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  1. Install Node 0.10.0 or later and NPM (by installing Node.js).
  2. Install Yeoman, Grunt and Bower: (sudo) npm install -g yo grunt-cli bower
  3. Install Phantom.js (used for tests): brew update && brew install phantomjs
  4. Install Ruby via RVM (used for converting SCSS into CSS) and bundler gem install bundler


  1. Clone this Git repository.
  2. cd eugenia-live
  3. Install client-side dependencies (e.g. Spine, Paper): bower install --save
  4. Install development dependencies: npm install (Node) and bundle install (Ruby)


Grunt, the Javascript build library, is responsible for compilation of our Coffeescript, launching a development server, running the tests, etc.

Running a development server

  1. Run grunt server
  2. Edit the source files (in app/scripts)
  3. When you save your changes, the server will automatically reload the app

Running the unit tests

  1. Edit the unit tests (in test/spec)
  2. Run grunt test
  3. The results will be reported on the console.

Running the acceptance tests

  1. Edit the acceptance tests (in features)
  2. Run bundle exec cucumber
  3. The results will be reported on the console.

Adding a new client-side dependency

  1. Identify the component in bower's repository

  2. Run bower install <component> --save

  3. Edit app/scripts/ to load the new component. You will need to add a path, and possible a shim. See the require.js documentation for more information.

  4. In any other .coffee file, require your new component using the normal require.js syntax:

     define [
     ], (Component) ->
       // use your component, e.g. new Component()

Adding a new development dependency

  1. Identify the package in NPM's repository. Typically this will be a grunt extension, such as grunt-symlink

  2. Run npm install <package> --save-dev

  3. Add a task to the Gruntfile.js that uses your new package:

     symlink: {
         bower: {
             dest: '.tmp/bower_components',
             relativeSrc: '../app/bower_components',
             options: {type: 'dir'}
         jasmine: {
             dest: '.tmp/.grunt',
             relativeSrc: '../.grunt',
             options: {type: 'dir'}


Setting up for deployment

Follow these steps once to setup your local working copy ready for deployment:

  1. Run the heroku generator yo heroku. Select "Yes" when asked whether you'd like a new Git repository in the dist directory.
  2. Run grunt build.
  3. Add the heroku repository as a remote: cd dist then heroku git:remote --app eugenialive


After following the setup instructions above, just:

  1. Run grunt build
  2. cd dist
  3. git push heroku -f

Important: Don't run the git push command from the root directory for the app!