- gatsby-source-wordpress
- gatsby-plugin-sass
- gatsby-plugin-offline
- gatsby-plugin-sharp
- gatsby-plugin-manifest
- gatsby-transformer-sharp
- gatsby-source-filesystem
- gatsby-plugin-react-helmet
After develop you need to install the following plugins in WordPress
ACF Advanced custom fields. 1.- Install the plugin: Advanced Custom Fields in wordpress
2.- Install the plugin ACF-TO-REST-API in WordPress:
Polylang. Install the plugin: Polylang in wordpress
Then Polylang integration for the WP REST API in wordpress:
Yoast SEO.
Install the plugin Yoast SEO in wordpress and then Yoast to REST API
After this, you need to edit the gatsby-config.js file, in the section:
resolve: `gatsby-source-wordpress`,
options: {
baseUrl: "", // HERE <-
protocol: "http",
hostingWPCOM: false,
useACF: true,
verboseOutput: false,
includedRoutes: [