- SK on table is optional
- primary key is PK + SK
- query
- PK is required
- SK is optional
- put & delete
- item based actions
- need both PK & SK (i.e. the full primary key)
- local secondary index
- same PK as table, but different SK
- i.e. "local" on each partition
- must be created with table
- same PK as table, but different SK
lexically cronologically sortable unique id -
conditionExpression: "attribute_not_exists(PK)"
with PutItem to ensure you don't overwrite existing entry. -
when getting DynamoDB client add
httpOptions: { connectTimeout: 1000, timeout: 1000}
to add 1s timeout -
to make multiple operations in one request - they all succeed or fail together (with rollback) -
UpdateExpression: "SET #likesCount = #likescCount += :inc"
increment with atomicity (otherwise you'll need to do a separate get first) -
single request to query 100 items (total 16MB data). Returns list of unprocessed keys if limit reached.