Error codes returned by the aerospike server for all the database operations.
An enumeration of the status codes are available in aerospike.status
object, which can be accessed similarly to:
var aerospike = require('aerospike');
The operation was successful.
Generic error code.
Generic client API usage error.
Invalid client API parameter.
Generic cluster discovery & connection error.
Request timed out.
Generic error returned by server.
Request protocol invalid, or invalid protocol field.
Namespace in request not found on server.
The server node is running out of memory and/or storage device space reserved for the specified namespace.
A cluster state change occurred during the request.
Generic record error.
Too may concurrent requests for one record - a "hot-key" situation.
Record does not exist in database. May be returned by read, or write with policy Exists.
Record already exists. May be returned by write with policy Exists.CREATE
Generation of record in database does not satisfy write policy
Record being written can't fit in a storage write block
Bin modification operation can't be done on an existing bin due to its value type