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1329 lines (1056 loc) · 64.3 KB

local ui = require'ui'

Extensible UI toolkit written in Lua with widgets, layouts, styles and animations.

Uses [nw] for creating and using native windows, providing a bitmap surface to draw on, and for mouse and keyboard input. Uses [terra.layer] for layouting, drawing and hit-testing, which in turn uses [cairo] for path filling, stroking, clipping, masking and blending, [] for text shaping, rendering, editing and hit-testing, and [boxblur] for shadows.


In active development.

Still has a few good months of development ahead. You can track the progress in the luapower trello board. Once the API and codebase stabilizes, further progress will be tracked via github issues. Also see [ui0] for a working prototype in pure Lua.


  • editable grid that can scroll millions of rows at 60 fps.
  • tab list with animated, moveable, draggable, dockable tabs.
  • extensible rich text editor with BiDi support.
  • consistent Unicode text rendering and editing on all platforms.
  • customization with cascading styles, inheritance and composition.
  • declarative transition animations.
  • flexbox and css-grid-like layouts.

Before using

You need to get some fonts in order to see text on screen. Refer to Font management below for that.

Besides the many hard dependencies this library has, there are also a few runtime dependencies that are only loaded if/when certain features are used:

  • [libjpeg], if jpeg images are used.
  • [gfonts], if google fonts are used.


local ui = require'ui'

local win = ui:window{
	cw = 500, ch = 300,   --client area size
	title = 'UI Demo',    --titlebar text
	autoquit = true,      --quit the app on close

local btn1 = ui:button{
	parent = win,         --top-level widget
	x = 100, y = 100,     --manually positioned by default
	text = 'Close',       --sized to fit the text by default
	cancel = true,        --close the window on Esc
	tags = 'blue',        --add a tag for styling

--style blue buttons for when mouse is over and no buttons are pressed.
ui:style('button blue :hot !:active', {
	background_color = '#66f', --make the background blue

function btn1:pressed() --handle button presses
	print'Button pressed!'

win:on('closed', function(self) --another way to set up an event handler


Class hierarchy

The ui module/singleton

The ui singleton allows for creating OS windows, quitting the app, creating timers, using the clipboard, adding fonts, etc.

Forwarded properties, methods and events

The ui singleton is mostly a thin facade over [nw]'s app singleton. Those ui features which map directly to nw app features are listed below but are not documented here again.

native properties

autoquit, maxfps, app_active, these map directly to [nw] app features app_visible, caret_blink_time, except they are exposed as properties displays, main_display, instead of methods like in [nw]. active_display, app_id

native methods

run, poll, stop, quit, runevery, these map directly to [nw] app runafter, sleep, activate_app, methods. hide_app, unhide_app, key, getclipboard, setclipboard, opendialog, savedialog, app_already_running, wakeup_other_app_instances, check_single_app_instance

native events

quitting, activated, deactivated, these map directly to [nw] app wakeup, hidden, unhidden, events. displays_changed

Font management

Fonts must be registered before they can be used (fonts can be loaded from files or from memory buffers). A few default fonts are registered automatically to make the default styles work.

Default fonts

Default fonts are in packages fonts-open-sans and fonts-ionicons. If you are on multigit, you can get them with:

$ mgit clone fonts-open-sans fonts-ionicons

If you have them somewhere else, set ui.default_fonts_path after loading [ui]. Or set ui.use_default_fonts to false if you don't want default fonts at all.

Custom fonts

Custom fonts can be added with:

  • ui:add_font_file(...), which calls tr:add_font_file(...), or
  • ui:add_mem_font(...), which calls tr:add_mem_font(...).

See [font_db] for details on those methods. To change the default font used for text by all the layers and widgets, set ui.layer.font before creating any layers or widgets, or add a style on the layer tag with that.

Fonts from google fonts

Fonts from the google fonts repository can be used directly by name without the need to register them. To enable this, clone the google fonts repository with:

$ git clone media/fonts/gfonts

and set ui.use_google_fonts = true before using [ui]. Set ui.google_fonts_path too if you cloned the repo somewhere else. You also need the [gfonts] module:

$ mgit clone gfonts


Elements are objects with styling and transitions and a standard constructor. Windows and layers are both elements so everything in this section applies to both.

Constructing elements

Unlike normal objects, elements have a single-form constructor which takes the ui singleton as arg#1 followed by any number of tables whose fields are first merged into a single table and then copied over to the element in lexicographic order. This means that:

  • unknown fields are not discarded, which makes for a convenient way to create layers or windows with custom fields.
  • properties are set (i.e. setters are called) in a stable (albeit arbitrary) order.


Cascade styling is a mechanism for applying multiple attribute value sets to matching sets of elements based on matching tag combinations.


Selecting elements is based on element tags only, which are equivalent to CSS classes (there is no concept of ids or other things to match on other than tags).

Elements can be initialized with the attribute tags = 'tag1 tag2 ...' similar to the html class attribute. Tags can also be added/removed later with elem:settag(tagname, true|false) or elem:settags('+tag1 -tag2 ...'). A class can also specify additional default tags with myclass.tags = 'tag1 tag2 ...'.

Tags matching the entire hierarchy of class names up to and including 'element' are created automatically for each element, so every layer gets the 'element' and 'layer' tags, etc.


Selectors are used in two contexts:

  • creating styles with ui:style().
  • finding elements with ui|win:find() and ui|win:each().

Selector syntax differs from CSS:

  • simple selectors: 'tag1 tag2' -- in CSS: .tag1.tag2
  • parent-child selectors: 'tag1 > tag2' -- in CSS: .tag1 .tag2
  • match missing tags: 'tag1 !tag2' -- in CSS: tag1:not(.tag2)

Selector objects are created with ui:selector(select_text). It's not normally necessary to create them explicitly (they are created automatically in places where a selector is expected), but they have additional methods:

  • sel:filter(func) -- add a filter function f(elem) -> true|false to the selector, to further filter the selected results; multiple filters can be added and they will be applied in order.
  • sel:selects(elem) -> true|false -- test a selector against an element.

Selector objects pass-through the selector constructor, which is short for saying that the selector constructor can take a selector object as arg#1 in which case the selector object is simply returned and no selector is created.


Selector-based styles are created with ui:style(selector, attr_values) which adds them to the default stylesheet ui.element.stylesheet. Inline styles can be added with the style attribute when creating the element.

Styles are updated automatically on the next repaint. They can also be updated manually with elem:sync_styles().


  • use ss = ui:stylesheet() to create a new stylesheet.
  • use ss:style(selector, attr_values) to add styles to it.
  • replace ui.element.stylesheet to change the styling of the entire app.
  • replace ui.button.stylesheet to change the styling of all buttons.
  • pass stylesheet when creating an element to set its stylesheet.
  • use ss1:add_stylesheet(ss2) to copy styles from another stylesheet.

State tags

Tags that start with : are state tags and are used exclusively for tagging element states like :hot and :selected.

Styles containing state tags are applied only after all styles containing only normal tags are applied. It's as if styles containing state tags were added to a second stylesheet that was included after the default one. This allows overriding base styles without resetting any matching state styles, so for instance, declaring a new style for 'mybutton' will not affect the syle set previously for 'mybutton :hot'.

Finding elements using selectors

  • ui|win|elem_list:find(sel) -> elem_list - find elements and return them in a list.
  • ui|win|elem_list:each(sel, func) - run func(elem) for each element found.

Transition animations

Transitions are about gradually changing the value of an element attribute from its current value to a new value using linear interpolation.

Every attribute can be animated providing it has a data type that can be interpolated. Currently, numbers, colors and color gradients can be interpolated, but more data types and interpolator functions can be added if needed (see the code for that).

Transitions can be created by calling:

elem:transition(attr, val, [duration], [ease], [delay],
  [times], [backval], [blend], [speed], [from])

or they can be defined declaratively as styles:

transition_<attr> set to true to enable transitions for an attribute transition_duration 0 (disabled) animation duration (seconds) transition_ease 'expo out' easing function and way (see [easing]) transition_delay 0 delay before starting (seconds) transition_repeat 1 repeat times transition_speed 1 speed factor transition_blend 'replace' blend function: 'replace', 'restart', 'wait' transition_from current value start value

Transition parameters can also be specified for each attribute with transition_<param>_<attr>, eg. transition_duration_opacity = 2.

Transitions are updated automatically on every repaint and are freed automatically when they finish. They can also be updated manually with elem:sync_transitions().

Transition blending

Transition blending controls what happens when a transition is created over an attribute that is already in transition. Possible behaviors depend on the transition_blend attribute, which can be:

  • 'replace' - replace current transition with the new one, but do nothing if the new transition has the same end value as the current one.
  • 'replace_value' - replace current transition's end value, or create a new transition.
  • 'restart' - replace current transition with the new one, and also, start from the initial value instead of from the current value.
  • 'wait' - wait for the current transition to terminate before starting the new one, but do nothing if the new transition has the same end value as the current one.

UI State

r/o property hot_widget currently hot widget r/o property active_widget currently active widget r/o property dragged_widget currently dragged widget


Like all elements, windows are created with ui:window(attrs1, ...). Attributes can be passed in multiple initialization tables: the values in latter tables will take precedence over the values in former tables.

Windows are elements, so all element methods and properties apply.

Forwarded properties, methods and events

Windows are a thin facade over [nw] windows. Those features which map directly to nw window features are listed below but are not documented here again.

native properties

x, y, w, h, cx, cy, cw, ch, these map directly to [nw] window min_cw, min_ch, max_cw, max_ch, features except they are exposed as autoquit, visible, fullscreen, properties instead of methods like enabled, edgesnapping, topmost, in [nw]. title, dead, closeable, activable, minimizable, maximizable, resizeable, hideonclose, fullscreenable, frame, transparent, corner_radius, sticky, dead, active, isminimized, ismaximized, display, cursor

native methods

close, free, these map directly to [nw] window frame_rect, client_rect, methods. client_to_frame, frame_to_client, closing, close, show, hide, activate, minimize, maximize, restore, shownormal, raise, lower, to_screen, from_screen

native events

activated, deactivated, wakeup, these map directly to [nw] window shown, hidden, events. minimized, unminimized, maximized, unmaximized, entered_fullscreen, exited_fullscreen, changed, sizing, frame_rect_changed, frame_moved, frame_resized, client_moved, client_resized, magnets, free_cairo, free_bitmap, scalingfactor_changed

Child windows

A child window by [nw]'s definition is a top-level window that does not appear in the taskbar and by default will follow its parent window when that is moved. That behavior is extended here so that a child window is positioned relative to a layer in another window so that it follows that layer even when the parent window itself doesn't move but only the layer moves inside it.

win.parent a layer in another window win:to_parent(x, y) -> x, y window's client space -> its parent space win:from_parent(x, y) -> x, y window's parent space -> its client space

Pop-up windows

Pop-up windows are frameless, non-focusable, non-moveable child windows. They are created with ui:popup(attrs1, ...). Clicking outside the pop-up area hides the pop-up, subject to the autohide property.

Moving frameless windows

For frameless windows, a layer (usually the layer representing the title bar) can be assigned to win.move_layer which will set it up to move the window when dragged.

Window state

r/o property win.mouse_x, win.mouse_y mouse position at the time of last mouse event method win:mouse_pos() -> x, y mouse position at the time of last mouse event r/o property focused_widget currently focused widget (false if none) tag :active the window is active tag :fullscreen the window is in fullscreen mode


Similar to HTML divs, layers encapsulate all the positioning, drawing, clipping, hit-testing and input infrastructure necessary for implementing widgets, and can also be used standalone as layout containers, text labels or other presentation elements.

Like all elements, layers are created with ui:layer(attrs1, ...). Attributes can be passed in multiple initialization tables: the values in latter tables will take precedence over the values in former tables.

Layers are elements, so all element methods and properties apply.


The following attributes can be used to initialize a layer and can also be changed freely at runtime to change its behavior or appearance.

layer hierarchy parent false parent: for positioning, painting and clipping layer_index 1/0 preferred z-order: 1=backmost, 1/0=frontmost pos_parent false positioning parent (false means use parent) behavior visible true visible and occupies space in the layout enabled true looks enabled and can receive input activable true can be clicked and hovered (set as hot) vscrollable false enable mouse wheel when hot hscrollable false enable mouse horiz. wheel when hot focusable false can be focused draggable false can be dragged background_hittable true background area receives mouse input even when there's no background mousedown_activate false activate/deactivate on left mouse down/up drag_threshold 0 moving distance before start dragging [button]click_chain 1 2 for getting doubleclick events, etc. tabgroup 0 tab group, for tab-based navigation tabindex 0 tab order in tab group, for tab-based navigation taborder_algorithm 'xy' tab order algorithm: 'xy', 'yx' content box padding 0 padding for all sides padding_<side> false left/right/top/bottom padding override layouting layout false layout model: false (none), 'textbox', 'flexbox', 'grid' min_cw, min_ch 0 minimum content-box size for flexible layouts snap_x, snap_y true snap x, w, min_cw and y, h, min_ch to pixels layout=false x, y, w, h 0 fixed position & size flexbox & grid layouts align_items_x, align_items_y 'stretch' 'stretch', 'start'/'top'/'left', 'end'/'bottom'/'right', 'center', 'space_between', 'space_around', 'space_evenly' item_align_x, item_align_y 'stretch' 'stretch', 'start'/'top'/'left', 'end'/'bottom'/'right', 'center', 'baseline' align_x, align_y false item override for item_align_x and item_align_y flexbox layout flex_flow 'x' main axis of flow: 'x', 'y' flex_wrap false line-wrap child layers fr 1 item stretch fraction for 'stretch' alignments. grid layout grid_flow 'x' main axis & direction for automatic positioning: 'x', 'y', 'xr', 'yr', 'xb', 'yb', 'xrb', 'yrb' grid_wrap 1 number of rows/columns on the main axis of flow grid_cols {} column stretch fractions {fr1, ...} grid_rows {} row stretch fractions {fr1, ...} grid_gap 0 gap size between grid rows & columns grid_col_gap false override gap size for grid columns grid_row_gap false override gap size for grid rows grid_pos nil element position in grid: '[row][/span] [col][/span]' transparency & clipping opacity 1 overall opacity in 0..1 clip_content false content clipping: false (don't clip), 'padding'/true (clip to content box), 'background' (clip to background clip box) borders border_width 0 border thickness for all sides border_width_<side> false left/right/top/bottom border thickness override corner_radius 0 border corner radius for all corners corner_radius_<corner> false top_left/top_right/bottom_left/bottom_right corner radius override border_color '#fff' border color border_color_<side> false left/right/top/bottom border color override border_dash false border dash pattern: {length1, ...} border_offset -1 border stroke position rel. to box edge (-1=inside..1=outside) corner_radius_kappa 1.2 smoother rounded corners (1=circle arc) background background_type 'color' false, 'color', 'gradient', 'radial_gradient', 'image' background_x/y 0 background offset coords background_rotation 0 background rotation angle (radians) background_rotation_cx/cy 0 background rotation center coords background_scale 1 background scale factor background_scale_cx/cy 0 background scale center coords background_operator 'over' cairo blending operator background_clip_border_offset 1 like border_offset but for clipping the background background_color false background color background_colors false gradient: {[offset1], color1, ...} background_x1/y1/x2/y2 0 linear gradient: end-point coords background_cx1/cy1/cx2/cy2 0 radial gradient: end-point coords background_r1/r2 0 radial gradient: radii background_image false background image file (requires [libjpeg]) background_image_format '%s' string.format() template for background_image shadow shadow_x, shadow_y 0 shadow offset coords shadow_color '#000' shadow color shadow_blur 0 shadow blur size (0=disable) text text false text, wrapped around cw font 'Open Sans,14' font spec: 'name [weight] [slant][, size]' font_name false font name override font_weight false font weight override: 100..900, 'bold', etc. font_slant false font slant override: 'italic', 'normal' font_size false font size override text_color '#fff' text color line_spacing 1 multiply factor over line height for lines paragraph_spacing 2 multiply factor over line height for paragraphs text_dir 'auto' BiDi base direction: 'auto', 'rtl', 'ltr' nowrap false disable automatic line wrapping text_operator 'over' blending operator (see [cairo]) text_align_x 'center' text x-align: 'left', 'center', 'right', 'auto' text_align_y 'center' text y-align: 'top', 'center', 'bottom' cursor cursor 'arrow' default mouse cursor (see [nw] for values) cursor_<area> nil mouse cursor for an area tooltip tooltip false native tooltip text (false=none) rotation & scaling rotation 0 rotation angle (radians) rotation_cx, rotation_cy 0 rotation center coordinates scale 1 scale factor scale_cx, scale_cy 0 scale center coords

Box model

Layer hierarchy

  • layers can be nested, which affects their painting order, clipping and positioning relative to each other.
  • layers can be atteched to a parent layer by specifying a parent.
  • parent can be set to a window object, in which case the window will change it to point to its view layer.
  • layers can be moved to another parent after creation by changing their parent property.
  • child layers can be specified in the array parts of the init tables, either as plain tables with a class attribute or pre-created.

Size & positioning

  • layers have a "box" defined by x, y, w, h and a "content box" (or "client rectangle") which is the same box adjusted by paddings.
  • layers are positioned relative to their parent's content box.
  • x, y, w, h are input fields (user must set their values) only when layouting is disabled on a layer and its parent. When a layout model is used, those fields are controlled by the layout.
  • setting cw, ch, cx, cy, x2, y2 only sets x, y, w, h indirectly.


  • a layer keeps its children in its array part which also dictates their painting order: first child is painted first.
  • setting the parent property adds the layer to the end of its new parent's child list.
  • layers can change their paint order with to_front(), to_back() or by setting their layer_index property directly.
  • you can sort a layer's children by sorting the layer itself with table.sort().
  • layer_index represents a preferred index when constructing a layer, but at runtime it always reflects the actual index in the parent array.


  • unlike HTML, the content box is not affected by borders!
  • the offset at which the border is drawn relative to the layer's box can be controlled with the border_offset property where -1 draws an inner border, 1 draws an outer border, and 0 draws a stroke with its median line coinciding with the box (so half-in half-out).


  • a layer's contents can be clipped by its padding box, by the inner contour of its border, or it can be left unclipped, courtesy of the clip_content property.
  • a layer's background is always clipped.

Box model API

          __layer hierarchy & z-order__

r/w property parent layer's parent r/o property window layer's window r/w property layer_index index in parent array (z-order) method to_back() set layer_index to 1 method to_front() set layer_index to 1/0 method each_child(func) call func(layer) for each child recursively depth-first method children() -> iter() -> layer iterate children recursively depth-first event layer_added(layer, index) a child layer was added event layer_removed(layer) a child layer was removed size & positioning plain field x, y, w, h computed box size and position r/w property cw, ch content box size r/w property cx, cy box's center coords r/w property x2, y2 box's bottom-right corner coords r/o property pw, ph total horizontal and vertical paddings r/o property pw1, pw2, ph1, ph2 paddings for each side r/o property inner_x/y/w/h border's inner contour box r/o property outer_x/y/w/h border's outer contour box r/o property baseline text's baseline method size() -> w, h box size method client_size() -> cw, ch content box size method padding_size() -> cw, ch content box size method client_rect() -> 0, 0, cw, ch content box rect in content box space space conversion method from_box_to_parent (x, y) -> x, y own box space -> parent content space method from_parent_to_box (x, y) -> x, y parent content space -> own box space method to_parent (x, y) -> x, y own content space -> parent content space method from_parent (x, y) -> x, y parent content space -> own content space method to_window (x, y) -> x, y own content space -> window's content space method from_window (x, y) -> x, y window's content space -> own content space method to_screen (x, y) -> x, y own content space -> screen space method from_screen (x, y) -> x, y screen space -> own content space method to_other (widget, x, y) -> x, y own content space -> other's content space method from_other (widget, x, y) -> x, y other's content space -> own content space method bbox_in(parent,x1,y1,...) -> x,y,w,h bounding box of a list of points in another layer's content box

Input model

Mouse interaction

  • layers must be set activable in order to receive mouse events.
  • an activable layer becomes hot when the mouse is over it.
  • a layer can capture mouse movements while a mouse button is down by setting its active property on mousedown and clearing it on mouseup. this will be done automatically if mousedown_activate is set.
  • while a layer is active, it continues to be hot and receive mousemove events even when the mouse is outside its hit-test area or outside the window even (that is, the mouse is captured).
  • click_chain controls how many repeated clicks are to be taken as one single click chain (a double-click, triple-click or quadruple-click). if set to 1 for instance, double-clicks are never received.

Keyboard interaction

  • layers must be set focusable in order to receive keyboard events.
  • keyboard events are received by the focused layer first and bubble up to all its parents up to its window.
  • return true in a keydown event to eat up a key stroke so that it isn't used by other actions: this is how key conflicts are solved.

Drag & drop

  • a layer must set the draggable flag to enable dragging.
  • a layer must be in active state for dragging to work.
  • when the user starts dragging a layer, the start_drag() method is called on the layer (which by default returns self). Draggable layers must implement this method to return the layer that is to be dragged (could be self or other layer) and an optional "grab position" inside that layer. If a layer is returned, a dragging operation starts and the started_dragging() event is fired on the dragged layer.
  • when the dragging operation starts, all visible and enabled layers from all windows are asked to accept_drag_widget(). Those that can be a drop target for the dragged layer must return true (the default implementation does not return anything) after which the dragged layer is asked to accept_drop_widget() too (the default implementation returns true). The potential drop targets then get the :drop_target tag.
  • when the layer is dragged over an accepting layer, accept_drag_widget() and accept_drop_widgets() are called again on the respective layers, this time with a mouse position and target area. If these calls both return true, the dragged layer receives the enter_drop_target() event.
  • when the mouse is depressed over a drop target, the drop target receives the drop() event, the dragged layer receives the ended_dragging() event, and the initiating layer receives the end_drag() event.

Input model API

          __enabled state__

r/w property enabled enabled and all parents are enabled too tag :enabled enabled property is set hot state r/o property hot mouse pointer is over the layer (or the layer is active) tag :hot layer is hot tag :hot_<area> layer is hot on a specific area active state r/w property active mouse is captured tag :active layer is active event activated() layer was activated event deactivated() layer was deactivated mouse events & state event mousemove(x, y, area) mouse moved over a layer area event mouseenter(x, y, area) mouse entered the layer area event mouseleave() mouse left the layer area event [button]mousedown(x, y, area) mouse button pressed event [button]mouseup(x, y, area) mouse button depressed event [button]click(x, y, area) mouse button click event [button]doubleclick(x, y, area) mouse button double-click event [button]tripleclick(x, y, area) mouse button triple-click event [button]quadrupleclick(x, y, area) mouse button quadruple-click event mousewheel(delta, x, y, area, pdelta) mouse wheel moved delta notches event <event>_<area>(...) mouse event over area (all except mouseenter and mouseleave) r/o property mouse_x, mouse_y mouse coords from the last mouse event focused state r/o property focused layer has keyboard focus tag :focused layer is focused tag :child_focused layer is a parent of a layer that has focus method focus() focus the layer method unfocus() unfocus the layer event gotfocus() layer was focused event lostfocus() layer was unfocused tag :window_active layer has focus and window is active event window_activated() window was activated while layer has focus event window_deactivated() window was deactivated while layer has focus keyboard events event keydown(key) a key was pressed event keyup(key) a key was released event keypress(key) a key was pressed (on repeat) event keychar(s) an utf-8 sequence was entered drag & drop stub method start_drag(button, mx, my, area) called on dragging layer to start dragging stub method accept_drag_widget(widget, mx, my, area) called on drop target to accept the payload stub method accept_drop_widget(widget, area) called on dragged layer accept the target event started_dragging() fired on dragged layer after dragging started event drag(x, y) fired on dragged layer while dragging event enter_drop_target(widget, area) fired on dragged layer when entering a target event leave_drop_target(widget) fired on dragged layer when leaving a target event drop(widget, x, y, area) fired on drop target to perform the drop event ended_dragging() fired on dragged layer after dragging ended event end_drag(drag_widget) called on initiating layer after dragging ended r/o property dragging layer is being dragged r/o property floating layer is being dragged or its box is animating tag :dragging layer is being dragged tag :dropping dragged layer is over a drop target tag :drop_target layer is a potential drop target tag :drag_source dragging was initiated from this layer


Layouting deals with sizing and positioning layers automatically to accommodate both the content size and the window size. Layouting is enabled via the layout attribute. Layers with different layout types and properties can be mixed freely in a layer hierarchy with some caveats, as explained below.

No layout

Layers without a layout (layout = false) don't position or size themselves or their children, but instead ask their children to lay themselves out according to their own layout setting.

No-layout children of no-layout parents are not sized by their parent and do not size themselves either, thus these layers must be sized and positioned manually by setting their x, y, w, h.

Layouted children of no-layout layers are not sized by their parent and must thus set their min_cw, min_ch, otherwise they will size themselves to the minimum allowed by their children.

No-layout children of layouted parents are sized by their parent and must thus set their min_cw, min_ch, otherwise they may shrink to nothing since they don't size themselves to contain their content.

Textbox layouts

Freestanding textbox layers (whose parent is not layouted) size themselves to contain their text property which is line-wrapped on their min_cw.

Flexbox layouts

Flexbox layers use an algorithm similar to the CSS flexbox algorithm to size themselves and to size and position their children recursively.

Grid layouts

Grid layers use an algorithm similar to the CSS grid algorithm to size themselves and to size and position their children recursively.

Wrapping layouts

Layouts with wrapping content (nowrap = false, flex_wrap = true) are solved on one axis completely before solving on the other axis. This only works properly if all the wrappable content has either horizontal flow (so the whole layout is width-in-height-out) or vertical flow (so the whole layout is height-in-width-out). Mixed flows will cause the contents which wrap perpendicularly to the main flow to overflow their container (browsers have this limitation too). Setting min_cw, min_ch on the cross-flow layers can be used to alleviate the problem on a case-by-case basis.

The top layer

Windows have a top layer in their view field. Its size is kept in sync with the window's client area and it's configured to clear the window's bitmap on every repaint with these settings:

  • background_color = '#040404f0'
  • background_operator = 'source'

User-created layers must ultimately be attached to the window's view (or to the window itself which will attach them to the window's view) in order to be visible and respond to user input. The window view is the only layer whose parent is a window object, not another layer.


Widgets are layers (usually containing other layers) with custom styling and behavior and additional properties, methods and events. Widgets can be extended by subclassing and method overriding and can be over-styled with ui:style() or by assigning them a different stylesheet.

The methods below are actually widget classes used as methods (see the [oo] section on virtual classes), so ui.button is the button class, etc.

input widgets ui:button(...) create a button ui:menu(...) create a menu ui:editbox(...) create an editbox ui:dropdown(...) create a drop-down ui:slider(...) create a slider ui:toggle(...) create a toggle button ui:checkbox(...) create a check box ui:radiobutton(...) create a radio button ui:choicebutton(...) create a choice button ui:colorpicker(...) create a color picker ui:calendar(...) create a calendar output widgets ui:progressbar(...) create a progress bar input/output widgets ui:grid(...) create a grid containers ui:scrollbar(...) create a scroll bar ui:scrollbox(...) create a scroll box ui:popup(...) create a pop-up window ui:tablist(...) create a tab list

TIP: Widgets are implemented in separate modules. Run each module as a standalone script to see a demo of the widgets implemented in the module.


Buttons are created with ui:button(attrs1, ...).

r/w property default false pressing Enter anywhere presses the button r/w property cancel false pressing Esc anywhere presses the button r/w property profile false style profile: false, 'text' r/w property key false key shortcut (see app:key() in [nw]) tag :over the button is pressed and the mouse is over the button event pressed() the button was pressed


Menus are created with ui:menu(attrs1, ...).



Editboxes are created with ui:editbox(attrs1, ...).

behavior r/w property password false mask characters r/w property maxlen 4096 max text length in codepoints r/w property multiline multi-line scrollable editbox styling tag multiline editbox is multi-line tag :insert_mode editor is in insert mode r/w property caret_color '#fff' caret fill color r/w property caret_opacity 1 caret opacity r/w property selection_color '#66f8' selection fill color __hit testing__ hittest areatext area over unselected text hittest areaselection area over a selection rectangle __moving__ event caret_moved() caret moved __editing__ r/o propertytext_len text length in codepoints r/w propertyinsert_mode false insert mode (Insert key toggles) r/o propertyedited false text was edited method undo() undo the last operation method redo() redo the last operation event text_changed() text changed __drawing__ method caret_rect() -> x, y, w, h caret rectangle method draw_password_char(cr, i, w, h) draw a password hiding symbol __cue__ r/w propertycue cue text r/w propertyshow_cue_when_focused false`


Drop-down menus are created with ui:dropdown(attrs1, ...).



Sliders are created with ui:slider(attrs1, ...).

r/w property min_position 0 min. position r/w property max_position false max. position (overrides size) r/w property position 0 current position r/w property progress false current progress (overrides position) r/w property step_start 0 position of first step r/w property step false no stepping r/w property step_labels false step labels: {label = value, ...} r/w property snap_to_labels true ...if there are any r/w property step_line_h 5 r/w property step_line_color '#fff' false to disable r/w property key_nav_speed 0.1 constant 10% speed on left/right keys r/w property smooth_dragging true pin stays under the mouse while dragging r/w property phantom_dragging true drag a secondary translucent pin event position_changed(p) slider position changed component track component fill component pin component marker component tip component step_label

Toggle buttons

Toggle buttons are created with ui:toggle(attrs1, ...).

Toggle buttons are custom sliders so all slider options apply.

r/w property option false button is "on" or "off" tag :on button is "on" event option_changed(v) button was toggled event option_enabled() button was set to "on" event option_disabled() button was set to "off"


Checkboxes are created with ui:checkbox(attrs1, ...).

Checkboxes are implemented as a flexbox with two items: a button and a textbox.

r/w property align 'left' check button alignment vis label r/w property checked false checkbox is checked tag :checked checkbox is checked event was_checked() checkbox was checked event was_unchecked() checkbox was unchecked event checked_changed(v) checked state changed component button check button component label checkbox label

Radio buttons

Radio buttons are created with ui:radiobutton(attrs1, ...).

Radio buttons custom checkboxes so all checkbox options apply.

r/w property radio_group 'default' radio button's option group r/w property align 'left' checkbox alignment vis its label

Radio button lists

Radio button lists are created with ui:radiobuttonlist(attrs1, ...).


Choice buttons

Choice buttons are created with ui:choicebutton(attrs1, ...).

Choice buttons are functionally like radio button lists. Visually they are implemented as a flexbox with multiple buttons, one of which is selected.

TODO event value_selected() a button was selected

Color pickers

Color pickers are created with ui:colorpicker(attrs1, ...).



Calendars are created with ui:calendar(attrs1, ...).


Progress bars

Progress bars are created with ui:progressbar(attrs1, ...).

r/w property progress 0 progress in 0..1 stub format_text(p) -> s format progress text

Editable grids

Grids are created with ui:grid(attrs1, ...).


Scroll bars

Scroll bars are created with ui:scrollbar(attrs1, ...).

r/w property content_length 0 r/w property view_length 0 r/w property offset 0 in 0..content_length range r/w property vertical true rotated 90deg r/w property step false snap r/w property autohide false hide when mouse is not near the scrollbar r/w property autohide_empty true hide when content is smaller than the view r/w property autohide_distance 20 distance around the scrollbar for autohide r/w property click_scroll_length 300 how much to scroll when clicking on the track r/w property margin nil margin when inside a scrollbox tag :near autohidden scrollbar is visible tag vertical scrollbar is vertical tag horizontal scrollbar is horizontal method empty() the content is smaller than the view method scroll_to(offset, [duration]) scroll to offset method scroll_to_view(x, w, [duration]) scroll to position in view method scroll(delta, [duration]) scroll a number of pixels method scroll_pages(pages, [duration]) scroll a number of pages

Scroll boxes

Scroll boxes are created with ui:scrollbox(attrs1, ...).

r/w property wheel_scroll_length 50 how much is a mouse wheel notch r/w property auto_h false auto-height: TODO r/w property auto_w false auto-width: TODO r/w property scroll_margin 0 scroll_to_view() margin r/w property scroll_margin_<side> false scroll_margin side overrides component vscrollbar the vertical scrollbar component hscrollbar the horizontal scrollbar component view content's parent layer method scroll_to_view(x, y, w, h) scroll to view rect in content's content space. method view_rect() -> x,y,w,h view rect in content's content space.

Tab lists


Tabs are created with ui:tab(attrs1, ...).

r/w property tablist tab list owner r/w property index order in tab list r/w property selected method select() method unselect() tag :selected event tab_selected() event tab_unselected() method close() event closing() -> [false] event closed() r/w property draggable_outside true can be dragged out of the tablist

Tab lists

Tab lists are created with ui:tablist(attrs1, ...).

i/r property tabs i property selected_tab_index r/w property selected_tab r/w property main_tablist responds to Tab & Ctrl+Tab globally r/w property tablist_group r/w property tab_spacing -10 r/w property tab_slant_left 70 tab slant in degrees r/w property tab_slant_right 70 tab slant in degrees r/w property tabs_padding_left 10 r/w property tabs_padding_right 10 event tab_selected() event tab_unselected()

Creating new widgets

The API for creating and extending widgets is necessarily larger and more complex than the API for instantiating and using existing widgets, since widgets are supposed to encapsulate complex user interaction patterns as well as provide customizable presentation and behavior.

The main topics that need to be understood in order to create new widgets or extend existing ones are:

  • the [object system][oo] and its extensibility mechanisms:
    • subclassing and instantiation
    • virtual properties
    • method overriding
  • the [event system][events].
  • the ui.object class and its meta-programming utilities (decorators).
  • the ui.element class and the way its constructor works.
  • the ui.layer class and its visual model:
    • layer hierarchies with relative affine transforms and clipping
    • borders, backgrounds, shadows, aligned text
    • hit testing
    • layouting, for making the widgets elastic
    • freeing order
  • the ui.window and ui.layer classes, which together provide an input model:
    • routing mouse events to the hot widget; mouse capturing
    • routing keyboard events to the focused widget; tab-based navigation
    • the drag & drop API
  • drawing with [cairo], if you need procedural 2D drawing.
  • rendering text with [tr], if layers are not enough.

The ui.object base class

  • inherits [oo.Object][oo].
  • inherits the [events] mixin.
  • common ancestor of all classes.
  • tweaked so that class hierarchy depth does not affect performance.

Method & property decorators

These are meta-programming facilities exposed as class methods for creating or enhancing the behavior of properties and methods in specific ways.


Memoize a method (which must be single-return-value).

object:forward_events(obj, events)

Forward some events ({event_name1, ...}) from obj to self, i.e. install event handlers in obj which forward events to self.

object:stored_property(prop, [priv])

Create a r/w property which reads/writes from a "private field" (priv which defaults to _<prop>).


Change a property so that its setter is only called when the value changes.


Change a property so that its setter is only called when the value changes and also <prop>_changed event is fired.


Inhibit a property's getter and setter when using the property on the class. instead, set a private var on the class which serves as default value. NOTE: use this decorator only after defining the getter and setter.

object:enum_property(prop, values)

Validate a property when being set against a list of allowed values.

Error reporting

object:warn(fmt, ...)

Issue a warning on stderr. Use this to report API misuses that are not fatal (ideally there should be no fatal errors at all).

object:check(ret, fmt, ...) -> ret|nil

Issue a warning if ret is falsey otherwise return ret.

Submodule autoloading


See [glue].autoload.

The element constructor

  • the order in which attribute values are copied over when creating a new element can be altered with the class method :init_priority{field->priority} to accommodate any dependencies between properties.
  • some properties can be excluded from being automatically set this way with the class method :init_ignore{field->true}, in which case they must be set manually in the constructor.
  • init_priority() and init_ignore() can be called multiple times on the same class, adding new fields every time.
  • the constructor :init(ui, t) receives ui followed by the merged arg table which is also set up to inherit the class, thus providing transparent access to defaults.


Synchronization is about updating a layer's state when its writable properties are changed. Some parts of the state are updated directly as a result of updating the property (eg. changing a layer's parent property moves the layer in the layer hierarchy immediately), while others are updated on the next frame, in a specific order, in multiple passes through the layer hierarchy: on a first pass, styles are applied (if any tags were added or removed; this can result in new transitions being created), then transitions are updated (if there are any in progress) and finished transitions are discarded. This is done via sync() which also calls sync() recursively on the layer's children (hence the top-down call order).

Layouts are updated on a second pass by calling sync_layout() on the window's view layer.

Layout synchronization

Every layer has a layout, which is responsible for sizing itself, as well as sizing and positioning its children. Layouts come in two flavors: wrapping and non-wrapping.

Non-wrapping layouts (false and 'textbox' types) are computed in a single top-down pass via sync_layout().

Wrapping layouts (types 'flexbox' and 'grid') are computed in 4 passes as follows, assuming layout_axis_order = 'xy': a bottom-up pass to compute the minimum width, a top-down pass to lay out all layers on the x-axis and line-wrap the horizontally-flowing text, another bottom-up pass to compute the minimum height now that the text has been wrapped, and a final top-down pass to lay out all layers on the y-axis. These steps are encapsulated in sync_layout_separate_axes() which call in order: sync_min_w(), sync_layout_x(), sync_min_h(), sync_layout_y().

Because layers with wrapping layouts can have children with non-wrapping layouts and viceversa, wrapping layouts must implement sync_layout() too and likewise, non-wrapping layouts must implement sync_layout_x() and sync_layout_y().

Freeing order

When a layer is freed, it is first unfocused, then its children are removed recursively depth-first, from the topmost to the bottommost, then the layer is removed from its parent.

Extending the core engine

Many aspects of the core engine can also be extended with:

  • adding new attribute types and type matches
  • adding new transition interpolators
  • adding new transition blend modes
  • adding new ways to look-up fonts
  • adding new image file decoders
  • adding new layout systems.

Changing the underlying libraries

  • changing the 2D graphics library requires mostly just re-implementing the various draw_*() methods of the layer class, since most widgets don't use the graphics library directly, but use layers instead. Any library that can draw on a BGRA bitmap can work.
  • changing the text rendering engine requires re-implementing sync_text_*() and draw_text(), except for the editbox widget which uses [tr]'s selection and cursor objects extensively to select and edit the text, so those would have to be provided too.
  • changing the native windows library is a bit harder because [nw]'s API is already very high-level and covers a lot of functionality seldom found in other libraries of this type. Adding missing functionality to [nw] instead would probably be easier.

Porting to a new platform

OS integration is done exclusively through the [nw], [fs] and [time] modules, everything else being portable Lua code or portable C code. Even text shaping, a task usually delegated to the OS, is done with 100% portable code. The [nw] library itself has a frontend/backend split since it already supports multiple platforms, so porting [ui] to a new platform may be only a matter of adding a new backend to [nw] (not to imply that this is easy, but at least it's contained).