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192 lines (145 loc) · 6.92 KB

File metadata and controls

192 lines (145 loc) · 6.92 KB


Contributions are welcome! You can engage with the project in many ways:

Issue Reporting

You can report issues or propose features by creating an issue on GitHub.

Please note that as of right now, I (Sumner) am basically the only contributor to this project, so my response time to your issue may be anywhere from instant to infinite.

When reporting a bug, please be as specific as possible, and include steps to reproduce. Additionally, you can run Sublime Music with the -m flag to enable logging at different levels. For the most verbose logging, run Sublime Music with debug level logging:

sublime-music -m debug

Using info level logging may also suffice.


If you want to propose a code change, please submit a pull request. If it is good, I will merge it in.

To get an overview of the Sublime Music code structure, I recommend taking a look at the sublime_music package documentation.


WIP: Please create an PR with any other dependencies that you had to install to develop the app. In general, the requirements are:

  • Python 3.10 (I recommend you install this via Pyenv)
  • GTK3
  • GLib
  • libmpv

Specific Requirements for Various Distros/OSes

  • NixOS: use the flake.nix (optionally with direnv)
  • Arch Linux: pacman -S libnm-glib libnotify python-gobject gobject-introspection
  • macOS (Homebrew): brew install mp3 gobject-introspection pkg-config pygobject3 gtk+3 adwaita-icon-theme

Dependency Management

This project uses pip-tools and flit to manage dependences for both the core package as well as for development. You only need to install pip-tools or flit if you want to change any of the project's dependencies.


It is recommended to develop within a virtual environment. See the docs for setting up a virtual environment

Then, after activating your virtual environment, run:

$ pip install -r all-requirements.txt
$ pip install -e .

to install the development dependencies as well as install sublime-music into the virtual environment as editable.



$ sublime-music

to launch the application.

Code Style

This project follows black strictly. The only exception is maximum line length, which is 99 for this project (in accordance with black's defaults). Lines that contain a single string literal are allowed to extend past the maximum line length limit.

This project uses flake8, isort, mypy, and black to do static analysis of the code and to enforce a consistent (and as deterministic as possible) code style.

The linting checks are enforced at commit-time using pre-commit. The pre-commit hooks can be installed using:

$ pre-commit install --install-hooks

Although you can technically do all of the formatting yourself, it is recommended that you use the following tools (they are included in all-requirements.txt). The pre-commit hooks and CI process uses these to check all commits, so you will probably want these so you don't have to wait for results of the build before knowing if your code is the correct style.

  • flake8 is used for linting. The following additional plugins are also used:

    • flake8-annotations: enforce type annotations on function definitions.
    • flake8-bugbear: enforce a bunch of fairly opinionated styles.
    • flake8-comprehensions: enforce usage of comprehensions wherever possible.
    • flake8-pep3101: no % string formatting.
    • flake8-print: to prevent using the print function. The more powerful logging should be used instead. In the rare case that you actually want to print to the terminal (the --version flag for example), then just disable this check with a # noqa or a # noqa: T001 comment.
  • isort is used to sort the imports consistently.

  • mypy is used for type checking. All type errors must be resolved.

  • black is used for auto-formatting. The CI process runs black --check to make sure that you've run black on all files (or are just good at manually formatting).

  • TODO statements must include an associated issue number (in other words, if you want to check in a change with outstanding TODOs, there must be an issue associated with it to fix it).

The CI process runs all of the above checks on the code. You can run the same checks that the lint job runs yourself with the following commands:

$ flake8
$ isort . --check --diff
$ mypy sublime_music tests/**/*.py
$ black --check .
$ ./cicd/

Commit Message Format

Commits should be reasonably self-contained, that is, each commit should make sense in isolation. Amending and force pushing is encouraged to help maintain this.

Commit messages should be formatted as follows:

{component}: {short description}

{long description}


This project uses pytest for testing. Tests can be added in the docstrings of the methods that are being tested or in the tests directory. 100% test coverage is not a goal of this project, and will never be. There is a lot of code that just doesn't need tested, or is better if just tested manually (for example most of the UI code).

Simulating Bad Network Conditions

One of the primary goals of this project is to be resilient to crappy network conditions. If you have good internet, you can simulate bad internet with the REQUEST_DELAY environment variable. This environment variable should be two values, separated by a ,: the lower and upper limit for the delay to add to each network request. The delay will be a random number of seconds between the lower and upper bounds. For example, the following will run Sublime Music and every request will have an additional 3-5 seconds of latency:

$ REQUEST_DELAY=3,5 sublime-music

GitHub Actions Workflows

This project uses two GitHub Actions workflows for building, testing, and deploying the application to PyPi. A brief description of each of the workflows is as follows:

  • deploy.yaml - lint, build, and (if a release) deploy the project to PyPi
  • pages.yaml - build and deploy the package documentation to GitHub Pages