This directory contains some useful argocd-lovely-plugin examples.
Additional examples also serve as CI/CD tests and can be found in the test directory.
Name | Description |
helm_kustomize | Deploy a Helm chart and then run Kustomize over the deployment to add additional values. |
helm_merge | Deploy a Helm chart and merge in a text file containing overwriting config. |
helm_plus_additions | Deploy a Helm chart, a secret and a Kustomized configmap all under one Argo CD application. |
argocd-vault-replacer | Demonstrates how to use argocd-lovely-plugin with other Argo CD plugins, in this case argocd-vault-replacer to inject secrets from Hashicorp Vault. |
kustomize_patch | Demonstrates defining a Kustomize patch outside of a kustomization.yaml manifest. |
preprocessor | Demonstrates modifying a helm chart prior to it being downloaded and rendered. |
applicationsets | Demonstrates performing a Kustomize patch on an applicationset. |
Name | Description |
Installing argocd-lovely-plugin into Argo CD as a sidecar using Kustomize | An example of how to install and configure Argo CD and argocd-lovely-plugin using Kustomize |
Installing argocd-lovely-plugin and the official argocd-vault-plugin into Argo CD as a sidecar using Kustomize | An example of how to install and configure Argo CD and argo-cd-lovely-plugin, including the official argocd-vault-plugin using Kustomize. You could also use the variation with this installed. |