Changed level buttons on spell sheet to conform with style and moved …
Changed level buttons on spell sheet to conform with style and moved …
Added level buttons above spells so you can filter by level
Added level buttons above spells so you can filter by level
UI changes to attributes page attribute boxes and statisctic boxes ar…
UI changes to attributes page attribute boxes and statisctic boxes ar…
Updated attacks sheet to mirror format of spellsheet and introduced a…
Updated attacks sheet to mirror format of spellsheet and introduced a…
Spell grid auto sorting by level, spellsSheet code cleanup, grid form…
Spell grid auto sorting by level, spellsSheet code cleanup, grid form…
Fixed Character not being saved to user after creation
Fixed Character not being saved to user after creation
New character form did not have error handling for empty currentChara…
New character form did not have error handling for empty currentChara…
fixed some flex spacing on combat grids
fixed some flex spacing on combat grids
Changed css on datagrid scrollbars and coloring for when the grids ar…
Changed css on datagrid scrollbars and coloring for when the grids ar…
Removed instances of player-sheet and replaced favicon
Removed instances of player-sheet and replaced favicon
Removed server files as they have been moved to their own repo
Removed server files as they have been moved to their own repo
Change back to online DB not local
Change back to online DB not local
Changing enviroment back to heroku
Changing enviroment back to heroku
Added a server.config.js file to have a central location to control t…
Added a server.config.js file to have a central location to control t…
Refactored characterController.js to conform to mongoose v7
Refactored characterController.js to conform to mongoose v7
Added a norows styled component
Added a norows styled component
Made the Attacks and Spells Grids autosize
Made the Attacks and Spells Grids autosize
Fixed the stacking snackbars and styled the snackbar
Fixed the stacking snackbars and styled the snackbar
Fixed dice rolls they were being rendered on startup so all values we…
Fixed dice rolls they were being rendered on startup so all values we…
Removed unused vars for deploy
Removed unused vars for deploy
Rolls now work when you click on a skill but new rolls dont overlap o…
Rolls now work when you click on a skill but new rolls dont overlap o…
added a dice roller function that gives random values back if given n…
added a dice roller function that gives random values back if given n…
Attack notes and spell level were not saving on the creation of a new…
Attack notes and spell level were not saving on the creation of a new…
Moved around buttons on attributes sheet and gave attributes a header
Moved around buttons on attributes sheet and gave attributes a header
Added back arrow on CharacterAppBar for a more intuitive way to send …
Added back arrow on CharacterAppBar for a more intuitive way to send …
Moved styled fabs to align left across the app
Moved styled fabs to align left across the app
Changed the NewUserForm buttons to not be touching
Changed the NewUserForm buttons to not be touching