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Add Bazel Build Configuration to the LLVM Monorepo


LLVM has a single supported build system: CMake. All LLVM components are required to build with CMake. It also has an unsupported GN build configuration that some developers maintain for developer use. The LLVM Support Policy formalizes the different levels of support for components such as this and less involved examples like editor configurations. Alternative build systems are already mentioned in the Support Policy, but some community members felt the inclusion was not thoroughly vetted.

This proposal seeks to add a build configuration for Bazel in the LLVM Monorepo under the "peripheral" support tier. Bazel is a build system focused on distributed hermetic and reproducible builds. It is used by various projects at Google that depend on LLVM and for this purpose these projects have created a Bazel build configuration for LLVM, an open source example of which can be found in the llvm-bazel repository. Bazel is also used by other downstream LLVM users, such as PlaidML.

While this proposal focuses on Bazel, it also explicitly acknowledges the precedent-setting nature of this decision. Since alternative build systems are already explicitly mentioned in the Support Policy, this does not require any policy change, but might be used as a reference for future RFCs. A GN build configuration already exists in tree, but in RFC discussions, some felt that "two creates a pattern". This proposal therefore seeks to further define when alternative build systems would or would not be accepted into the LLVM monorepo.

This proposal was discussed in this pitch thread.


LLVM is widely used and integrated in various downstream projects. Allowing alternative build systems in-tree lowers the barrier to entry for these projects while adding minimal additional support burden to the community at large. It allows collaboration on these configurations that are directly tied to LLVM and increases usability of LLVM for downstream projects. Including the build configurations in tree greatly simplifies the process of selecting the appropriate version of the configuration for building a given LLVM revision. The LLVM project also provides a coordination point with neutral governance and seems like the correct governance to have for a configuration of LLVM itself.

Proposed solution

A Bazel build configuration for LLVM be checked into the monorepo under llvm/utils/bazel (adjacent to the current GN files at llvm/utils/gn. These build files would undergo normal patch review (current draft).

The Support Policy already clearly outlines the requirements for inclusion in the peripheral tier, which include an active subcommunity who can demonstrate their commitment to continued maintenance of the component and an RFC to argue for its inclusion. This proposal does not seek to change that or open the door for any unsupported build system, but rather make the case that Bazel build files meet these requirements.

Addressing the points in the support requirements individually:

Code in this tier must:

  • Have a clear benefit for residing in the main repository, catering to an active sub-community (upstream or downstream).

A number of projects build LLVM with Bazel (e.g. IREE, TensorFlow, PlaidML). Google also uses Bazel to build in its internal source repository. This includes a substantial number of developers and active contributors to LLVM. Adding this to the monorepo would provide a natural coordination point for these projects and avoid fragmentation (projects currently have their own copies of the BUILD files) or Google-centric governance (e.g. signing Google's CLA).

  • Be actively maintained by such sub-community and have its problems addressed in a timely manner.

We can commit to maintaining and addressing issues with the configuration. Google has maintained its internal version of this configuration for a few years.

Code in this tier must not:

  • Break or invalidate core tier code or infrastructure. If that happens accidentally, reverting functionality and working on the issues offline is the only acceptable course of action. There should be no interaction between the Bazel build configuration and any core code or infrastructure.
  • Negatively affect development of core tier code, with the sub-community involved responsible for making changes to address specific concerns.

This should not affect development of core tier components. Others have raised the concern that the existence of an alternative build system might lead to lack of maintenance for the CMake build system or reduced contributions from those who use the alternatiee build system. Given that supporting CMake will remain a requirement and maintenance of a Bazel build system will continue to happen regardless (just out of tree), I do not expect any significant impact in this way. Some Googlers, including those on my team, do contribute to CMake maintenance (e.g. and I expect will continue to do so. In fact, less friction in maintaining the Bazel build files would, I think, make it more likely that build-system-minded folks would turn their attention to CMake.

  • Negatively affect other peripheral tier code, with the sub-communities involved tasked to resolve the issues, still making sure the solution doesn’t break or invalidate the core tier.

Similarly, this should have no interaction with other components in the peripheral tier. The LLVM Bazel build system maintainers will address conflicts if they arise.

  • Impose sub-optimal implementation strategies on core tier components as a result of idiosyncrasies in the peripheral component.

We do not expect any negative constraints on normal development of core tiers. Bazel is stricter about layering, which may help quickly identify layering issues in incoming commits, which is already a development principle that LLVM espouses.

  • Have build infrastructure that spams all developers about their breakages. Build infrastructure will be configured to only notify opted-in developers.
  • Fall into disrepair. This is a reflection of lack of an active sub-community and will result in removal.

Build bots with accompanying status badges will be prominently linked from the README. Currently a Linux/Clang build bot exists and can be easily reconfigured after the code move. Additional build bots can be added based on supported configurations (likely Windows MSVC and MacOS as early additions).

Code in this tier should:

  • Have infrastructure to test, whenever meaningful, with either no warnings or notification contained within the sub-community.
  • Have support and testing that scales with the complexity and resilience of the component, with the bar for simple and gracefully-degrading components (such as editor bindings) much lower than for complex components that must remain fresh with HEAD (such as experimental back-ends or alternative build systems).

Build bot coverage already exists and will be expanded as described above.

  • Have a document making clear the status of implementation, level of support available, who the sub-community is and, if applicable, roadmap for inclusion into the core tier.

The patch includes a README that should make the support level clear. I am happy to add additional language or take additional steps to make that more clear (e.g. adding unsupported to the directory path).

  • Be restricted to a specific directory or have a consistent pattern (ex. unique file suffix), making it easy to remove when necessary.

All configuration is restricted to a single directory and should be trivial to remove.

Impact On Other Projects

Downstream projects that rely on other build systems would benefit from being able to collaborate on build configurations of LLVM using systems other than the supported LLVM build system (currently CMake).

Additional commit traffic could be noisy. If this becomes a significant problem it would be necessary to rectify the situation to the satisfaction of the community. Some mitigations have already been proposed in various discussion threads.

Similarly, increased commit traffic increases the risk of merge conflicts when cherry-picking for release. Since there is no expectation that peripheral components will be functional in releases, these merge conflicts could be resolved in any arbitrary fashion, which should minimize their cost. If they nevertheless create a problem, the subcommunity maintaining an alternative build system would need to adopt technical or policy changes to rectify the situation when it is brought to their attention.

New additions to the repo increase the size of the LLVM checkout. These configurations are a tiny fraction of the overall size of LLVM. Comparing the LLVM 11.0 release to the latest llvm-bazel, the Bazel build configuration would be about 0.05 % of the overall repository archive, compressed or expanded.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How does the outcome of this proposal affect the existing GN build configuration?

A: Given that GN is already an existing component, the introduction of which went through the normal RFC process, any alterations to it should be brought forward and discussed in a separate RFC.

Q: Why not maintain the build configurations in a separate repo with an LLVM submodule?

A: This is certainly feasible and is in fact how works today. It even has some advantages, like the ability to guarantee that the build configuration passed for a given commit. It comes with significant complications, however: it requires an entirely separate contribution process that needs logic to ensure that new patches be attached to the correct commit. It also complicates fetching the correct version of the configuration. In particular the Bazel method for fetching a new archive via http_archive does the fetch at build time and caches based on the SHA-256 digest of the archive. This adds an extra layer of complexity to vending a build configuration for an LLVM commit because it expects it to remain stable over time.

Q: Would there be an expectation that the Bazel build is in a good state for LLVM version branches? If I checkout the git tag for a final LLVM release, should I be able to expect that the Bazel build system is functional at that commit?

No. I think there should be no such expectation. If the community members who care about the component would like releases to have functioning build files, they can figure out a way to make this happen that doesn't make releasing harder for the release manager (e.g. submitting patches to the release branch). I am not currently aware of anyone who would want to build LLVM with Bazel against a release (our development against LLVM is very active, so we tend to want HEAD).

Q: Why not just embed the CMake build in Bazel?

Bazel theoretically has support for this via rules_foreign_cc, but this is an experimental and unsupported project and the last attempt we made to use it for LLVM was unsuccessful, which is why OSS projects that use LLVM and Bazel tend to instead have a Bazel configuration for LLVM. Bazel also likes to know about all sources and is able to parallelize for distributed builds when doing so, so there are additional benefits for using such a configuration. Finally, even if embedding CMake were to work, it is likely that internally Google would continue to use the internal variant of Bazel and would therefore continue to maintain BUILD files for it. Thus the marginal effort for maintaining the files in OSS is not as great.

Q: What are the concrete next steps for Bazel inclusion if this proposal is accepted?'

Discussion of the particular implementation would happen as part of patch review.

Alternatives considered

LLVM could refuse to accept unsupported build configurations. Users interested in other build systems would need to continue working out their own solutions. This would obviously not be catastrophic, but seems like a missed opportunity to lower the barrier to entry for integrating LLVM into downstream projects.

LLVM could also accept unsupported build configurations, but have them in a separate repository instead of the monorepo. This helps deal with concerns over neutral and standard governance of build configurations that matches that of LLVM itself. It does not alleviate coordination problems contributing to and fetching these configurations while keeping them tied to specific LLVM commits, however.

Review Meeting Notes

Decision Summary

The review managers met to discuss the technical and community aspects of the proposal. It was the consensus of the review managers in attendance that the proposal, if approved, would impose little to no burden on the community, and provided material benefit to contributors and downstream users.

The committee also agreed that the Bazel build files should be included under the top-level directory as they relate to multiple subprojects in LLVM.

Discussion Notes

Several concerns have been raised over the course of this proposal, and the committee tried to discuss each of them and weigh the costs and benefits to the LLVM community as a whole.

Most of the concerns centered around support expectations and the burden they would impose on the community. The review committee discussions referenced the legacy autoconf build system as an example of the undesirable state and the burden maintaining multiple build systems imposed on the wider LLVM community. The review committee felt that the proposal's designation of the Bazel build as "peripheral" would limit the community burden. We agreed that under the proposal engineers making changes to LLVM are only responsible for verifying their changes against the CMake build system, and as such the additional burden to general contributions was minimal.

One concern of note was that the addition of Bazel support might detract from the development and maintenance of the CMake build system. While the concern is notable and worth keeping an eye on, the inclusion of the GN build did not noticeably detract attention from the CMake build. The committee also noted that since the Bazel and CMake builds are building effectively the same LLVM they must follow roughly the same dependency and build graphs. This means that most substantial improvements to how LLVM builds in one system will be either portable or directly applicable to all systems.

The committee also discussed the expected functionality in release branches. As a "peripheral" component of LLVM, we think it is important to make it clear that there is no support promise for the release branch. Downstream projects should not expect Bazel support to work in releases -- if there were a desire to change that in the future, then we should separately discuss that based on the details of the situation.

Lastly we discussed the location in the source tree for where the Bazel-related files should live. Currently the GN configuration lives under llvm/utils/gn. That location is an artifact of the pre-GitHub source layout. While it does make logical sense for Bazel files to live beside GN, we didn't feel that the GN files are currently living in the right place. In the interest of this proposal resulting in the correct decision, we agreed the Bazel files should live under the utils directory at the root of the llvm-project repository, and we think GN should move there as well.