- Added support for Staging environment Google analytics codes
- Modifying Jekyll data files to work with the netlifycms correctly (data must be stored within an object in data files i.e items: )
- Favicon path needs to be specified in the _data/settings.yml file (removing asset_path use slowly)
- Removed the error-pages section of the _data/settings.yml file
- Updated the flow_inner.html jekyll include to use the same naming convention as the custom_include_row
- Added a tags.yml data file to be used in a relation widget in conjuction with site posts (netlifycms change)
- flow row layout added
- allows users to create complex pages using just frontmatter (no longer custom html - works well with Jekyll content management systems)
- added youtube video embed support to feature blocks.
- Refactored the blog section of the theme
- Removed excessive liquid used in the includes/layouts
- Refactored the _sass/core/blog.scss file - now entirely SASS
- Updated the footer design
- Refactored the footer css into SASS
- Added the jekyll-last-modified-at plugin
- Added disqus comments config object
Added the jumbotron slider functionality so that jumbotron headers can now feature a fullwidth customisable owl carousel
- Added the avatar_placeholder setting in the blog section of the settings.yml file
- Added ASCII art optional feature (ascii-art: ascii-art.html) in the settings.yml file.
- Removed old Jekyll _includes
- Added doubleScroll JQuery plugin
- Added the featherlight jQuery lightbox plugin
- Updated the image.html include to use the featherlight plugin for image lightboxes
- Added the featherlight/doubleScroll jQuery plugins to the JS packages
- Added title to the Linaro 404 SVG