5.2.0 - 2019-11-29
- Migration to Axelor Open Platform 5.2.
- Axelor-Business-Support: Addition of new module and app 'axelor-business-support'.
- Employee: added DPAE.
- TeamTask: added Frequency to be able to repeat tasks on given points in time.
- Employee: added wizard to create a new employee.
- SaleOrder: added possibility to invoice via generated task.
- Project: add support for project version.
- Project: add new form to create announcement for a given project.
- New menu and form stock correction allowing to fix a quantity in stock.
- User Form: Provide step wise view to create a user.
- TeamTask: Complete rework of team task model and views.
- Project: Complete rework of project model and views.
- Base: Addition of new object 'MailingListMessage' along with views, parent menu and sub-menus.
- InvoicingProject: Added new report 'InvoicingProjectAnnex.rptdesign' and attach to object on generating invoice.
- HR: Add CSV export support for Employment Contracts from its view and HR batch.
- Quality: Major improvements in axelor-quality module.
- QUALITY CONTROL: New report to print.
- AppBase: Add new configuration allowing to disable multi company support.
- OPPORTUNITY: Create event from opportunity.
- PROJECT: Add new feature allowing to create a template for a project.
- Invoice & PurchaseOrder: Added a budget overview.
- Advanced Import: Add feature to import data with advanced configurations.
- BPM: More than one workflow support for a same object.
- Sale Order/Sale Invoice: allow to change customer in existing invoice or order.
- MESSAGE TEMPLATE: added the management of additional contexts (groovy evaluation) in order to allow the use of Json fields.
- FORECAST RECAP: Add support of printing report in 'xls' and 'ods' format.
- PERIOD: Add a new popup when closing period to allow user to check and validate move lines.
- Stock Move: Add support for partial invoicing.
- ABC ANALYSIS: Add support for printing report in 'xls' type.
- Business Project: Add 'Project invoicing assistant' batch to update tasks and generate invoicing projects.
- Project Folder: Add two printings to display all project elements linked to the folder.
- Distance travelled calculation of kilometric expense line with Open street map.
- Timesheet: add timesheet reporting.
- Stock: Add stock history view for a given product, company and stock location.
- Production: Provide menu for Machine Planning.
- Company: Add employee Phonebook.
- Base: Addition of fields 'height' and 'width' in Company to change logo's dimension in Reports.
- Add a payment validator in supplier invoices.
- SaleOrder/Partner: adding new fields for comments on invoices, sale orders, purchase orders and deliveries.
- Timesheet: assign Task to lines when generating from Realise Planning.
- Timesheet: mark timesheet line as to be invoiced while generating it from Realise Planning.
- TeamTask: Add button to enter spent time.
- LogisticalForm: if config enabled, send an email on first save.
- MANUF. APP: new config to hide cost sheet group.
- Purchase Request: Add the possibility to select purchase orders.
- Production: Addition of two dummy fields to calculate sum of planned and real duration of operation orders.
- MOVE: improve reversion process.
- SaleOrder: task by product and task by line invoicing.
- SALE ORDER: Update in 'Quotations template' working process and view.
- DataBackup: Add possibility to restore date fields from a given relative date.
- PURCHASE ORDER LINES/INVOICE LINES: New fields related to budget.
- WEEKLY PLANNING: Add a type and minor changes.
- BULK UNIT COST CALCULATION: new way to compute all unit costs using BOM. Allow to compute cost using BOM level sequence.
- MRP: Generate new sequence on save.
- DataBackup: update importId when its null with format IDDDMMYYHHMM.
- Generating supplier order from partner form.
- Mobile App: Add configuration for quality app on mobile app.
- INVOICE: new process to print.
- PERMISSIONS: Display dashlets for groups/roles/users using the permission in permission and meta permission form views.
- OPPORTUNITY: Rename "opportunity type" to "type of need".
- INVOICE: Change form view's organization to match the SaleOrder view.
- PARTNER: Add link to employee form.
- PRICE LIST: Add dashlets to display partner.
- MRP: add boolean to exclude product without proposal in the result dashlet.
- HR: TRAINING - Optimization of the menu by adding filters
- MRP: Group proposals per supplier
- HR: rework training and recruitment menus.
- Data import: in the import file, add the possibility to fill selects either by values, title or translated titles.
- Action Builder: Add feature to create templates using json models to send email.
- FORECAST RECAP: sequence feature added for ForeCastRecap.
- Advance data import: Add new config to check if new configuration is added on file and do import according to file.
- UNIT: allows to translate name and label.
- STOCK RULE: Add template on StockRule and StockConfig used for mail notifications.
- CONFORMITY CERTIFICATE: display external reference on printing.
- TIMESHEET: new config to display line numbers.
- Advanced Import: Add support of imported records removal.
- SALE ORDER: Recompute unit price when hideDiscount is true.
- OPPORTUNITY: Auto fill sale-order form and cancel linked sale orders on 'closed lost' status.
- OBJECT DATA CONFIG: UX improvements and translations and change in export type.
- ANALYTIC MOVE LINE: project field title changed and domain filter added.
- CONTRACT: Set invoice date with newly added options for invoicing moment.
- Inventory: Manage different type of inventory: yearly or cycle turning.
- Address: Street have now a dedicated object.
- SALE ORDER / PURCHASE ORDER / INVOICES: Lines panel height set to 30.
- MOVE: add the possibility to choose a date while generating reverse move.
- Contract: Add analytic information to contract lines.
- MESSAGE TEMPLATE: help to suggest use of separator between email addresses.
- PRODUCTION ORDER: user can define manuf order's planned end date while creating production order from product form.
- PARTNER: new HTML field on partner for proforma.
- Contract: added button to manually close contract if termination date was set in the future.
- ContractLine: hide
if not activated in Contract config. - Employee: Add a creation workflow and allow to automatically create or link a user.
- TimesheetLine: Add reference to TeamTask and add time to charge field.
- Timesheet: Change tab title.
- Studio: Allowing to export all data without selecting any app builder.
- Studio: Custom model editor - Added title property for model and removed required condition for AppBuilder.
- MENUS: new organisation in CRM and Sales modules.
- Mobile: Add new app setting for 'Task'.
- JobPosition: Cannot open a position when status in on hold.
- Purchase Order: remove IPurchaseOrder deprecated class.
- Event: Allowing to suppress unsynchronized events.
- Employee: Add birth department and city of birth in employee.
- Employment Contract: Set form width to large.
- Contract: partner/project filters improved.
- APP BUILDER: Remove JsonCreator object.
- ContractBatch: Set default bankDetails of partner to created invoice bankDetails.
- PRICE LIST: hide historized price lists in pop-up view.
- MARKETING: Precise domain for model in message template.
- Change titles for productFamily.
- CONTRACT: Set project on generated invoices.
- ACCOUNT MOVE REVERSE: Selected reverse move date must not be after the date of the day
- ACCOUNT MOVE REVERSE: add the possibility to choose to hide or not the move lines (origin and reverse) in bank reconciliation
- Change google-plus icon by google one.
- Sale Order Line: Replacing 'price' with 'priceDiscounted' in a Grid View along with PurchaseOrderLine and InvoiceLine
- SUPPLY CHAIN: delete boolean manageInvoicedAmountByLine.
- FUNCTION: new object function on Sales and CRM and new M2O on partner
- CITIZENSHIP: Add new object citizenship on base and new M2O in country and employee
- EMPLOYEE: Files management added domains and demo data
- Inventory: Added calendar-view
- change term "Description" to "Comment" in english and "Commentaire" in french
- WEEKLY PLANNING: Days can be reordered and created.
- PROJECT / REPORTINGS: Addition of new dashboard - "Planned charge".
- INVENTORY: adding ODS file format in report selection type.
- Quality Control: Set default printing setting and update translation.
- INVOICE: Configure BIRT to generate an Excel and a Word file
- KEYWORD: remove Keyword model.
- Advanced Import: trim data before import.
- ACCOUNTING: year and accountSet fields are set empty when company is changed.
- ACCOUNTING CONFIGURATION AND REPORTED BALANCE: add a new journal parameter in accounting configuration named reported balance journal and this new parameter defines the journal used in the reported balance move line creation.
- PARTNER: Checks the consistency of the address list of a partner.
- EXCEPTION: Removing deprecated interface IException.
- PORTAL CLIENT: Add config to choose the type of connection (from ABS or external).
- DEMO DATA: Rename field data.
- ACCOUNTING BATCH: alert when the closing annual accounts batch already ran.
- CLIENT PORTAL: update the client form view.
- USER: Mass generation of random passwords.
- Advance data import: Set sequence of filetab and removed temporary file at the end which is created during the process.
- ACCOUNTING REPORT: add ODS file formate in report export type.
- FORECAST RECAP: reset fields while creating duplicate record.
- PICKING ORDER: new comment field for picking order on partner.
- INVOICE: Add field 'language' to change report language in company.
- QUALITY CONTROL: Add send email option when status is finished.
- EMPLOYEE: add emergency contact relationship.
- INVOICE PAYMENT: additionnal informations
- ACCOUNT CONFIG: update demo data for account config and 'is print invoices in company language' boolean is now at true by default.
- Contract: change filter on project field.
- TEAMTASKS: Creation from Same Order.
- PROJECT: show sub-menu project list when project type is empty.
- Financial Report: calculate total costs (per line) in chart and totals.
- ACCOUNTING REPORT: add Analytic general ledger.
- TIMETABLE: reworked timetables to have them work based on percentage of the order rather than on a per product basis. So far only for sale orders. Purchases to come.
- HRconfig: moved fields 'Health service' and 'Health service address' to HR module.
- STOCKMOVE: update stock move form view.
- MetaScheduler: fix MetaScheduler form-view in axelor-base module.
- AccountingReport: set configuration to display opening accounting moves default value to true.
- SUPPLYCHAIN: auto-complete sale order when it has been completely invoiced.
- Accounting situation: added two fields to manage the credit insurance.
- BoM: added a menu showing personalized bills of materials.
- Studio: Fix import app without image.
- Generation of Project/Phase from SaleOrder.
- Contract: Fix issue of not saving currentContractVersion fields in form view.
- ProductTaskTemplate: fix button display issue for edit and remove buttons on tree view.
- Employee: Fix issue of not saving each phase of creation process.
- Marketing: Fix error when trying to generate an event per target.
- Contract: Fix import error in data-init.
- BUSINESS PROJECT: Report printing Division by zero.
- UnitCostCalculation: Fixed the date format in the csv export name file.
- BONUS MGT: Fix formula variable error of human resource when computing amounts.
- INVOICE: Hide Due amount in report while printing "Original invoice / Updated copy".
- PurchaseOrder: Fill order date with sale order creation date when generating puchase order from sale order with interco.
- Purchase Order: Rename field 'priceDisplay' to 'displayPriceOnQuotationRequest'.
- INVOICE: Reduce font size of tax table in Invoice printing.
- PURCHASE ORDER PRINTING: display buyer email and phone as in sale order printing.
- ACCOUNT MOVE REVERSE: add translation.
- Transactionnal: correction and standardisation of rollback.
- CONFIGURATOR BOM: product, qty and unit are displayed in the grid-view.
- SALE ORDER LINE: fixed error when selecting a product.
- Studio: Fix readonly fields are enabled when imported an application.
- Studio: Fix error when click on wkf buttons.
- Studio: Fix export app.
- Advance Data Import: Fix indexOutOfBound Exception.
- Advanced Data Import: Specify truncated value to sampleLines for large string.
- REPORTED BALANCE: corrected abnormal amount in reported balance move lines if there was no partner associated to it.
- REPORTED BALANCE BATCH: the case where reported balance date on fiscal year is missing is now correctly managed.
- PURCHASE ORDER: fix issue in 'discountTypeSelect' of Purchase Order Line Form.
- Advanced Data import: fix issue of not generating info in log file when error occurred on import.
- Studio: fix m2o to metafile's widget property, display image,binarylink option.
- Advance data import: fix search issue, changed default import type of relational field to New and add import if condition for required Fields.
- Advance data import: Fix Data import error when there is same object in two different sheets.
- INVOICE: fix issue of invoice copy.
- TEAMTASK: Add fullname in demo data.
- Timesheet line: Duration label issue when created from mobile app.
- Purchase: Corrected translation of purchase not configured.
- SALEORDERLINE: Issue when Production module isn't installed.
- Invoice: replace field "irrecoverablestatusSelect" to "irrecoverableStatusSelect".
- SALE ORDER: fix error generating project without salemanUser.
- Advance Import: Resolve ArrayIndexOutOfBound exception.
- STOCK: Link back order with saleOrder or purchaseOrder.
- ADDRESS: when there is one address on partner it is treated as a default address.
- LEAVE REQUEST: Add error when leave reason has no unit.
- LEAVE REQUEST: Set duration value 0 if day planning of selected weekly planning is empty