Based on FreeIPA project.
- 389 Directory Server
- Single Sign on
- Includes Certificate System (Dogtag Project)
- Includes NTP Server (not compatible with chrony)
- Includes optional DNS server Install ipa-server & ipa-client, then run ipa-server-install.
ipa user-add john
ipa passwd john
ipa user-find john
ipa-blah # press TAB after ipa- to give list of possible commands
authconfig #
- setup hostname resolution: server needs to be able to lookup it's own name and DNS name.
- disable nscd and any LDAP or kerberos services, and NTP and DNS bind
- open firewall ports for web, ldap kerberos, dns, ntp
yum -y install ipa-server bind nds-ldap
ipa-server-install # prompted install
systemctl restart sshd
ipa user-find admin # should find 1 record
kinit admin # obtain kerb credentials
klist # verify ticket
ipa user-add fred
ipa passwd fred
ipa help commands
ipa help {command} # access IPA interface
authconfig-tui example:
- select Use LDAP, Use Shadow Passwords, Use Kerberos, Local auth sufficient
- select Use TLS, Server is
- Base DN
- Realm:
- Use DNS to resolve hosts and locate KDCs for realms
cd /etc/openldap/cacerts
, get cacert.p12 from server
If doesn't work, and you get cert problems:
vim /etc/nslcd.conf # uncomment tls_reqcert never, for testing
# If using sssd.conf
vi /etc/sssd/sssd.conf # add line ldap_tls_require_cert=never
sssd # System Security Services Daemon
sss_cache -E # refresh cache after changing HBA rules