- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Address medium level of security warnings from Veracode scan.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Update Firework branding.
- Fixed VideoPlayerProperties.launchPlayerWithMute flag doesn't function properly when player launches.
- Fixed mute/unmute state changes doesn't apply to some videos.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Fixed playlist group feed doesn't load due to API updates.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Fixed requestWindow() compatible issue.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Support in-app language settings. Learn more from integration doc.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Fixed product card showing duplicate currency issue.
- Updated product unit image when users select on the different product unit.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Product currency localization in the livestream videos.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Fixed base share url doesn't apply to livestream videos.
- Fixed CTA button with null text.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Improve ADA announcement in the video player and share screen.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Add video playback control for navigating to previous/next video when Talkback is on.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Fixed the share link in the livestream plays a livestream recording instead of a trailer.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Add Talkback annoucement in the player view componements.
- Add product impressions events.
- Extended product "Add to cart" timeout to 10s.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Introduce a new programmatically feed layout: Storyblock. Learn more from integration doc.
- Add Talkback announcement in video feed view.
- RTL support follows with device language but not application language.
- UIs: add space between currency symbol and amount for shoppable videos.
- Feed refresh() doesn’t function properly on the dynamic content feed type.
- The live stream chat box placeholder always shows the same username.
- Mute/unmute control should be on the player level but not the system media level.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Support Arabic translations.
- Support RTL.
- Support product unit option hydration in shoppable videos.
- Chat messages capabilities enhancement for taking care of robust message volume on active live streams.
- Video fit mode: The top of player view got cut off by dismiss status bar UI issue on Android 10 or earlier Android version devices.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Fixed autoplay doesn't play properly after introducing livestream feature.
- Fixed multiple out of index exceptions relate to videos with products.
- Display the corresponding product unit option thumbnail while users select other unit options.
- Add video title to onItemClick() in playlist group feed type.
- Support playlist group custom layout.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Introduce a new programmatically feed type: Dynamic content. Learn more from integration doc.
- Disable system volume toast while volume changes.
- Fixed reveal video height doesn't fit screen height on the video fit mode.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Fixed crash caused by quickly double tapping videos with AD in feed.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Support livestream playback and callbacks. See the guidelines on the "Playback events" tab
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Fixed CTA button dismiss due to product payload issue.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Support player mute/unmute default configuration. See the guidelines on the "VideoPlayer" tab
- Fixed feed autoplay crash issue on the certain corner cases.
- Fixed deek link display mismatch video issue.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
Support Ad label show/hide configuration on the feed. See the guidelines on the "VideoFeedView" tab
Support customize Ad label to "Sponsored" or "Ad". See the guidelines on the "VideoFeedView" & "Video Player" tab
- Fixed missing tracking event on Custom Handling of CTA function.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Fixed the crash due handler being null after onDetachedView is called on feed autoPlay mode.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Support playlist group feed. See the guidelines on the "Integrate VideoFeed" tab
- Separate sdk initialize callbacks and video feed status callbacks.
- Support asynchronous updates on hydratProduct().
- Support GuestUid updates on SDK initialize() and deprecate removeGuestUid() See the deprecate info on the "Changelog" tab
- Fixed baseUrl doesn't apply to fullscreen player mode.
- Fixed Feed doesn't load when swiping to load the next pagination.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Support playback control: mute/unmute, play/pause. See the guidelines on the "Video Player" tab
- Support custom product link function. See the guidelines on the "BAYA" tab
- Support Exoplayer 2.16.1.
- Expose external product id & unit id to BAYA.CartInterface.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Support the shoppable video with multiple products.
- Support "CTA" and "Add to cart" button customization. See the button customization from the SDK integration Guide on the "VideoPlayer" tab & "Customize style" section
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Correct the data type of feed click reporting event.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Support for feed refresh function. See the details from the SDK integration Guide on the "VideoFeedView" tab & "Functions" section
- Fixed VideoFeedView & VideoFeedAdapter execption issues.
- Added new state "RefreshTokenFailed" to SdkStatus().
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Support FWAI AD insertion method.
- Support playlist AD config.
- Support CTA translation from backend and detect the translation by the phone default language.
- Fixed IMA AD displays the black screen on preroll & interstitial placement type. This fixed
[Note]: the IMA AD solution requires AndroidFireworkPlayer upgrades follow by below version: "AndroidFireworkPlayer:v2.13.3.8", "AndroidFireworkPlayer:v2.12.1.8" and "AndroidFireworkPlayer:v2.11.7.8".
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Address low crash rate issue due to report thumbnail tracking events under the slow network connection situation.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Add a unique id for the Rewarded AD.
- New API for clearing the cached guest_id. See the details from the SDK integration Guide on the "Setup" tab & "Clear Guest Id" section
- Deprecated FireworkWebClientActivity for the CTA web page. Start from v5.5.9, developers don't need to add FireworkWebClientActivity into Manifest.xml anymore.
- User can now click CTA button to view AD details web page, when close it then returns to the same ad instead of moveing to the next video.
- User can return from AD details web page and use tap to go to the next/previous video.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Fixed the detail view doesn't apply the share property.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Improved interstital ad interval consistency.
- Improved the detail view UIs on the smaller screen.
- Improved the IMA experience on swiping, Skip AD button.
[Note]: the IMA improvements require AndroidFireworkPlayer upgrades follow by below version: "AndroidFireworkPlayer:v2.13.3.4", "AndroidFireworkPlayer:v2.12.1.4" and "AndroidFireworkPlayer:v2.11.7.4".
Pleae refer to https://docs.firework.tv/android-sdks/android and tab setup for more details.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Dismiss the loading indicator when the feed reaches the end.
- Fixed video event duration bug.
- Fixed Google Banner Ad memory leak issue.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- Fixed the firework SDK memory leak issues.
- Fixed API connection timeout issue under the bad network connectivity environment.
- Fixed duplicate Ads issue when user tap on the video thumbnail and close the player multiple times.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
[Checksum] : As a developer you can now choose to add checksum to event tracking in case your are concerned about anyone corrupting the data. To enable checksum you only need to add <meta-data android:name="Firework:Checksum" android:value="true" />
to your AndroidManifest file.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- [Ad Config] : new communication protocol
- [play-service] : You can provide the play-services dependency , instead of picking up Firework SDK supporting specific version of play-services. Pleae refer to https://docs.firework.tv/android-sdks/android and tab setup for more details.
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- [play-services-ads] : 19.5.0
- [Video Player] : We improved the player UX
- [ExoPlayer] : You can provide the exoplayer dependency , instead of picking up Firework SDK supporting specific version of Exoplayer. Pleae refer to https://docs.firework.tv/android-sdks/android and tab setup for more details.
- [guest_id] : We now persist the guest_id you pass during initialization. In the subsequent app launches, if you pass the different guest_id, SDK will continue to use the guest_id , you used the first time.
- [Visitor Events] : We fixed the error that caused some of the events reporting to not get fired.
- [Exoplayer Version] : v2.13.3
- [Android Minimum Support] : 19
- [play-services-ads] : 19.5.0
- [FwSDK] : We changed the definition of initialize method. Earlier, one of the arguments
was @Nullable. It is now must be non null. Please refer to the documentation. Tab : Setup , Section: Intitializing SDK . https://docs.firework.tv/android-sdks/android
- [Exoplayer Version] : v2.11.7
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- [play-services-ads] : 19.5.0
- [Exoplayer Version] : v2.12.1
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- [play-services-ads] : 19.5.0
- [WebView] : Stopped handling SSLError and instead being delegated to super class.
- [Exoplayer Version] : v2.12.1
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- [play-services-ads] : 19.5.0
- [Player Background Color] : Changed player background color to #404040 from white.
- [Exoplayer Version] : v2.11.7
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- [play-services-ads] : 19.5.0
- [Player Background Color] : Changed player background color to #404040 from white.
- [Exoplayer Version] : v2.11.7
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- [Fullbleed Mode] : Crash on Android 6 and lower fixed.
- [Exoplayer Version] : v2.11.7
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
[Storyblock] : You can now directly launch the video player and configure the content ( no need for intermediate thumbnail view that user needs to click on ) [ad] : Support for IMA SDK
- [Exoplayer Version] : v2.12.1
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- [Lifecycle] : Changes that eliminates explicitly calling FwSDK.onDestroy()
- [Exoplayer Version] : v2.12.1
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- [CTA : clickHandler] : Provies application an option to handle CTA click
- [Exoplayer Version] : v2.11.7
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- [CTA : clickHandler] : Provies application an option to handle CTA click
- [Exoplayer Version] : v2.11.7
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- [Networking] : Improved exception handling
- [Video Swipe] : Addressed race condition that will swipe 2 videos in place of just one video
- [Exoplayer Version] : v2.12.1
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- [ShareUrl] : You can now set the base url for the share url , for example https://example.com , When base url is set and user shares the video, a custom url is shared. When anyone clicks on this url, you have opportunity to handle it in your own app and use FwSDK api play(encodedParameters: String) to play video in your app, rather than playing it in the browser.
- [Networking] : Fixed uncaught exceptions - SocketTimeoutException, HostNotFoundException
- [Exoplayer Version] : v2.11.7
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- [ShareUrl] : You can now set the base url for the share url , for example https://example.com , When base url is set and user shares the video, a custom url is shared. When anyone clicks on this url, you have opportunity to handle it in your own app and use FwSDK api play(encodedParameters: String) to play video in your app, rather than playing it in the browser.
- [Networking] : Fixed uncaught exceptions - SocketTimeoutException, HostNotFoundException
- [Exoplayer Version] : v2.11.7
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
[Android O] : Crashed was caused on all devices with Android veresion less than O, it is fixed
- [Exoplayer Version] : v2.12.1
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
[Android O] : Crashed was caused on all devices with Android veresion less than O, it is fixed
- [Exoplayer Version] : v2.11.7
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- [Video Player] : Change the user interface of the player, videos now play true to their aspect ratio.
- [Channel Playlist] : Added support for getting video feed from the playlist owned by a particular channel
- [API] : Added support to programatically set feedType, channelId and playlistId
- fun setChannel(channelId: String, feedType: FeedType)
- fun setPlaylist(channelId: String, playlistId: String, feedType: FeedType)
- [Exoplayer Version] : v2.11.7
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- [user_id] : Fixed bug where Firework user_id was sent to lambda instead of guest_id ( provided by application )
- [Exoplayer Version] : v2.11.7
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- [authorized] : Race condition resulted in VideoFeedView not knowing about authorization status. It resulted in feed not being loaded.
- [Exoplayer Version] : v2.12.1
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- [authorized] : Race condition resulted in VideoFeedView not knowing about authorization status. It resulted in feed not being loaded.
- [Exoplayer Version] : v2.11.7
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- [Rewards] : Rewards turned off that were turned on by default.
- [Exoplayer Version] : v2.12.1
- [Android Minimum Support] : 21
- [Api Added] : Api added to set channel_id at runtime in addition to compile time which is already supported via XML
- Bug fixes
- ExoPlayer versino v2.11.7
- Bug fixes
- ExoPlayer versino v2.11.7
This is v4.6.7 release with exoplayer v2.9.6
Support cleaning up listener objects.
For example:
- Bug fixes
- GAM support
- Improved response time by decoupling video request and ad request
- ExoPlayer version v2.11.7
@Deprecated VideoFeedAdapter.OnItemClickListener
instead use OnItemClickedListener For Example
videoFeedView.addOnItemClickedListener(object: OnItemClickedListener() {
Added callback for SdkStatus
FireworkSDK.addSdkStatusListener(object: FireworkSDK.SdkStatusListener { override fun currentStatus(status: SdkStatus, extra: String) { Log.v("UiLog", " ${status.name} $extra ") } }) Status Details : Ok : Sdk initialized Error : Sdk failed to initialize ErrorLoadingContent : Error encountered while loading video feed LoadingCotent : Content is Loading ( i.e request is made and waiting for server to respond ) VideoFeedOk : Video Feed Successfully Loaded
Exo Player v2.11.7
Programatically load content for a category
for example. videoView.loadContent("entertainment") If you want to programatically set category and load content, it is recommended that you use attribute app:loadContent="false" int your xml. This will prevent default content being loaded until you decide to load it programatically.
EVerything from v4.2.0
Support added for attribute app:category in VideoFeedView. This will only display videos from a given category.
<com.loopnow.fireworklibrary.views.VideoFeedView android:id="@+id/integrated_videofeed" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" app:feedLayout="horizontal" app:category="Food" />
You can disable autoplay with xml attribute app:autoPlayOnFeed="false" and enable it with app:autoPlayOnFeed="true"
- Exoplayer v2.11.7
- AndroidX
- With Exoplayer r2.2.2 instead of v2.11.3, appropriate if you are already using Exoplayer r2.2.2 in your application.
* with Exoplayer v2.11.7
* Added attribute category in VideoFeedView
What's new?
- Improved Tracking
- Deprecated VideoFeedFragment and added VideoFeedView
- Exoplayer v2.11.3
- AndroidX
Admob Ads: 支援Admob原生及橫幅廣告。 根據您的需求設定原生或橫幅廣告類別:
- 原生廣告: 原生廣告會在用戶端觀看了
。 - 橫幅廣告: 橫幅廣告會在用戶端觀看了同一影片
- 原生廣告: 原生廣告會在用戶端觀看了
- Exoplayer v2.11.3
- AndroidX
- 若已使用Exoplayer r2.2.2則建議保留Exoplayer r2.2.2,無需更動至v2.11.3。
What's new?
- 資料分析修復
- 移除 VideoFeedFragment 並且新增 VideoFeedView
- Exoplayer v2.11.3
- AndroidX