For apache/shardingsphere#29000 and oracle/graal#7804 .
Execute the following command on the new Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS instance.
sudo apt install unzip zip curl sed -y
curl -s "https://get.sdkman.io" | bash
source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/sdkman-init.sh"
sdk install java 17.0.9-graalce
sdk use java 17.0.9-graalce
git clone git@github.com:linghengqian/graalvm-v2302-path-tofile-test.git
cd ./graalvm-v2302-path-tofile-test/
./gradlew -Pagent clean test
./gradlew metadataCopy --task test
./gradlew clean nativeTest
- The Error Log is as follows.
$ ./gradlew clean nativeTest
> Task :generateTestResourcesConfigFile
[native-image-plugin] Resources configuration written into /home/linghengqian/TwinklingLiftWorks/git/public/graalvm-v2302-path-tofile-test/build/native/generated/generateTestResourcesConfigFile/resource-config.json
> Task :nativeTestCompile
[native-image-plugin] GraalVM Toolchain detection is disabled
[native-image-plugin] GraalVM location read from environment variable: JAVA_HOME
[native-image-plugin] Native Image executable path: /home/linghengqian/.sdkman/candidates/java/17.0.9-graalce/lib/svm/bin/native-image
GraalVM Native Image: Generating 'graalvm-v2302-path-tofile-test-tests' (executable)...
For detailed information and explanations on the build output, visit:
[1/8] Initializing... (8.5s @ 0.09GB)
Java version: 17.0.9+9, vendor version: GraalVM CE 17.0.9+9.1
Graal compiler: optimization level: 2, target machine: x86-64-v3
C compiler: gcc (linux, x86_64, 11.4.0)
Garbage collector: Serial GC (max heap size: 80% of RAM)
1 user-specific feature(s)
- org.graalvm.junit.platform.JUnitPlatformFeature
[junit-platform-native] Running in 'test listener' mode using files matching pattern [junit-platform-unique-ids*] found in folder [/home/linghengqian/TwinklingLiftWorks/git/public/graalvm-v2302-path-tofile-test/build/test-results/test/testlist] and its subfolders.
[2/8] Performing analysis... [****] (27.3s @ 0.70GB)
6,007 (81.68%) of 7,354 types reachable
9,265 (62.18%) of 14,900 fields reachable
28,230 (53.55%) of 52,714 methods reachable
1,802 types, 0 fields, and 710 methods registered for reflection
59 types, 59 fields, and 52 methods registered for JNI access
4 native libraries: dl, pthread, rt, z
[3/8] Building universe... (3.5s @ 0.60GB)
[4/8] Parsing methods... [**] (2.2s @ 0.93GB)
[5/8] Inlining methods... [***] (1.4s @ 0.79GB)
[6/8] Compiling methods... [*****] (21.7s @ 0.84GB)
[7/8] Layouting methods... [**] (2.2s @ 1.21GB)
[8/8] Creating image... [**] (2.9s @ 0.58GB)
12.02MB (44.07%) for code area: 17,383 compilation units
14.12MB (51.80%) for image heap: 162,612 objects and 68 resources
1.13MB ( 4.13%) for other data
27.26MB in total
Top 10 origins of code area: Top 10 object types in image heap:
5.89MB java.base 2.66MB byte[] for code metadata
3.78MB java.xml 1.57MB java.lang.String
988.32kB svm.jar (Native Image) 1.42MB java.lang.Class
207.75kB junit-jupiter-engine-5.10.1.jar 1.42MB byte[] for general heap data
203.74kB jdk.zipfs 1.25MB byte[] for java.lang.String
138.26kB junit-platform-launcher-1.10.1.jar 752.07kB byte[] for embedded resources
114.42kB java.logging 516.23kB com.oracle.svm.core.hub.DynamicHubCompanion
111.19kB junit-platform-reporting-1.10.1.jar 513.00kB int[][]
103.36kB junit-platform-engine-1.10.1.jar 448.03kB java.util.HashMap$Node
92.97kB junit-platform-commons-1.10.1.jar 334.08kB java.lang.String[]
326.92kB for 14 more packages 2.80MB for 1428 more object types
HEAP: Set max heap for improved and more predictable memory usage.
CPU: Enable more CPU features with '-march=native' for improved performance.
4.7s (6.5% of total time) in 102 GCs | Peak RSS: 2.29GB | CPU load: 4.84
Produced artifacts:
/home/linghengqian/TwinklingLiftWorks/git/public/graalvm-v2302-path-tofile-test/build/native/nativeTestCompile/graalvm-v2302-path-tofile-test-tests (executable)
Finished generating 'graalvm-v2302-path-tofile-test-tests' in 1m 10s.
[native-image-plugin] Native Image written to: /home/linghengqian/TwinklingLiftWorks/git/public/graalvm-v2302-path-tofile-test/build/native/nativeTestCompile
> Task :nativeTest FAILED
JUnit Platform on Native Image - report
com.lingh.PathTest > test() FAILED
Failures (1):
JUnit Jupiter:PathTest:test()
MethodSource [className = 'com.lingh.PathTest', methodName = 'test', methodParameterTypes = '']
=> org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: Unexpected exception thrown: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
Test run finished after 2 ms
[ 2 containers found ]
[ 0 containers skipped ]
[ 2 containers started ]
[ 0 containers aborted ]
[ 2 containers successful ]
[ 0 containers failed ]
[ 1 tests found ]
[ 0 tests skipped ]
[ 1 tests started ]
[ 0 tests aborted ]
[ 0 tests successful ]
[ 1 tests failed ]
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':nativeTest'.
> Process 'command '/home/linghengqian/TwinklingLiftWorks/git/public/graalvm-v2302-path-tofile-test/build/native/nativeTestCompile/graalvm-v2302-path-tofile-test-tests'' finished with non-zero exit value 1
* Try:
> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
> Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
> Run with --scan to get full insights.
> Get more help at https://help.gradle.org.
BUILD FAILED in 1m 14s
8 actionable tasks: 8 executed