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File metadata and controls

298 lines (207 loc) · 19.9 KB


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ClrDebug provides a collection of easy to use, cross platform, managed wrappers around the .NET Unmanaged API.

Rather than mess around with building layers on top of ugly COM interfaces yourself, ClrDebug provides an automatically generated set of wrappers around every single method of every single interface it knows about, giving you confidence that no underlying functionality is being hidden from you from using these wrappers.

ClrDebug aims to be a complete wrapper around all of the essential APIs you may need when developing diagnostic applications, including:

  • CorDebug (ICorDebug*)
  • Metadata (IMetaData*)
  • Profiling (ICorProfiler*)
  • Diagnostics Symbol Store (ISym*)
  • DbgEng (IDebug*)
  • DIA
  • and more

Getting Started


Getting started with ClrDebug is easy! You can use CLRCreateInstance if you like, or use the parameterless CorDebug constructor which simplifies these starting steps for you

//Get an ICLRMetaHost, an ICLRRuntimeInfo, an ICorDebug and then call ICorDebug.Initialize()
var corDebug = new CorDebug();

var callback = new CorDebugManagedCallback();

//You use event handlers for some, none, or all events
callback.OnAnyEvent += (s, e) =>


//Use the CreateProcess() extension method that omits lpApplicationName and contains optional parameters
var process = corDebug.CreateProcess("powershell.exe", dwCreationFlags: CreateProcessFlags.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE);

while (true)

Nifty globals (including various CLSIDs, CLRCreateInstance and CLRDataCreateInstance) can be found under the Extensions class.

You can do things manually

using static ClrDebug.Extensions;

var clsid = CLSID_CLRMetaHost;
var riid = typeof(ICLRMetaHost).GUID;
object ppInterface;

var hr = CLRCreateInstance(
    ref clsid,
    ref riid,
    out ppInterface

var metaHost = new CLRMetaHost((ICLRMetaHost) ppInterface);

Or use some syntactic sugar

using static ClrDebug.Extensions;

var metaHost = CLRCreateInstance().CLRMetaHost;

HRESULT values can easily be turned into exceptions by calling the ThrowOnFailed() or ThrowOnNotOK() extension methods (depending on whether or not you want to treat S_FALSE as an exception). A custom COMException type is used to properly store the HRESULT enum value in the exception, rather than simply showing a meaningless error code.

In more advanced scenarios, you'll probably want to implement a type derived from CorDebugManagedCallback that overrides the HandleEvent method. By default, HandleEvent will invoke the event-specific event handler (e.g. OnLoadModule) followed by the shared event handler (OnAnyEvent). If you have any work that needs to be done before/after these events are fired, you can do this in your custom HandleEvent override. Your custom HandleEvent override should then either call base.HandleEvent to get the default event handling, or dispatch all events manually, itself. You can use RaiseOnAnyEvent to invoke the OnAnyEvent handler from a derived class.

For information on how to create an ICorDebug instance for debugging .NET Core applications, see the NetCore sample.


SOS types, including SOSDacInterface and XCLRDataProcess can be retrieved via the CLRDataCreateInstance extension method

using static ClrDebug.Extensions;

//Implement a custom ICLRDataTarget that will be used to interact with the target process.
//See Samples/DacTypeDump/DataTarget.cs for a basic example.
var dataTarget = new DataTarget();

var sosDacInterface = CLRDataCreateInstance(dataTarget).SOSDacInterface;

Once you have your SOSDacInterface, you can easily get an XCLRDataProcess out of it, using ClrDebug's helpful As extension methods, which handle the messy work of accessing the wrapper's Raw property, casting it to the target interface type and creating the required wrapper type around it.

//Short for new XCLRDataProcess((IXCLRDataProcess) sosDacInterface.Raw);
var clrDataProcess = sosDacInterface.As<XCLRDataProcess>()


CLR metadata files can easily be manipulated by creating a standalone IMetaDataDispenserEx. ClrDebug contains a helpful extension constructor that can create a metadata dispenser for you from the MetaDataGetDispenser function exported by the CLR.

var disp = new MetaDataDispenserEx();

//ClrDebug's OpenScope<T> extension method simplifies the messy work of requesting an IMetaDataImport
//and wrapping it up in a MetaDataImport wrapper type
var mdi = disp.OpenScope<MetaDataImport>("C:\\ClrDebug.dll", CorOpenFlags.ofReadOnly);

//Use ClrDebug's metadata token enumeration extension methods
foreach (var type in mdi.EnumTypeDefs())
    //All out parameters will be wrapped up in an automatically generated struct type
    var props = mdi.GetTypeDefProps(type);

Files opened by an IMetaDataDispenserEx may be locked until the interface using those files is released.


Normally, manipulating PDBs via DIA is very messy and painful. In ClrDebug, it's easy!

There are two ways to use DIA: using the statically linked version inside DbgHelp, and via the standalone version, using DLLs such as msdia140.dll.

A huge gotcha when using DIA is that it supports two methods of allocating strings. While all DIA methods claim to work with BSTR strings, in reality DIA works with either real BSTR strings (allocated on the COM heap via SysAllocString) or fake BSTR strings (allocated on the "normal" heap). Once a root DIA interface has been retrieved, you cannot change the string allocation mode until the module containing DIA is unloaded. Prior to retrieving a DIA interface, you must inform ClrDebug which DIA string allocation mode will be used for the life of your process. More information on this is provided in the DbgHelp and msdia140 sections below.

The following shows how to use DIA in non-NativeAOT scenarios. For NativeAOT, you will likely need to define compatible unmanaged function pointers to call SymGetDiaSession/SymGetDiaSource. ClrDebug's DllGetClassObject extension method is NativeAOT compatible.


DbgHelp contains a few secret exports that can be used to grab a reference to its underlying DIA interfaces

[DllImport("dbghelp.dll", SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern bool SymGetDiaSource(
    [In] IntPtr hProcess,
    [In] long modBase,
    [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] out IDiaDataSource dataSource);

[DllImport("dbghelp.dll", SetLastError = true)]
internal static extern bool SymGetDiaSession(
    [In] IntPtr hProcess,
    [In] long modBase,
    [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] out IDiaSession session);

Once you've loaded a module in DbgHelp, you can then grab a reference to these interfaces. Since DbgHelp will automatically create an IDiaSession for you, there isn't much point in obtaining the underlying IDiaDataSource. Unfortunately, there is no way of creating IDiaDataSource objects yourself. You have to go through DbgHelp's awful non-typesafe functions.

DbgHelp exclusively uses fake BSTR strings with DIA. Prior to attempting to do anything with DIA, you must instruct ClrDebug to interpret all DIA strings as fake BSTR values. This can be done by setting the ClrDebug.Extensions.DiaStringsUseComHeap property to false

using static ClrDebug.Extensions;

DiaStringsUseComHeap = false;

if (SymGetDiaSession(hProcess, modBase, out var raw))
    var diaSession = new DiaSession(raw);
    var globalScope = diaSession.GlobalScope;


When using the standalone version of DIA, you can use Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.TraceEvent.SupportFiles to grab an "official" distribution of DIA from Microsoft. We don't want any of the other files in this package, so we can potentially just apply ExcludeAssets="compile;runtime" to the PackageReference, and then add an MSBuild directive to copy msdia140.dll to our output directory. Ensuring these files also get copied across Project References in your solution can be tricky. One potential solution is to do the following:

<!-- I like to use "x64" instead of "amd64". Customize these as you like.
     $(TraceEventSupportFilesBase) is defined by Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.TraceEvent.SupportFiles -->
<None Include="$(TraceEventSupportFilesBase)native\x86\msdia140.dll" CopyToOutputDirectory="PreserveNewest" Visible="False" Link="x86\%(FileName)%(Extension)" />
<None Include="$(TraceEventSupportFilesBase)native\amd64\msdia140.dll" CopyToOutputDirectory="PreserveNewest" Visible="False" Link="x64\%(FileName)%(Extension)" />

Unlike DbgHelp, which exclusively uses fake BSTR strings, msdia140 supports using either real BSTR strings or fake BSTR strings. The string allocation method DIA uses is determined based on the CLSID that is passed to DllGetClassObject. CLSID_DiaSource specifies that real BSTR values should be used, while CLSID_DiaSourceAlt specifies that fake BSTR values should be used. There isn't really any difference between them, except for the fact that if you also want to create a CLSID_DiaStackWalker, you must use CLSID_DiaSource, but if you're also planning to use DbgHelp's version of DIA, you'll need to use CLSID_DiaSourceAlt

As working with DllGetClassObject / IClassFactory can be quite messy, ClrDebug provides some extension methods that make this a lot easier

using static ClrDebug.Extensions;

//You can either PInvoke LoadLibrary, or use NativeLibrary.Load (in .NET 5+)
var hModule = LoadLibrary("C:\\msdia140.dll");

//Decide whether you want to use real BSTR or fake BSTRs in your process
DiaStringsUseComHeap = false;

//Now retrieve an IClassFactory and create the IDiaDataSource
var classFactory = DllGetClassObject(hModule).ClassFactory(DiaStringsUseComHeap ? CLSID_DiaSource : CLSID_DiaSourceAlt);
var dataSource = new DiaDataSource(classFactory.CreateInstance<IDiaDataSource>());

Once you have a DiaDataSource, you'll likely want to call either LoadDataForExe or LoadDataFromPdb, followed by OpenSession to get going. See the DIA2Dump sample in DIA SDK\Samples\DIA2Dump under your Visual Studio installation for some examples of using DIA (you may need the the Desktop development with C++ workload installed to see this folder)

If you choose not to use ClrDebug's extension methods, watch out when using .NET 8! When a delegate emits an RCW, it specifically emits a "classic" System.__ComObject RCW. These RCWs are not compatible with source generated COM that is used in .NET 8/Native AOT. Thus, you must ensure that any delegates you use instead emit an IntPtr, and then use ClrDebug's GetObjectForIUnknown extension method to correctly create a source generated COM compatible RCW.


Due to an oversight by Microsoft, the RPC proxy types that are created when using DebugConnect do not respond correctly to a QueryInterface for IUnknown. This completely violates the COM specification, and prevents the CLR from creating RCWs around these objects. To circumvent this, ClrDebug implements its own custom RCW/VTable definitions for use with DbgEng. A consequence of this is that ClrDebug's DbgEng wrappers are not (currently) compatible with NativeAOT.

To start using DbgEng, use either DebugCreate or DebugConnect to create a DebugClient. It is recommended to use a modern version of DbgEng, rather than the version located in system32. The Microsoft.Debugging.Platform.DbgEngNuGet package can be used to include a redistributable version of DbgEng in your project. (consider includingMicrosoft.Debugging.Platform.SymSrv` as well for proper symbol resolution)

var hModule = LoadLibrary("C:\\dbgeng.dll");
var pDebugCreate = GetProcAddress(hModule, "DebugCreate");

var debugCreate = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<DebugCreateDelegate>(pDebugCreate);

debugCreate(typeof(IDebugClient).GUID, out var pDebugClient).ThrowDbgEngNotOK();

var debugClient = new DebugClient(pDebugClient);

DebugClient contains extension properties that provide access to the various sub-interfaces that you would normally QueryInterface off of it.


When you are done using your DebugClient, it is recommended to call Dispose on it prior to unloading dbgeng.dll. DebugClient.Dispose will automatically call Dispose on all sub-interface wrappers that you accessed during its lifetime. If you unload dbgeng.dll while there are still live DbgEng interface objects, your program will crash when these RCWs attempt to Release their remaining references on the finalizer thread. If, instead of using these extension properties, you use ClrDebug's As<T> extension methods, or manually create new wrapper objects from the DebugClient.Raw property directly, you may find yourself with stray un-released RCWs that may blow up your process when finalized after you've already unloaded dbgeng.dll. Ensuring RCW's have been properly disposed prior to unloading their DLL is a common .NET problem, and is not something specific to ClrDebug.

When working with HRESULT values returned from DbgEng COM methods, use the ThrowDbgEngNotOK and ThrowDbgEngFailed extension methods, rather than the usual ThrowOnNotOK and ThrowOnFailed extension methods. Certain HRESULT values have specific meanings within the context of DbgEng (e.g. E_NOINTERFACE doesn't have anything to do with "interfaces"), and ClrDebug will automatically wrap these HRESULT values up in a custom exception type that more properly explains what exactly is going on.


ClrDebug provides a variety of features to make developing diagnostic applications easier, which can be broken down into the following categories


  • Wrapper types that implement methods for all primary/secondary interfaces for a given type (ICorDebugProcess, ICorDebugProcess2)
  • Proper inheritance hierarchies; CorDebugProcess inherits from CorDebugController, which is where all of the ICorDebugController wrappers are implemented
  • All interfaces contained in the CorDebug IDL files - not just the ones emitted to TLBs by default
  • Type safe numeric values, such as mdToken variants, CORDB_ADDRESS and CLRDATA_ADDRESS used in all structures/method declarations where appropriate
    • Automatic implicit conversions between different token types, and correct conversions between CORDB_ADDRESS and CLRDATA_ADDRESS
  • Event handler enabled callback wrappers
  • Automatically generated event args, containing with XmlDoc documentation and lazily evaluated wrapper properties
  • Full access to the underlying native COM APIs
  • CoClasses for easy type instantiation where required

Methods / Properties

  • Wrappers around all the common COM patterns
    • Does some method emit an array? ClrDebug will call it twice - once to get the get the size of the buffer, and again to actually fill in the buffer
    • Does the method start with Is*, take no parameters and return a HRESULT? It'll be compared against S_OK to turn it into a bool
    • Is an interface an enumerator with the standard Skip/Reset/Next methods? It's now an IEnumerable<T>
  • Two wrapper methods for every COM method: one that returns a HRESULT (TryCreateProcess) and one with exception handling (CreateProcess) that simply calls the HRESULT variant and validates the result
  • Getters and/or setters where appropriate for easier debugging/exploration
  • Intelligent object creation for abstract data types. If an object emits an ICorDebugValue, it will be wrapped via CorDebugValue.New which will figure out which derived wrapper we should use
  • Result Structs that encapsulate output values when multiple values are emitted out of a COM method
  • Correct marshalling of arrays and pointers
  • bool used on all method parameters/struct members where it should be used
  • CLS compliant types; all methods/structs use int/long on parameters/fields to avoid annoying explicit casting
  • Request methods on Dacp* structs, mirroring the behavior of their unmanaged counterparts
  • Extension methods around particularly complex operations, including
    • Querying for specific interfaces from a method
    • Reading/writing complex structures to virtual memory
    • Getting and properly initializing + setting thread context types
    • Launching processes
    • Enumerating the enumerators of IMetaDataImport and IXCLR* interfaces

User Experience

  • Full XmlDoc documentation on all enumerations, structs, COM interfaces and COM Wrapper types extracted from, with proper cross references to types, properties and methods contained within XmlDocs
  • Debugger displays on all structs, making it much easier to debug without having to expand things
  • User friendly exceptions. No more having to lookup what the error code in a given COMException means; the relevant HRESULT enum member will be clearly displayed
  • ToString overrides on any wrapper that contains a Name property

Note that ClrDebug's principle objective is to accurately mirror the API contracts of the unmanaged types it attempts to wrap. As such, every release of ClrDebug has the potential to introduce breaking changes.


ClrDebug's wrapper definitions are automatically generated based on common COM method patterns, however in some cases, certain cases methods may require the use of non-standard patterns, or even trip over bugs in the CLR that need to be worked around.

In the event you find that one of ClrDebug's wrapper methods isn't behaving as expected, you can try and perform the following troubleshooting steps

  • Does it work when you call the underlying COM method directly from the Raw property of the wrapper object? (e.g. methods that accept a buffer typically allow passing null to get the size of the buffer to then allocate...but you may find on a given method that that's not actually allowed!)
  • Does ClrDebug's COM method definition match what is listed on MSDN?
  • Does ClrDebug's wrapper method definition look like it's doing the wrong thing? e.g. not initializing a buffer variable correctly or ignoring an out parameter
  • Does the CLR source code give any hint as to what the issue may be? mscordbi's source code can be found here and the SOS/XCLR DAC interfaces can be found here
  • If you otherwise can't figure it out, feel free to open an issue. The only circumstance in which you should ever have to resort to using the Raw COM interfaces is when a COM method actually does fill in some of its out parameters on failure (ClrDebug assumes that all out parameters should be default on failure). Otherwise, if you find yourself having to resort to using the raw COM methods, this probably indicates there's a bug in ClrDebug! Please open an issue so I get this fixed. Thanks


Writing a debugger is hard. ClrDebug provides a set of samples for a variety of different tasks one might need to perform when developing a debugger, be it mixed, managed or native. Unlike other samples (such as MDbg) which try and demonstrate everything at once, each ClrDebug sample is short, self-contained, and tries to demonstrate a simple concept with ample documentation and references to why certain decisions have been made based on analysis of the CLR source code.