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27 lines (19 loc) · 931 Bytes

File metadata and controls

27 lines (19 loc) · 931 Bytes

Feature Selection

There 2 new variables added to both tidy data sets:

  • subject (number of subjects: 1 to 30)
  • NameActivity (descriptive activity names: 1 WALKING 2 WALKING_UPSTAIRS 3 WALKING_DOWNSTAIRS 4 SITTING 5 STANDING 6 LAYING


  • trainx, trainy, testx, testy, subjectrain and subjectest contain the data from the downloaded files.
  • trainxtestx, trainytestz merge the previous datasets to further analysis.

R Script

File with R code "run_analysis.R" perform 5 following steps (in accordance assigned task of course work):

  • Merging the training and the test sets to create one data set.
  • Extracting only measurements on the mean and standard deviation for each measurement
  • Using descriptive activity names to name activities
  • Labeling the data set with descriptive variable names
  • Creation of an independent tidy data set with the average of each variable for each activity and each subject