This is a customized fork of TreeMaker compatible with sideloading AOD files.
Custom scripts are available in Production/aod_support/
- Run
to create your own list of AOD file names you want to process - Place file lists in
- Create dictionaries in
- Create a file name catalogue which maps AOD files to miniAOD files with
In Production/aod_support/
, you can find
- scripts to create AOD file lists for custom dataset paths
- mark already processed ntuples as done
- run unit tests with AOD files
- Instructions
- Unit Tests (Interactive Runs)
- Submit Production to Condor
- Calculate Integrated Luminosity
- Calculate Pileup Corrections
- Info for New Samples
- Options
The following installation instructions assume the user wants to process 2016, 2017, or 2018 miniAOD.
For 2016 and 2017:
chmod +x
cd CMSSW_9_4_11/src/
cd TreeMaker/Production/test
For 2018, replace the middle lines:
./ -c CMSSW_10_2_7
cd CMSSW_10_2_7/src/
The script has options to allow installing a different fork or branch of TreeMaker (though some branches may have different setup scripts, so check carefully which one you download):
-f [fork]
: which fork to download (
, default = TreeMaker)-b [branch]
: which branch to download (-b branch
, default = Run2_2017)-c [version]
: which CMSSW version to use (default = CMSSW_9_4_11)"-a [protocol]
: which protocol to use forgit clone
(default = ssh, alternative = https)-j [cores]
: run CMSSW compilation on # cores (default = 8)-h
: display help message and exit
Several predefined scenarios are available for ease of production.
These scenarios define various sample-dependent parameters, including:
global tag, collection tag name, generator info, fastsim, signal, JSON file, JEC file, residual JECs, era.
The available scenarios are:
: for Summer16 miniAODv3 MCSummer16MiniAODv3sig
: for Summer16 miniAODv3 MC (signal)Summer16MiniAODv3Fastsig
: for Summer16 miniAODv3 FastSim MC (signal)2016MiniAODv3
: for 2016 miniAODv3 data (17Jul2018), periods B-HFall17
: for Fall17 miniAOD MCFall17sig
: for Fall17 miniAOD MC (signal)Fall17Fastsig
: for Fall17 miniAOD FastSim MC (signal)2017ReReco31Mar
: for 2017 ReReco data (31Mar), periods B-FSpring16Fastsig
: for Spring16 miniAOD FastSim MC (80X) (signal scans)Spring16Pmssm
: for Spring16 miniAOD 25ns PMSSM MC scan (80X) (signal)Summer16
: for Summer16 miniAOD 25ns MC (80X)Summer16sig
: for Summer16 miniAOD 25ns MC (80X) (signal)Autumn18
: for Autumn18 miniAOD 25ns MC (102X)Autumn18sig
: for Autumn18 miniAOD 25ns MC (102X) (signal)2018B26Sep
: for 2018 prompt data, partial period B2018B26SepHEM
: for 2018 prompt data, partial period B, with the HEM 15/16 issue2018PromptReco
: for 2018 prompt data, run period D2018ReReco17Sep
: for 17Sep2018 rereco data, periods A, B, and C
Several predefined run commands (at least one for each scenario) are defined in a script called It has several parameters:
: number of the test to run (default=-1, displays all tests)name
: name of the output ROOT and log files for the test (default="", each test has its own default name)run
: run the selected test (default=False)numevents
: how many events to run (default=100)
A few examples of how to run the script:
- To see all tests:
- To run test 2:
python test=2 run=True
Note that all of the background estimation processes (and some processes necessary to estimate systematic uncertainties) are turned ON by default in
Condor submission is supported for the LPC batch system or for the global pool via CMS Connect. Job submission and management is based on the CondorProduction package. Refer to the package documentation for basic details.
The test/condorSub directory contains all of the relevant scripts. If you make a copy of this directory and run the script, it will submit one job per file to Condor for all of the relevant samples. Example:
./ myProduction
cd myProduction
python -p -o root:// -s can also:
- count the expected number of jobs to submit (for planning purposes),
- check for jobs which were completely removed from the queue and make a resubmission list.
The class extends the class jobSubmitter
from CondorProduction. It adds a few extra arguments:
-d, --dicts [list]
: comma-separated list of input dicts; each prefixed by dict_ and contains scenario + list of samples (default taken from .prodconfig)-o, --output [dir]
: path to output directory in which root files will be stored (required)-J, --json [jsonfile]
: manually specified json file to check data (override scenario)-N, --nFiles [num]
: number of files to process per job-A, --args [list]
: additional common args to use for all jobs (passed to, --verbose
: enable verbose output (default = False)-x, --redir
: input file redirector
Shell (in
-o [dir]
: output directory-j [jobname]
: job name-p [process]
: process number-x [redir]
: xrootd redirector
When the python file list for a given sample (usually data) is updated, it may be desirable to submit jobs only for the new files.
The input dictionary format for optionally allows a (non-zero) starting number to be placed after the sample name.
To get the number of the first new job, just use len(readFiles)
from the python file list before updating it.
When submitting jobs for prompt data, each data file will be checked to see if the run it contains is certified in the corresponding JSON file. The JSON file is taken by default from the scenario; an alternative can be specified with the --json
option, e.g. if the JSON is updated and you want to submit jobs only for the newly certified runs. (Use to subtract one JSON list from another, following this twiki.)
Scripts are available to calculate the integrated luminosity from data ntuples (produced with TreeMaker):
The script loops over a list of data samples (by default, a list of Run2015C and Run2015D samples) and creates a JSON
file for each sample consisting of the lumisections which were actually processed. Run python --help
to see the available options.
(This script is based on the CRAB3 client job report scripts.)
The resulting JSON file can be run through brilcalc using
to determine the integrated luminosity for the dataset. Run python --help
to see the available options. (NB: this only works on lxplus with brilcalc installed.)
A script is available to calculate the pileup corrections for MC:
A ROOT file containing the data, MC, and data/MC histograms (with uncertainty variations) is produced. Run python --help
to see the available options.
The script can search the McM database for given samples (with wildcard support) to discern the status of the sample (whether it has finished running), the generator cross section, and the full dataset path for the sample ("/X/Y/Z" format).
Command line options exist to specify campaign names and other information, which can be viewed with the --help
An example dictionary of samples and extensions to check can be found at
This script requires cern-get-sso-cookie to access the McM database, which is installed on lxplus and cmslpc.
Kerberos-based access is used by default, but certificate-based access is also available.
Kerberos access requires a ticket for CERN.CH, and currently only works on lxplus. To configure your certificate for access, see the "User certificates" section of the cern-get-sso-cookie documentation.
The same arguments --cert
and --key
can be used with the
The script will automatically create the "" python file containing the list of ROOT files for samples specified in a Python ordered dictionary, e.g. (enabled with -p
For MC samples, it can also automatically generate the appropriate configuration line to add the sample to This is enabled with the -w
option and is used for MC samples only.
The script can also check to see which sites (if any) have 100% dataset presence for the sample (enabled with -s
(You may also need export SSL_CERT_DIR='/etc/pki/tls/certs:/etc/grid-security/certificates'
(bash) or setenv SSL_CERT_DIR '/etc/pki/tls/certs:/etc/grid-security/certificates'
(tcsh) to avoid the error SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED
from urllib2
Before running the script for the first time, some environment settings are necessary:
source /cvmfs/
To run the script:
python -d [options]
To check for new samples, use the above script or query DAS, e.g.:
dasgoclient -query="dataset=/*/RunIISpring16MiniAOD*/MINIAODSIM"
Samples produced at NLO by amcatnlo have events with negative weights, which must be handled correctly. To get the effective number of events used to weight the sample, there is a multi-step process. This process also produces a histogram of TrueNumInteractions
for pileup reweighting.
Step 1: Get the "" files, without generating WeightProducer lines (assuming samples are listed in
python wp=False
Step 2: Run NeffFinder, a simple analyzer which calculates the effective number of events for a sample. The analyzer should be submitted as a Condor batch job for each sample (assuming samples are listed in, because the xrootd I/O bottleneck is prohibitive when running interactively. Be sure to sanity-check the results, as xrootd failures can cause jobs to terminate early.
./ myNeff
cd myNeff
python -p -d neff -N 50 -o root://
(after jobs are finished)
./ -d /store/user/YOURUSERNAME/myNeff -g _part -r
Step 3: Update
with the newly-obtained Neff values and generate WeightProducer lines. Combine all pileup distributions into a single file.
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/TreeMaker/Production/test/myNeff
./ -L /store/user/YOURUSERNAME/myNeff
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src/TreeMaker/Production/python
python py=False
Brief explanation of the options in
: the scenario name, in case of special requirements (default="")inputFilesConfig
: name of the python file with a list of ROOT files for a sample, used for Condor production (automatically appended with "_cff") (default="")nstart
: first file to use in above file list (default=0)nfiles
: number of files to use in above file list, -1 includes all files (default=-1)dataset
: direct list of input files (alternative to above 3 parameters) (default=[])numevents
: number of input events to process, -1 processes all events (default=-1)outfile
: name of the ROOT output file that will be created by the TFileService (appended withoutfilesuff
below) (default="test_run")outfilesuff
: suffix to append tooutfile
above (default="_RA2AnalysisTree")treename
: name of output ROOT TTree (default="PreSelection")lostlepton
: switch to enable the lost lepton background estimation processes (default=True)hadtau
: switch to enable the hadronic tau background estimation processes (storing soft jets and reclustering) (default=False)hadtaurecluster
: switch to enable the hadronic tau reclustering to include jets with pT < 10 GeV, options: 0 = never, 1 = only TTJets/WJets MC, 2 = all MC, 3 = always (default=0)doZinv
: switch to enable the Z->invisible background estimation processes (default=True)systematics
: switch to enable JEC- and JER-related systematics (default=True)semivisible
: switch to enable variables for semi-visible jets (default=True)deepAK8
: switch to enable variables from the DeepAK8 tagger (default=True)deepDoubleB
: switch to enable variables from the DeepDoubleB tagger (default=True)doPDFs
: switch to enable the storage of PDF weights and scale variation weights from LHEEventInfo (default=True)
The scale variations stored are: [mur=1, muf=1], [mur=1, muf=2], [mur=1, muf=0.5], [mur=2, muf=1], [mur=2, muf=2], [mur=2, muf=0.5], [mur=0.5, muf=1], [mur=0.5, muf=2], [mur=0.5, muf=0.5]debugtracks
: store information for all PF candidates in every event (default=False) (use with caution, increases run time and output size by ~10x)applybaseline
: switch to apply the baseline HT selection (default=False) The following parameters take their default values from the specified scenario:globaltag
: global tag for CMSSW database conditions (ref. FrontierConditions)tagname
: tag name for collections that can have different tags for data or MCgeninfo
: switch to enable use of generator information, should only be used for MCfastsim
: switch to enable special settings for SUSY signal scans produced with FastSimpmssm
: switch to enable special settings for pMSSM signal scanssignal
: switch to enable assessment of signal systematics (currently unused)jsonfile
: name of JSON file to apply to datajecfile
: name of a database file from which to get JECsjerfile
: name of a database file from which to get JERsresidual
: switch to enable residual JECs for datapufile
: name of a ROOT file from which to get pileup weightswrongpufile
: name of a ROOT file from which to get per-sample pileup distributions (for Fall17 samples produced w/ wrong PU)era
: CMS detector era for the datasetredir
: xrootd redirector, storage element address, or site name (default="root://") (fastsim
: print messages from modules in theTreeMaker
category (and from JetToolbox) (default=True)
Extra options in
: frequency of CMSSW log output (default=1000)dump
: equivalent toedmConfigDump
, but accounts for all command-line settings; exits without running (default=False)mp
: enable igprof hooks for memory profiling (default=False)threads
: run in multithreaded mode w/ specified number of threads (default=1)streams
: run w/ specified number of streams (default=0 -> streams=threads)tmi
: enable TimeMemoryInfo for simple profiling (default=False)trace
: enable the tracer for debugging (default=False)