This example performs online training of a gesture detector on a Raspberry Pi, using live sensor readings from a BBC Micro:bit.
- Collect data from Micro:bit
- Train initial model using Google Colab, save a model checkpoint
- Load model checkpoint on a Raspberry Pi
- Continue training on the Raspberry Pi, using live sensor data from the Micro:bit
Using the Python Micro:bit Editor, flash a Micro:bit with microbit/
In this section, you will collect data for your own Micro:bit gesture.
Find the serial port path associated with Micro:bit
a. With the Micro:bit disconnected:
On MacOS, use `ls /dev/cu.*` On Windows, open Device Manager and expand "Ports (COM & LPT)"
b. Connect the Micro:bit:
On MacOS, use `ls /dev/cu.*`, you should see a path that looks similar to `/dev/cu.usbmodemXXXX` On Windows, a new COMXX node should appear under "Ports (COM & LPT)"
Edit, update comport to the path found in step 1:
On MacOS:
comport = '/dev/cu.usbmodem144102' # Example MacOS path
On Windows:
comport = 'COM3' # Example Windows path
Setup the data collection script
conda activate diec conda install pyserial-asyncio
Run the data collection script.
As the script is running:
- press button A to perform the gesture (by moving the Micro:bit)
- release button A when your gesture completes
- repeat about 10 times to gather enough data
Data will be saved to
- Open notebook from Google Colab: edge_online_learning.ipynb
- Make a copy of the notebook
- Upload data.csv to your Colab storage
- Run each cell of the notebook, step by step
- Download *.pkl and *.h5 from Colab storage to your laptop
- Deploy the *.pkl and *.h5 files to the Raspberry Pi. You can use WinSCP (on Windows) or scp (on MacOS) to transfer files to the Raspberry Pi. You should copy the files to this folder:
- Connect the Micro:bit device to the Raspberry Pi 3, check its serial path:
ls /dev/ttyA*
Note down the serial path, e.g. /dev/ttyACM0
Important: the Micro:bit must be connected before the docker container is launched, in order for the container to find the serial device.
- From the Raspberry Pi 3, launch docker container
cd ~/diec/day4/docker
sh ./
- From the docker container on the Raspberry Pi, verify that the serial device can be seen:
ls /dev/ttyA*
- From the docker container on the Raspberry Pi, incrementally update the model in intervals of N timesteps:
cd day4/rpi
python3 /dev/ttyACM0 --update_interval=2
(Substitute /dev/ttyACM0
with the path from step 2)
For troubleshooting training issues, the script can also be run on the laptop with the Micro:bit connected. Use the appropriate serial path.