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File metadata and controls

413 lines (381 loc) · 13.3 KB


Gulp Mocker. A mock server can be used with gulp, or run it in command line, or run it programmatically, and more. Enjoy mocking!

Pull requests are welcome :)

Build Status Coverage


LGPL-V3 License: LGPL v3


Return mock responses just place files into mock directory

/path/to/api => 'mock/path/to/api|api.json|api.js'

JSONP support

/path/to/api?callback=jsonp => jsonp response with 'mock/path/to/api|api.json|api.js' data

Highly customized response

You can write any kind of response in the js response file.

Fallback to Proxies

// option
    fallback: true,
    proxies: [{
        // Proxy option

HTTPS Support

// option
    useHTTPS: true,
    httpsOptions: {
        // HTTPS Option

Mock File Relocation

// option
    mockPathRewrite({ctx, defaultPath) {
        let ret = defaultPath;
        if (defaultPath === '/index.php') {
            const q = ctx.query;
            ret = `/${q.class}/${q.method}`;
        return ret;

With Gulp

const gulpMocker = require('gulp-mocker');
        // Put options here
    .pipe(// Nothing changed, do whatever you want)

Run it with command line

$ npm install -g gulp-mocker
# Further more, the config file can be ignored!
$ gulp-mock --config mock.config.js

gulp-mock -h for more information

Run it programmatically

const mod = require('gulp-mocker/src/server');
const { webServer, app } = mod.startServer({
    // Options

Tested (Not 100% though LOL)




npm install gulp-mocker


See "mock" folder


const DEFAULT_OPTS = {
    // {Boolean}: Whether add Allow-Cross-Origin header in response
    allowCrossOrigin: false,
    // {Array<String>|String}: Access-Control-Allow-Headers value
    allowCrossOriginHeaders: ['Origin', 'X-Requested-With', 'Content-Type', 'Accept'],
    // {String}: Access-Control-Allow-Host value
    allowCrossOriginHost: '*',
    // {Array<String>|String}: Access-Control-Allow-Methods
    allowCrossOriginMethods: ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS'],
    // {Object}: Config object for koa-bodyparser
    bodyParserConfig: {
        jsonLimit: '100mb',
        formLimit: '100mb',
    // {Object}: Config object for koa-busboy
    busboyConfig: {},
     *  {Boolean|String}: Whether use fallback. Available values:
     *      false: Not use fallback
     *      true|'proxy': Use fallback if the mock server fail to return response and fallback to proxy
    fallback: false,
     *  {Array<String|Function>}: What kinds of circumstances are considered as failure.
     *  Available embedded rules:
     *      'emptyBody': If ctx.body is empty
     *      'status404': If the status code is 404
     *      'status500': If the status code is 500
     *  If it's a function, the signature should be like this:
     *      function: boolean ({
     *         // `ctx` of koa.
     *         ctx: Object,
     *      })
    fallbackRules: ['emptyBody', 'status404', 'status500'],
    // {String}: Mock server host name
    host: 'localhost',
    // {Boolean}: Whether use https
    httpsEnabled: false,
    // {Object}: https options for `https.createServer()`
    httpsOptions: {
        key: fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../ssl/ssl.key')),
        cert: fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../ssl/ssl.crt')),
    // {String}: Param name of JSONP
    jsonpParamName: 'callback',
     *  {String}: Logging level. Available values: 'none', 'error', 'warn', 'info'
     *  The levels above are in order. Any levels after the specific level of logging will be ignored.
    logLevel: LEVEL_INFO,
    // {Array<Function>|Function}: Additional koa middlewares
    middlewares: [],
    // {String}: Mock config file name
    mockConfigName: '_.config.js',
    // {Array<String>}: Mock response will try to find files by the following order
    mockExtOrder: ['', '.json', '.js'],
    // {String}: Mock responses files' root path
    mockPath: './mock',
     *  {Function}: Rewrite the request path to the specified one. By default it won't rewrite.
     *  Note that this option won't affect the url of fallback request
     *  The function has following signature:
     *      function: String ({
     *         // `ctx` of koa.
     *         ctx: Object,
     *         // The request path of default behaviour
     *         defaultPath: String,
     *      })
    mockPathRewrite: null,
    // {Function}: Listener function when the web server starts
    onServerStart: null,
    // {Number}: Port of server
    port: 10086,
     *  {Array<{
     *      // Matching rule whether to use proxy or not, which can be parsed by path-to-regexp if it's a string. Required.
     *      source: RegExp|String,
     *      // `context` param of http-proxy-middleware. Optional.
     *      context?: String,
     *      // `options` param of http-proxy-middleware. Optional.
     *      options?: Object
     *  }>}: Proxy settings for http-proxy-middleware
    proxies: [],
     *  {Boolean}: The mock server will scan all mock config files and cache them when the server starts.
     *  It will try to recollect the config files if any of config files changes when it's set to `true`
    watchMockConfig: true,
     *  {Array<{
     *      // Matching rule whether to rewrite the request, which can be parsed by path-to-regexp if it's a string
     *      // Note that this option will affect the url of fallback request
     *      from: RegExp|String,
     *      // Where the request should be rewritten to:
     *      //      If it's a string, the request path will be replaced by it.
     *      //      If it's a function, the request path will be replaced by the return result of it. The signature should be like this:
     *      //          function: string (result: {
     *      //              // `ctx` of koa.
     *      //              ctx: Object,
     *      //              // `exec` result of RegExp object .
     *      //              exec: Array,
     *      //              // Keys from path-to-regexp. Available when `from` is a string.
     *      //              keys: Array,
     *      //          })
     *      to: String|Function
     *  }>}
    rewrites: [],

Mock Config File

// Note: All the options will be merged shallowly
module.exports = {
     * Wrapper
     * Only works for json response.
     * Default: null
     * Static Response Wrapper
     * If the value of "wrapper" is a plain object, it will be a "Static Response Wrapper"
     * All responses will wrap the same format of wrapper,
     * and the "Wrapper Content Placeholder" will replace the response content
    // wrapper: {
    //     code: 200,
    //     msg: 'success',
    //     data: '{{!--WrapperContent--}}',
    // },
     * Dynamic Response Wrapper
     * If the value of "wrapper" is a function, it will be a "Dynamic Response Wrapper"
     * All responses can be handled manually by you. And you should return a JSON object.
     * @param {Object}
     *      ctx {Object}: context of koa
     *      resResult {Object}: mock response content
     *      helpers: {Object}: See "Helpers"
     * @returns {Object|Promise<Object>}: Dynamic wrapper processed response. The Object should have the following structure
     *      body {*}: The value will be set as the koa's body of ctx
     *      contentType? {String}: Optional. The value will be used as content type if it's set.
     *      status? {Number}: Optional. Response status code.
    // wrapper: function({ ctx, resResult }) {
    //     // Do whatever you want
    //     return {
    //         body: ctx.body,
    //     };
    // },

     * Wrapper Content Placeholder
     * Default: {{!--WrapperContent--}}
     * This string will be replaced by the response data in the wrapper.
     * Only works for Static Response Wrapper
    wrapperContentPlaceHolder: '{{!--WrapperContent--}}',

     * Mock Type
     * Default: 'normal'
     * Available values:
     * normal: It will try to find certain kinds of extensions of file by the request path. See the config's "mockExtOrder" property.
     * mockjs: Responses will be treated as the parameters of MockJS after the process of "normal"
    mockType: 'normal',

     * Delay
     * Default: 0
     * Response delay emulation in millisecond.
    delay: 0,

     * Pass through Proxy
     * Default: false
     * Any request will pass through the proxy directly. Only available when the fallback is proxy and the proxy is available.
    passThroughProxy: false,

     * Additional http headers for responses.
     * eg. {'Etag': '1234'}
     * Default: Empty object
    headers: {},

Dynamic response

* @returns {Object|Promise<Object>}: A response generated by js should return the following structure:
*      body {*}: The value will be set as the koa's body of ctx
*      contentType? {String}: Optional. The value will be used as content type if it's set.
*      headers? {Object}: Optional. Additional http headers for responses. eg. {'Etag': '1234'}
*                         In addition, headers in dynamic response will override headers in mock config file
*                         if they have same keys.
*      passThroughProxy? {Boolean}: Optional. Request will pass through the proxy directly.
*                                   Only available when the fallback is proxy and the proxy is available.
*      status? {Number}: Optional. Response status code.


 * Helpers
 * It's a group of tools that help you to make dynamic responses. It has the following properties:
 *    // `mime` from npm:
 *    mime,
 *    // `mockjs` from npm:
 *    Mock,
 *    // Generate a stream of image
 *    // @param opts: {
 *    //          // Size of image by pixel. Format: `${width}x${height}`
 *    //          size: string,
 *    //          // Background color of image
 *    //          background: string,
 *    //          // Foreground color of text
 *    //          foreground: string,
 *    //          // Format of image. Available values: png, jpg, gif
 *    //          format: string,
 *    //          // Foreground text content
 *    //          text: string,
 *    //      }
 *    // @returns {Promise.<stream>} The stream of image
 *    genImageStream: function,
 *    // Generate a image response
 *    // @param opts {Object}: The same as genImageStream
 *    // @returns {Promise.<Object>} The response for dynamic response
 *    genImageResponse: function,
 *    // Merge query, post body, parameters from request
 *    // @param ctx: `ctx` of koa
 *    // @returns {Object}
 *    mergeParams: function,

TODO list

  • More test cases.
  • Generate image response by myself instead of depending other online services.
  • More other features.

Recipes and Case Studies

Multiple hosts with fallback and WebpackDevServer by only one mocking server

  1. Set the proxy option of WebpackDevServer and forward all the requests to the mocking server. Let's say the dev server listens to port 8080 and the mocking server listens port 10086 of localhost:
const webpackConfig = {
    devServer: {
        disableHostCheck: true,
        port: 8080,
        proxy: {
            '/api': {
                target: 'http://localhost:10086',
  1. Change your requests to multiple host aliases of localhost. Let's say you have two hosts and which provide API services.
    1. Edit host file
    1. Change your API hosts from to
  2. And the options for gulp-mocker should be like this:
    mockPath: './mock',
    port: 10086,
    fallback: true,
    proxies: [
            source: '/api/(.*)',
            options: {
                // Default target
                target: '',
                changeOrigin: true,
                router: {
                    // Override default target by different coming hosts
                    '': '',
                    '': '',
    mockPathRewrite({ ctx, defaultPath }) {
        // Change the local mocking file path if it's needed.
        return 'newPath';