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0. Overview

author:Lutz Rossa
version:0.2 of 2024-08-17

EPICS support for Measurement Computing Corporation daq hats for Raspberry Pi

vendor of hats:

possible types:

  • MCC118: 8-ch 12-bit 100kS/s analog input, single ended -10V...+10V, common clock input/output, common trigger input
  • MCC128: 8-ch 16-bit 100kS/s analog input, single ended or 4-ch 16-bit 100kS/s analog input, differential, -10V...+10V, -5V...+5V, -2V...+2V, -1V...+1V, common clock input/output, common trigger input
  • MCC134: 4-ch 24-bit thermocouple input
  • MCC152: 2-ch 12-bit analog output 0V...5V, 8-ch bit-configureable digital I/O
  • MCC172: 2-ch 24-bit 51.2kS/s analog input, differential -5V...+5V, common trigger input

1. Requirements

1.1. Raspberry PI

This should be self-explaining for intended use of the hardware. If possible, install an operating system, which is supported by EPICS (see next chapter). Raspberry-Pi-OS (Linux) is recommended. Additionally these packets should be installed on this Linux system:

  • git
  • g++ (GNU C++ compiler)
  • make (GNU make)
  • optional libreadline-dev (GNU readline and history)

This documentation often says to use make, which means to build the sources in the directory with a terminal and using a single command line


. You could build the sources in different ways, if you know how. The output should not show any errors while compiling or linking output files.

1.2. required MCC library

Please clone this MCC library with git into a separate directory and build it with make. The library comes with a configuration tool daqhats_read_eeproms, which should be used to read the installed modules and store some required information.

1.3. required EPICS

EPICS documentation could be found here . You should clone the repositories of base and asyn with git into separate directories, called <base> and <asyn> here. To configure EPICS base, optionally modify file


or put a local file


with a single line


and build it with make.

To configure the asyn package, modify the file


or put a local file


and point to EPICS base with a single line (absolute directory path)


and build it with make.

2. MCC DAQ hats support module

2.1. Cloning and configuring

Please clone the support module with git into a separate directory called <mccdaqhats> here. To configure the support module, modify the file


or put a local file


and point to EPICS base with these lines (absolute directory paths)




Please open the file <mccdaqhats>/iocBoot/iocmccdaqhats/st.cmd in your favorite text editor and go to the line starting with


and modify substition P=pi (which is used as prefix) into another EPICS prefix in your EPICS set up, e.g. PI=myprefix or something better.

2.2. Compiling

Execute make in the directory <mccdaqhats>, which should not produce an error message. The build process should generated these directories/files:

  • file <mccdaqhats>/bin/linux-arm/mccdaqhats : generated IOC
  • directory <mccdaqhats>/dbd/ with EPICS description(s) of possibile fields
  • file <mccdaqhats>/iocBoot/iocmccdaqhats/envPaths : absolute path information
  • possibly more directories and files, which are not important here.

Use the command make distclean to remove most of generated files.

2.3. Using

The file <mccdaqhats>/iocBoot/iocmccdaqhats/st.cmd should contain an example, how to automatically find and use all installed MCC hats.

There are two ways to start the IOC:

  1. Make the file <mccdaqhats>/iocBoot/iocmccdaqhats/st.cmd as executable

    chmod +x <mccdaqhats>/iocBoot/iocmccdaqhats/st.cmd

    go into the same directory

    cd <mccdaqhats>/iocBoot/iocmccdaqhats/

    and start it with


  2. Go into the same directory

    cd <mccdaqhats>/iocBoot/iocmccdaqhats/

    and start the IOC with the command line

    <mccdaqhats>/bin/linux-arm/mccdaqhats st.cmd

The IOC is started and reads the file st.cmd as input, which triggers these important functions:

  1. The line with envPaths reads the absolute paths, which are used here.
  2. The function dbLoadDatabase reads and prepares the database definitions.
  3. The function mccdaqhats_registerRecordDeviceDriver initializes the support, that next commands are useable.
  4. The function mccdaqhatsInitialize initializes the required MCC library and searches for / reads all installed modules and generates an internal parameter list.
  5. The function mccdaqhatsWriteDB writes the internal parameter list into a file suitable as EPICS database.
  6. The function dbLoadRecords reads this freshly generated EPICS database and generates EPICS PVs for them, here the prefix is important for using unique EPICS PV names.
  7. The function iocInit starts the IOC.

No error message should appear and a prompt as last line. A command dbl could show existing EPICS PVs. See EPICS documentation for more help.

3. Automatically generated parameters

3.1. Naming scheme

The support is using asyn module. Every parameter has its unique name starting with MCC_ followed by a module address A<n>_ and a suffix described in the next chapters. The module address depends on your hardware setup, the first has the address 0 and is directly attached on the Raspberry Pi. A maximum of 8 hats are supported, so the address could be 0 to 7.

An example for a parameter could be MCC_A0_C1, which means the 2nd channel of the first module. The function mccdaqhatsWriteDB writes a substitution prefix $(P): to every parameter, so the EPICS PV name (after loading with dbLoadRecords and P=example for the example parameter above) would result in


3.2. MCC118 analog input

name dir type description
C0 ... C7 R float32[] channel values as aai array
SLOPE0 ... SLOPE7 R float32 used EEPROM correction factor
OFFSET0 ... OFFSET7 R float32 used EEPROM correction offset
START RW enum acquisition state: 0=stop, 1=start
MASK RW uint8 channel selection bit mask: bit0=C0 .. bit7=C7
TRIG RW enum trigger mode: 0=none, 1=rising, 2=falling, 3=high, 4=low
RATE RW float ADC clock rate selection

In stopped state, you have to set up first MASK, TRIG and RATE. Set bits in MASK enable the specified channel, cleared bits disable the specified channel. The TRIG trigger mode tells the hardware to optionally wait for the specified signal on the TRG input. The RATE as positive value selects to use the internal clock, 0 or negative value means an external clock on CLK input and a negative value gives a hint, what clock frequency could be expected.

Setting START to 1/start starts the data acquisition until START is set to 0/stop. The support will set an alarm, if some settings is wrong, e.g. a wrong sample rate (max. 100kHz on one channel, max. 12.5kHz with 8 channels).

While in acquisition mode, only START could be set to 0/stop to stop the data acquisition.

3.3. MCC128 analog input

name dir type description
C0 ... C7 R float32[] channel values as aai array
SLOPE0 ... SLOPE3 R float32 used EEPROM correction factor for every analog input range
OFFSET0...OFFSET3 R float32 used EEPROM correction offset for every analog input range
START RW enum acquisition state: 0=stop, 1=start
MASK RW uint8 channel selection bit mask: bit0=C0 ... bit3=C3/bit7=C7
TRIG RW enum trigger mode: 0=none, 1=rising, 2=falling, 3=high, 4=low
MODE RW enum analog input mode: 0=single-ended, 1=differencial
RANGE RW enum analog input range selection: 0=10V, 1=5V, 2=2V, 3=1V
RATE RW float ADC clock rate selection

In stopped state, you have to set up first MODE, RANGE, MASK, TRIG and RATE. MODE selects, how many channels are available: in single-ended mode, all 8 channels could be used. In differential mode, two inputs are a pair of differential inputs, so 4 channels are available. RANGE sets the allowed input voltage range (lower voltages have higher resolution). Set bits in MASK enable the specified channel, cleared bits disable the specified channel. The TRIG trigger mode tells the hardware to optionally wait for the specified signal on the TRG input. The RATE as positive value selects to use the internal clock, 0 or negative value means an external clock on CLK input and a negative value gives a hint, what clock frequency could be expected.

Setting START to 1/start starts the data acquisition until START is set to 0/stop. The support will set an alarm, if some settings is wrong, e.g. a wrong sample rate (max. 100kHz on one channel, max. 12.5kHz with 8 channels).

While in acquisition mode, only START could be set to 0/stop to stop the data acquisition.

3.4. MCC134 thermocouple input

name dir type description
C0 ... C3 R float32 channel value
CJC0 ... CJC3 R float32 cold junction compensation value
TCTYPE0...TCTYPE3 RW enum thermocouple type: 0=disabled, 1=J, 2=K, 3=T, 4=E, 5=R, 6=S, 7=B, 8=N
SLOPE R float32 used EEPROM correction factor
OFFSET R float32 used EEPROM correction offset
RATE RW uint8 update interval in seconds

The thermocouple will update every input with the specified RATE, if the TCTYPE of the channel is not 0/disabled.

3.5. MCC152 analog output, digital I/O

name dir type description
C0 ... C1 R float32 analog output channel values
DI R uint8 digital input state bit mask
DO RW uint8 digital output state bit mask, bits configured as input will be ignored
DIR RW uint8 digital I/O direction bit mask: cleared bit means output, set bit means input
IN_PULL_EN RW uint8 digital input pull resistor enable bit mask
IN_PULL_CFG RW uint8 digital input pull direction bit mask: 0=pull-down, 1=pull-up
IN_INV RW uint8 digital input inversion bit mask
IN_LATCH RW uint8 digital input latch enable bit mask
OUT_TYPE RW uint8 digital output configuration bit mask: 0=push/pull, 1=open-drain

Any write to analog or digital outputs will be directly written to hardware. The digital inputs are configured as interrupt, so any change should be detected in short time and distributed to PVs.

3.6. MCC172 analog input

name dir type description
C0 ... C1 R float32[] channel values as aai array
SLOPE0 ... SLOPE1 R float32 used EEPROM correction factor
OFFSET0...OFFSET1 R float32 used EEPROM correction offset
IEPE0 ... IEPE1 RW enum IEPE sensor power: 0=off, 1=on
START RW enum acquisition state: 0=stop, 1=start
MASK RW uint8 channel selection bit mask: bit0=C0, bit1=C1
TRIG RW enum trigger mode: 0=none, 1=rising, 2=falling, 3=high, 4=low
CLKSRC RW enum clock source: 0=local, 1=master, 1=slave
RATE RW float ADC clock rate selection

In stopped state, you have to set up first IEPE, MASK, TRIG, CLKSRC and RATE. IEPE enables or disables sensor power on this channel. Set bits in MASK enable the specified channel, cleared bits disable the specified channel. The TRIG trigger mode tells the hardware to optionally wait for the specified signal on the TRG input. The CLKSRC selects and configures the CLK pin : the local mode ignores it, master configures it as output for other modules, which have to be configured as slave. The RATE is used on local and master mode and selects the acquisition frequency.

Setting START to 1/start starts the data acquisition until START is set to 0/stop. The support will set an alarm, if some settings is wrong.

While in acquisition mode, only START could be set to 0/stop to stop the data acquisition. IEPE is also writeable.