lsst-tap-service is versioned with semver. Dependencies are updated to the latest available version during each release. Those changes are not noted here explicitly.
Find changes for the upcoming release in the project's changelog.d.
Update jcenter repo (obsolete)
Remove restlet jar
Removed deprecated AuthenticatorImpl class
Removed extra spaces from dockerfile to adhere to best practices
Updated version of gms to >=1.0.14
docker-compose.yml to get updated CATALINA_OPTS required to run local TAP service instance
Label warning in Docker build
- Revert uws connection pool settings to release 2.3.0
- Added some cadc packages to log control & add missing header to log4j
- Changed QueryJobManager to use the IdentityManager available via the AuthenticationUtil class (OpenID in our case)
- Added deprecated AuthenticatorImpl, this is only useful in case this version of TAP is used with the old Auth params/implementations (Unlikely)
- Upgrade version of uws-server to 1.2.21
- Changed /tables endpoint accessURL to base, this allows us to add the 'lsst-token' to /tables as the security method
- Start script now runs as ENTRYPOINT and that triggers the cadc start script.
- Fixes issue where Datalink manifest was not being fetched to /tmp
- Remove unneeded cadc-libs
- Conflict between stilts & dali packages
- Changed scriv settings to match tap-postgres
- Remove unneeded cadc dependencies (issue with dali/stilts conflict)
- Upgrade log4j (Log4j vulnerability)
- Fixed Capabilities handling. Use new CapGetAction & CapInitAction, modified by getting pathPrefix from ENV property
- Change result handling, to use a redirect servlet. Addresses issue with async failing due to auth header propagation with clients like pyvo, topcat
- Upgrade mysql-connector to 8.4.0
- Added UWSInitAction class to initialise a UWS database
- Added scriv changelogs
- Changed the build.gradle to use fixed version of the latest cadc libs
- Changed Dockerfile for lsst-tap-service to use cadc-tomcat base image
- Deprecated AuthenticatorImpl class
- Fixed capabilities output (securityMethods)