Kamikaze is a utility package wrapping set implementations on document lists.
It also implements the PForDelta compression algorithm for sorted integer segments to enable Inverted List compression for search engines like Lucene (http://lucene.apache.org/core/4_5_1/core/org/apache/lucene/util/PForDeltaDocIdSet.html).
Kamikaze is based on the PForDelta algorithm proposed in the following paper: Inverted Index Compression and Query Processing with Optimized Document Ordering Hao Yan, S.Ding and T.Suel. The 18th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW'09), Madrid, Spain, April 2009
Kamikaze is open sourced by LinkedIn Corp : http://data.linkedin.com/opensource/kamikaze.
The principal committer of Kamikaze is Hao Yan. If you have any questions regarding Kamikaze, please email him at hyan@linkedin.com.
Wiki is available HERE
Issues are tracked HERE