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ec695d6 · Aug 20, 2018




# liberation-circuit

version: 1.3

This is Liberation Circuit, an RTS/programming game.

To play the prebuilt binaries on Windows, [download the latest release]( and run `LibCirc.exe`. You can change the game settings by editing init.txt.

It should compile on any OS supported by Allegro 5 - to build, compile the c files in the source directory and link with Allegro 5. More detailed instructions are below. More detail about the source file structure is at the start of m_main.c.

The executable should go in the "bin" subdirectory (the same directory as the "init.txt" file). By default the game will write mission progress to a file called "msn.dat" in the bin directory. If this isn't okay (e.g. if the bin directory is write-protected), you can specify a different path and filename in init.txt.

Don't try to compile the .c files in the /proc or /story subdirectories! They are code used by the game itself.

- Manual.html has extensive detail about the game, including documentation for the in-game API.

- Edit init.txt to set screen resolution and other options (fullscreen, sound volume, key rebinding, colourblind mode etc).

It looks like this (this is github markdown):

![a screenshot](

![another screenshot](


To build using do/redo (using the .do scripts by Nils Dagsson Moskopp):

  To build Liberation Circuit on any Unix-like OS like GNU/Linux,
  execute the “do” script. Note that “do” always compiles all source
  files; if you want to rebuild targets only when relevant source files
  have changed, you should use “redo” instead. A version of “redo” can
  be obtained from <>
  (written in Bourne shell) or <> (written
  in C++).

  Packages needed for Liberation Circuit on Debian GNU/Linux or Ubuntu:
  - liballegro-acodec5-dev
  - liballegro-audio5-dev
  - liballegro-dialog5-dev
  - liballegro-image5-dev
  - liballegro5-dev


To build using cmake (using the cmake scripts by Kyle Findlay; The following instructions are from u/JCanseco on reddit):

  I did compile it with ccmake ncurses frontend on Antergos (based on Arch Linux).

  mkdir build;cd build;ccmake ..

  Adding this line to CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS was enough:

  -lallegro_image -lallegro_primitives -lallegro_color -lallegro_acodec -lallegro_audio -lallegro_dialog -lallegro_font -lallegro_main -lallegro -lm

  make -j4 and it compiled fine with Allegro 5.2.2. Extracted zip data on bin folder and it did run fine.


To build on OSX (Sierra (10.12) with latest Homebrew and Xcode)

$ git clone
$ cd liberation-circuit
$ brew install allegro
$ ./do

$ cd bin

$ libcirc


If you are using a Retina screen, you may want to set the double_fonts option to make the text larger (edit init.txt to do this).


Thanks to:

Nils Dagsson Moskopp (erlehmann) <> for very useful feedback on the alpha and beta versions.

zugz (from the tigsource forum) for very useful feedback on the beta.

Serge Zaitsev's cucu ( for a very clear explanation of how to write a simple C compiler.

Batuhan Bozkurt's otomata ( for the basis of the cellular automata-based procedural music generation.