admin password typically = admin
apt-get slapd
apt-get lpad-utils # ldapsearch
o # organisation
c # country
ou # organisational unit
dc # container; domain component
dn # distinguished name
cn # common name
DNS analogy: lisa.rhat.com
LDAP equivalent: cn=lisa,dc=rhat,dc=com
base context where to start looking
ldd /bin/login # see if pam library
/etc/pam.d # login file points to others
system-auth # most important
/etc/nslcd.conf # ldap config
authconfig-gtk # gui
nscd # name services cache daemon
nss-pam-ldapd # local name res & auth & connects to server
pam_ldap # libraries
authconfig-tui # text UI
systemctl status nslcd
nsswitch.conf # sss no longer used in rhel7
cd /etc/openldap
connect to ldap server server.rhatcertification.com
TLS cert from ftp://server.rhatcertification.com/pub/slapd.pem
samba //server.rhatcertification.com/data