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A command line tool, to quick set up, turn on/off (multiple) litetokens nodes(full/solidity), and monitor running status.

Python JDK
3.7+ 1.8


python3 build


sudo python3 install



pip install --upgrade pip

pip install litetokenscli

FAQs on installation

  1. How to fix "fail to build a wheel for psutil" error?

    a. please check if you installed clang correctly, or install it using homebrew:

    brew install --with-toolchain llvm

    b. please check if you are using python 3.x

  2. How to test in virtual environment?

    a. create virtual environment

    python3 -m venv venv

    b. activate venv

    . ./venv/bin/activate

    c. install litetokenscli in venv

    pip install litetokenscli

    d. when done testing, or using the venv - to deactivate venv



Command Functions Example1 Example2
litetokens-cli init --version Init dirs and fetch code. litetokens-cli init litetokens-cli init --version 3.1.3
litetokens-cli config --nettype --fullhttpport --solhttpport --fullgrpcport --solgrpcport Create and customize config files. litetokens-cli config litetokens-cli config --nettype main --fullhttpport 8500 --solhttpport 8600 --fullgrpcport 50051 --solgrpcport 5001
litetokens-cli run --nodetype Run node. litetokens-cli run litetokens-cli run --nodetype sol
litetokens-cli stop --pid Stop node. litetokens-cli stop litetokens-cli stop --pid 7777
litetokens-cli status --node Monitor nodes status. litetokens-cli status litetokens-cli status --node 777
litetokens-cli quick Quick start. litetokens-cli quick litetokens-cli quick
litetokens-cli -h, --help Check help manual. litetokens-cli -h litetokens-cli --help


litetokens-cli -h
usage: litetokens-cli [-h] {init,config,run,stop,status,quick} ...

which subcommand do you want?

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

    init                Init dirs and fetch code.
    config              Create customize config files.
    run                 Run node.
    stop                Stop node.
    status              Monitor nodes status.
    quick               Quick start. (run a full private node by one command)
subcommand: init
litetokens-cli init -h
usage: litetokens-cli init [-h] [--version VERSION]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --version VERSION  specify java-litetokens version
subcommand: config
litetokens-cli config -h
usage: litetokens-cli config [-h] [--nettype NETTYPE] [--fullhttpport FULLHTTPPORT]
                       [--solhttpport SOLHTTPPORT] [--fullrpcport FULLRPCPORT]
                       [--solrpcport SOLRPCPORT] [--enablememdb ENABLEMEMDB]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --nettype NETTYPE     specify net type [main, private]
  --fullhttpport FULLHTTPPORT
                        specify full http port
  --solhttpport SOLHTTPPORT
                        specify solidity http port
  --fullrpcport FULLRPCPORT
                        specify full rpc port
  --solrpcport SOLRPCPORT
                        specify solidity rpc port
  --enablememdb ENABLEMEMDB
subcommand: run
litetokens-cli run -h
usage: litetokens-cli run [-h] [--nodetype NODETYPE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --nodetype NODETYPE  specify node type [full, sol]
subcommand: stop
litetokens-cli stop -h
usage: litetokens-cli stop [-h] --pid PID

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --pid PID   stop node by given pid
subcommand: status
litetokens-cli status -h
usage: litetokens-cli status [-h] [--node NODE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --node NODE  check specific node detail by pid