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Version: 32.0.0 Type: application AppVersion: 5.3

Open source high performance data integration platform designed for security and infrastructure teams.



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Kubernetes: ^1.8.0-0

Repository Name Version promtail 6.15.5


Key Type Default Description
admin.enabled bool true Enable admin container useful for debugging into cloudquery
annotations object {} Optional. Additional annotations to be applied to all resources.
config string The chart will use a default CloudQuery aws config CloudQuery cloudquery.yml content
containerSecurityContext object See values.yaml Container security context
cronJobAdditionalArgs list [] Optional. Additional CLI arguments to pass to the scheduled sync job (e.g. setting log format) More information at:
cronJobFailedJobsLimit int 1 Number of failed cronjobs to retain.
cronJobLimit int 3 Number of successful cronjobs to retain.
cronJobPodAnnotations object {} Optional. CronJob Pod annotations.
cronJobPodLabels object {} Optional. CronJob Pod labels.
deploymentAnnotations object {} Optional. Admin Deployment annotations.
envRenderSecret object {} Sensible environment variables that will be rendered as new secret object This can be useful for auth tokens, etc Make sure not to commit sensitive values to git!! Better use AWS Secret manager (or any other)
fullnameOverride string ""
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
image.registry string ""
image.repository string "cloudquery/cloudquery"
image.tag string nil Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion
job.enabled bool false Create a job that runs once upon installation.
labels object {} Optional. Additional labels to be applied to all resources.
nameOverride string "" Partially override common.names.fullname template (will maintain the release name)
nodeSelector object {} Optional. Adds the nodeSelector to the admin pod and cronjob.
promtail object See values.yaml Promtail sub-chart configuration
resources.admin object {"requests":{"cpu":"1000m","memory":"1024Mi"}} Optional. Resource requests/ limit for admin pod.
resources.cronJob object {"requests":{"cpu":"1000m","memory":"1024Mi"}} Optional. Resource requests/ limit for cronJob.
schedule string "0 */6 * * *" Schedule fetch time Every 6 hours. More information at:*
secretRef string nil Reference to an external secret that contains sensible environment variables This option is useful to avoid store sensitive values in Git. You need to create the secret manually and reference it. If secretRef is used, the envRenderSecret parameter will be omitted (in case that it has content).
securityContext object {"fsGroup":1001} Pod security context
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Additional custom annotations for the ServiceAccount to associate an AWS IAM role with service-account you need to add the following annotations. For more info checkout: arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT_ID:role/ROLE
serviceAccount.autoMount bool false Auto-mount the service account token in the pod
serviceAccount.enabled bool false Enable service account (Note: Service Account will only be automatically created if is not set)
serviceAccount.labels object {} Additional custom label for the ServiceAccount string "" Name of an already existing service account. Setting this value disables the automatic service account creation
tplConfig bool false Pass the configuration directives and envRenderSecret through Helm's templating engine. # ref:
volumeMounts string nil
volumes string nil

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.11.0