x0 y0 x1 y1
gui::add_ruler x0 y0 x1 y1 label
gui::add_ruler x0 y0 x1 y1 label name
gui::add_ruler x0 y0 x1 y1 label name euclidian

Returns: name of the newly created ruler.

Options description:

  • x0, y0 first end point of the ruler in microns.
  • x1, y1 second end point of the ruler in microns.
  • label text label for the ruler.
  • name name of the ruler.
  • euclidian 1 for euclidian ruler, and 0 for regular ruler.

To remove a single ruler:

gui::delete_ruler name

Options description:

  • name name of the ruler.

To remove all the rulers:


Heat Maps

The currently availble heat maps are:

  • Power
  • Routing
  • Placement
  • IRDrop

To control the settings in the heat maps:

gui::set_heatmap name option
gui::set_heatmap name option value

Options description:

  • name is the name of the heatmap.
  • option is the name of the option to modify. If option is rebuild the map will be destroyed and rebuilt.
  • value is the new value for the specified option. This is not used when rebuilding map.

These options can also be modified in the GUI by double-clicking the underlined display control for the heat map.

To save the raw data from the heat maps ins a comma separated value (CSV) format:

gui::dump_heatmap name filename

Options description:

  • name is the name of the heatmap.
  • filename path to the file to write the data to.

GUI Display Controls

Control the visible and selected elements in the layout:

gui::set_display_controls name display_type value

Options description:

  • name is the name of the control. For example, for the power nets option this would be Signals/Power or could be Layers/* to set the option for all the layers.
  • display_type is either visible or selectable
  • value is either true or false

To check the visibility or selectability of elements in the layout:

gui::check_display_controls name display_type 

Options description:

  • name is the name of the control. For example, for the power nets option this would be Signals/Power or could be Layers/* to set the option for all the layers.
  • display_type is either visible or selectable

When performing a batch operation changing the display controls settings, the following commands can be used to save the current state of the display controls and restore them at the end.


GUI Controls

To request user input via the GUI:

gui::input_dialog title question

Returns: a string with the input, or empty string if canceled.

Options description:

  • title is the title of the input message box.
  • question is the text for the message box.

Pause the execution of the script:

gui::pause timeout

Options description:

  • timeout is specified in milliseconds, if it is not provided the pause will last until the user presses the Continue button.

To open or close a specific layout widget:

gui::show_widget name
gui::hide_widget name

Options description:

  • name of the widget. For example, the display controls would be "Display Control".


BSD 3-Clause License. See LICENSE file.