Releases: liweiyi88/onedump
Releases · liweiyi88/onedump
- f4497a3 Create release.yaml
- 43c2a66 fix misspell
- 05f07cd Add docs (#9)
- c9f80f3 Bugfixes and refactoring (#8)
- 66ff2b0 add file unique option and add more tests (#7)
- 549d545 read config file from s3 bucket
- 53bca04 read ssh key directly from config file
- 2ca0303 Add more tests (#6)
- 616b2f2 add go doc reference in
- 0ec2250 update readme
- aca94ee rename workflow file
- 69595a1 rename workflow file
- d2acc06 add codecov badge
- 3d2853f update github action
- 0afcdbc update github action
- 1c4bb39 add logo, github action and readme file
- 1b03505 add license file
- bef920b add license file
- 936fc28 S3 credentials overwrite (#5)
- 31d1503 rename func name
- 70e85ae Concurrent dumps by reading yaml config file (#4)
- 13c980a S3 (#3)
- d13e61c add ssh dump test (#2)
- e5291c2 Gzip (#1)
- 8611946 ssh remote dump file to local
- b3619fc code refactoring
- ccacdc7 cleanup
- 032aba1 cleanup
- f5194a4 code refactoring
- 71eaee3 ssh dumper
- 48d9c5c ssh dumper
- 7957e54 ssh dumper
- 77cdf26 cli command
- 42936aa cli command
- af42af2 go mod cleanup
- 12f7ba1 mysql dump
- 2df70df init commit