Clone the repository to your directory.
Inside project folder dri:
- Create directories (archive log log/backend log/nginx)
- Copy docker-compose.yml from docker-compose-development.yml
git clone dri \
&& cd dri \
&& mkdir archive log log/backend log/nginx log/iipserver \
&& cp docker-compose-development.yml docker-compose.yml \
&& cp api/dri/settings/
Check your linux user id with:
echo $UID
and update it in the docker-compose.yml
file if necessary (if it is not the usual 1000).
DRI have multiple frontend apps, some of them developed with Sencha EXTjs and others with ReactJS.
For react apps, you need to run the yarn command to create the node_modules directory with the dependencies.
docker compose run landingpage yarn
docker compose run eyeballing yarn
OBS: Para o live reload é necessário acessar os apps a partir das portas de dev.
- landing page: http://localhost:3001
- Tile Viewer: http://localhost:3000
Considering a new installation in a development environment with the postgresql + q3c database.
Database settings must be made only in,
Starting the database container alone, the first time will create the pg_data and pg_backups directory and create the user based on the POSTGRES_DB and POSTGRES_PASSWORD environment variables both with default value 'postgres' the user created is also 'postgres'
starts the database container
docker compose up database
When finished, it will print the message: database-1 | LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
. Press Ctrl+C
to stop before going to the next step.
In directory dri/dri/settings there are configuration files for each environment. The development and production environment is set by that needs to be copied from
With the configuration file configured. it's time to raise the backend.
The first time the backend is executed, administrative tables and basic catalog tables will be created. Django takes care of this part, there is no need to do anything, the commands are in the that is executed every time the backend container is turned on.
# Starts only the containers needed for the backend.
docker compose up backend
Now that the backend is on (it should display a message like this: backend-1 | spawned uWSGI worker 4 (pid: 56, cores: 2)
), it is necessary to load the initial data and create an admin user. Press Ctrl+C
to stop before going to the next step.
With the backend running, open another terminal and run the command create super user
docker compose run backend python createsuperuser
This command will populate the database with
- DR2 public release data (list of images and datasets)
- Some example target lists (associated with user id 1)
docker compose run backend python loaddata initial_data.json
ssh -f <linea_user> -L <local_port> -N
In this command, replace <linea_user> for your username used to access srvlogin and <local_port> for an available port on your machine, for instance: 3307.
It is always necessary to execute this command before turning the environment on.
In this case, the settings would be:
'prod_gavo': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
'NAME': 'prod_gavo',
'USER': 'untrustedprod',
'PASSWORD': '<password>',
'HOST': 'host.docker.internal',
'PORT': 3307,
docker compose up -d
docker compose stop && docker compose up -d
Build Manual das imagens docker
# Build Backend deve ser executado dentro da pasta api.
cd api
docker build -t linea/dri:backend_$(git describe --always) .
# Build Frontend deve ser executado dentro da pasta frontend.
cd frontend
docker build -t linea/dri:frontend_$(git describe --always) .
Returns the ID of a container by filtering by name
docker ps -q -f name=backend
Access the terminal in the backend container.
docker compose exec backend bash
List of commands available in Django
docker compose exec backend python --help
Nginx Reload
docker exec -it $(docker ps -q -f name=nginx) nginx -s reload
Dump a schema from database postgres
docker exec -it $(docker ps -q -f name=dri_database) pg_dump -h localhost -U postgres -n 'gaia' postgres > /data/gaia_dump.sql
Dump data using Django
docker exec -it $(docker ps -q -f name=dri_backend) python dumpdata product_classifier --indent 2 > product_classifier.json
Neste exemplo product_classifier é o Django App com todos os models. product_classifier.json é o arquivo com o dump.
Descobrir o IP do container rabbit
docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' $(docker ps -q -f name=rabbit)
Access the rabbit interface, use the user and pass declared in docker compose, RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER and RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS
Start celery Works and Beat manually. inside backend container run
celery worker --workdir /app --app dri -l info
celery worker --workdir /app --app dri -l info