- ID: C200607C
- Tags: #italian, #bread
- Author: Lucas Maystre
- Source: https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/pizzadoughbase_70980
For 3-4 pizzas.
- 650gr white flour (preferably strong or '00')
- 7gr (~3 tsp) dried easy-blend yeast
- 2 tsp salt
- 25ml (2 small tbsp) olive oil
- 325ml warm water
- 50ml warm milk
- Mix the flour, yeast and salt.
- Stir in the olive oil and the milk.
- Gradually add the water (you might want to put more or less water, and simply stop when the dough feels "right").
- Knead for about 5 minutes.
- Cover with a damp teatowel and leave to rise for 1.5 hours, until doubled in size.
- Knock the dough back, then knead again until smooth, roll into a ball and set aside 30 min. to 1 hour.
- The pizza will then cook in 10-15 min at 250 C.
- Dough can be kept in the fridge for a while. watch out for the fact that it might rise in the fridge.
- It really is helpful if the water / milk is warm (but not hot). Otherwise it will have trouble rising.
- One trick that can be helpful in the winter is to put the dough to rise in the oven, pre-heated at ~40-50 C.