All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. ( This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Upgrade to Nuxt 3.9
- Refactor colors using a function
- Create a book list component
- Fixed sitemap links
- Added Storyblok cache version to all API calls
- Cleaned code from duplicated API calls
- Removed navigateFallbackDenylist setting (not needed since the sw is unregistered everytime)
- Added unregistering PWA (this solves the redirect in home problems and in the end I only care about the manifest not the entire PWA service)
- Removed publications section from workbox to avoid unwanted redirects
- Removed temporarily the strip slash function
- Fixed some invalid code
- Styled article page
- Added new layouts handlers for the list of items
- Extended and better styled hobbies page
- Improved color palette
- Improved dark mode maintaining consistency with the original colors
- Implemented dark mode
- Added missing required favicons per devices
- Added manifest
- Enabled PWA
- Enabled the blog section to handle dynamic subpages
- Added page transitions
- Fixed certification card style
- Improved title on SbImage component
- Fixed translations
- Restored jobs API call inside the singles pages to fix content get by current locale
- Added again canonical links and SEO meta in a better way
- Fixed social metadatas that were previously only generated client side
- Fixed dates manipulations results in Safari
- Fixed forward with overwrite in scss
- The language switcher now retrieves the list based on the language set on Storyblok
- Improved microdata
- Improved cookie policy warning
- Refactored scss imports
- Fixed SEO problems
- Fixed sitemap
- Enabled cookie policy
- Redesigned the website entirely
- Moved from one page website to multiple pages
- Upgraded to Nuxt 3
- Fixed
TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'o.filter')
- Upgraded i18n module to add canonicals to page (and try to fix SEO errors)
- Fixed Sentry error for
TypeError f.isHomePage Cannot read properties of null (reading 'substring')
- Upgraded to Nuxt 2.17
- Changed generated folder
- Fixed desktop style
- Refactored dirty code
- Removed remaing Foundation styles
- Refactored css
- Cleaned code and folders from no more used files
- Fixed Lighthouse Audit errors
- Added sitemap nuxt module
- Refactored components names into pascal case
- Added and show the certifications expired date
- 🐛 Hotfix: added meta description again
- Upgraded Nuxt to 2.15
- Upgraded to Node 16 minimum requirement
- Removed node-sass and add dart-sass
- Fixed lint errors
- Removed prismic link resolver
- Replaced Prismic with Storyblok (sorry Prismic 🙏)
- Changed certification component position
- Added publications section
- Updated info
- Fixed English duration translation and added a setting to show/hide duration
- Added Storyblok
- Updated info
- Removed outdated cv
- Fixed Lighthouse warnings
- Edited max number of skills to show
- Added browser detection language redirect
- Improved GitLab pipeline
- Added publication section
- Upgrade Nuxt.js to v2.14
- Fixed unsafe links to cross-origin destinations
- Installed Sentry
- Upgraded Nuxt.js to v2.13
- Converted color variables in CSS variables
- Added Ally palette version
- Fixed error page
- Added missing translation and activated Prismic token
- Removed footer border
- Fixed meter matching
- Fixed header on tablet and update social image
- Added sitemap
- Added og:image
- Rebuilt the project with Nuxt.js and 🎉