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96 lines (76 loc) · 3.34 KB

File metadata and controls

96 lines (76 loc) · 3.34 KB


Integrates SPARQL and RDF indexing through the Jena TDB libraries into eXist-db.

Compile and install

If you installed the app through the package manager you only need to do step 5 and restart.

  1. clone the github repository:

  2. You may then either build with Apache Maven (preferred) or Apache Ant.

    1. To build with Apache Maven: mvn clean compile package

    2. or, to build with Apache Ant: ant

  3. upload the xar file found in target/ into eXist-db using the dashboard

  4. enable the Index module in conf.xml, by adding one module declaration under "indexer/modules":

<module id="rdf-index" class="org.exist.indexing.rdf.TDBRDFIndex"/>
  1. Restart eXist-db.


Currently there is one function with the signature sparql:query($sparql-query as xs:string) as node() available. See the usage example below.

Usage example

xquery version "3.0";
import module namespace sparql="" at

declare namespace rdf="";
let $rdftest-coll := xmldb:create-collection("/db", "rdftest")
let $rdftest-conf-coll := xmldb:create-collection("/db/system/config/db", "rdftest")
let $rdf-conf :=
    <collection xmlns="">
       <index xmlns:xs="">
          <rdf />
let $rdf-xml-1 :=
    <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""
        <rdf:Description rdf:about="myhouse://table">
            <rdf:type rdf:resource="myhouse://furniture" />
            <myhouse:room rdf:resource="kitchen" />
let $rdf-xml-2 :=
        <rdf:Description rdf:about="myhouse://chair">
            <rdf:type rdf:resource="myhouse://furniture" />
            <myhouse:room rdf:resource="kitchen" />
        <rdf:Description rdf:about="myhouse://window">
let $dummy1 := xmldb:store($rdftest-conf-coll, "collection.xconf", $rdf-conf)
let $dummy2 := (xmldb:store($rdftest-coll, "myhouse1.rdf", $rdf-xml-1),
               	xmldb:store($rdftest-coll, "myhouse2.rdf", $rdf-xml-2))

let $query1 := ("PREFIX myhouse: <myhouse://>
                SELECT ?x
                WHERE { ?x a myhouse:furniture }
                ORDER BY ?x")

(: ("myhouse://chair", "myhouse://table") :)

let $query2 := ("PREFIX myhouse: <myhouse://>
                SELECT ?x ?c
                WHERE { ?x myhouse:count ?c ; a myhouse:furniture }
                ORDER BY ASC(?c)")
(: ("myhouse://table", "1", "myhouse://chair", "2") :)

let $query3 := ("PREFIX myhouse: <myhouse://>
                SELECT ?x ?r
                WHERE { ?x myhouse:room ?r }
                ORDER BY ASC(?c)")
(: ("myhouse://chair", "kitchen", "myhouse://table", "kitchen") :)

let $queries := ($query1, $query2, $query3)

  for $query in $queries
    (: return sparql:query($query)//text() :)
    return sparql:query($query)//sr:uri