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Image Fitting Decomposition



The morphen package provides a set of tools to perform image fitting decomposition, which uses the Sérsic function to model the surface brightness distribution of a source. The Sérsic modeling within morphen is semi-automated and designed to be time-effective. For cases where multiple model components have to be used, the code offers an interface to construct the model components in a semi-automated way. The user can inspect the results and repeat the process, if required, in a fashionable way.

There are other existing packages that perform image decomposition, such as GALFIT, and IMFIT. The largest differences between these two codes and the set of tools within morphen are:

  1. Physical constraints: The initial condition of each model parameters is physically constrained from the data itself,and not arbitrary. These prior information are determined from a source extraction run in the data, which includes also deblending. The location of these sub-regions and their basic properties (peak position and intensity, effective radius, orientation, and axis ratio) are used to construct a list of model components. The number of detected regions is used specify the total number of model components to be fitted to the data. The code is flexible in the sence that the user can specify if a certain parameter must be fixed or not, and its range. There is no need to create configuration files, a dictionary of properties is generated on the fly. This turns the process easy to analyse, and re-run the minimisation if required, even if the number of components is changed.
  2. Easy-to-Use: In interactive mode, the interface allows the user to inspect the source detected regions. In general, some structures are simple, usually well modelled by a single Sersic function, however, other may not. During the inspection, the user can easily identify those more complicated structures. From that, it can be specified which detected structure requires more than one model component to be fitted. This is easily done via the Jupyter Notebook, see a comprehensive example in image_decomposition/morphen_sersic.ipynb
  3. Speed: By default, the minimisation uses scipy from the JaX package, with some decorated functions for convolution. JaX allows processes to run on Nvidia GPUs (through cuda), which improves runtime very significantly for convolution operations. Furthermore, if no GPU is present, JaX can still benefit from parallel processing, using the same decorated function. In either case, nothing needs to be done, the selection of which device is determined by how you have installed JaX ( Note that GPU acceleration for Sersic modeling is not available in other traditional packages.
  4. Limitations: The fitting functionality of morphen is based only on a combination of Sersic functions, hence more complicated models are not available yet.

Current Stage


  1. The code is not designed to fit multiple sources at once, for example, a large image containing multiple sources. You must pre-process the data beforehand, ideally cutouts with all the emission withing the image size and cleaned from any other sources (e.g. background or foreground objects).
  2. Source detection: the source detections uses the SEP package (detection and deblending). The default parameters specified in the function source_extraction should work reasonably well. However, it is know that detection and deblending are not perfect, and the user may need to inspect each detection run to ensure that unwanted regions are added to the minimisation.
  3. The minimisation is reasonably fast for a model with up to 5 components, and it becomes slower as the number of components increases. The limitation is due to how parameters of each component are passed into LMFIT, which is not optimised for large number of components and LFMIT functions are not implemented in JaX.
  4. The current version (0.3) was not tested extensively in other wavelengths other than radio, such as optical or infrared. The limitations are imposed exclusively by the PSF modelling, which depends on the PSF structure itself. Radio PSFs are predominantly Gaussian, which makes the PSF simpler. For optical and infrared images, we are working on a (soon) future update to account for such complexities of the PSF. Some working examples using ground-based telescopes can be found in image_decomposition/morphen_sersic_optical.ipynb.
  5. In traditional codes they offer a wide range of mathematical functions to model the surface brightness distribution of a source. The current version of morphen only offers the Sérsic function. Therefore, it will not be possible to model structures whith, for example, ring morphologies or truncated profiles. The implementation of other functions is not planned yet.
  6. PSF modelling for optical observations is at a very early stage, so it is not optimal yet.
  7. Background estimation for optical observations requires more work. Currently it uses SEP (or photutils) to estimate the background, with a large filter (e.g. the bkg will be almost flat). The final bkg map used is just a randomised version of that map.

Known Issues


  • LMFIT versions above 1.1.0: When using any version of the LMFIT package above 1.1.0, the minimisation does not work. The issue is still under investigation. We then strictly recommend using version 1.1.0 of LMFIT until further notice.


  • Axes units in offset mode can be wrong when using pixel units as the projection.
  • Integrated fluxes are not correct when using optical data, as the current version only sums up the pixel values.
  • sub-component model images and residual images generated after fit contain discontinuities if a mask was used for fit. This is due to the mask being applied to the model image and residual

Code Core Functionalities and Usage

Getting started

As a basic guide, we refer to the following Jupyter Notebooks: image_decomposition/morphen_sersic.ipynb for radio images and image_decomposition/morphen_sersic_optical.ipynb for optical images. These contains the basic functionalities that are explained below.

In this tutorial, we are going to import the modules in the following way:

# asume that we are in the directory `morphen/image_decomposition/`
import morphen as mp
import libs as mlibs

The image fitting implementation consists of multiple steps, from loading the data, source detection and the fitting part itself.

We first start by loading the data via the mp.read_data function. Typical examples are provided below.

For radio images:

root_path = '../../data_examples/data_examples_fitting/vla_only/UGC5101_X/'
prefix_images = '*MFS-image.fits'
imagelist = mlibs.glob.glob(root_path+prefix_images) 

Note that we do not require to provide the PSF image, as it will be computed automatically from the restoring beam of the image. It is also mandatory to provide the residual image, i.e., the residual map generated during interferometric deconvolution. We have assumed in this example that images were generated by WSClean and both image and residual are in the same directory. If you have CASA generated images, please convert those to FITS using the CASA task exportfits.

For optical images:

root_path = '../../data_examples_dev/optical/efigi/lenticulars/showcase/'
psf_root_path = '../../data_examples_dev/optical/efigi/'
imagename = root_path + 'PGC0060343_r_seg.fits' #use this for the showcase
psf_name = psf_root_path+'psf_efigi_s13.fits'

In this case, we require to provide the PSF image.

Source Detection

The source detection is under development, but it is based on the SEP and/or PetroFit/photutils packages. In principle any algorithm can be adapted into morphen. The complete update documentation showing how to do that will be provided soon. The source detection is called via the source_extraction and the package to be used is specified via the argument algorithm (e.g. SEP or PF); default is SEP.

Source detection is crucial for the fitting minimisation to work well. It consists in finding the relevant regions of emission so that basic properties are computed from them. Currently, critical properties that are computed prior to the minimisation are:

  • The position (x0,y0) of each relevant structure.
  • Its effective circular radius (or half-to-total radius) R50, which is the region that encloses half of the total flux/luminosity of the structure.
  • Its orientation PA and elongation q = R50/R50b, whereR50b is the half-to-total radius perpendicular to R50 (or semi-minor axis);

These properties are used as initial conditions and constraints during the minimisation for every model component.

In the source detection step, each detected structure is assigned a unique ID. An example is shown in Figure 1 below.


Figure 1: Source detection exemplification.

However, the code still does not recognise in which case a detected structure is single or multi-component. Typical examples are:

  1. Radio observations: a radio emission with a core-compact structure surrounded by extended emission. The entire emission will be labelled by a unique ID.
  2. Optical: in a similar way, i) a lenticular galaxy, containing a bulge and a disk and ii) a spiral/lenticular galaxy containing a bulge, a bar and an extended disk/spiral arms.

We require to identify which detected structure is multi-component, since those structures will require more than one Sersic function (model component) to be fitted to the data. Currently, this step is not automated, and it has to be done manually by the user (using the Jupyter Notebook interface). Therefore, the manual portion of the code is to define which detected structure requires more than one model component to be fitted to the data.

In a future version, the determination of when a structure ID is multi-component or not this will be done automatically.

In a typical run, one can invoke the function mp.source_extraction in dry run mode (dry_run=True) so that only the regions will be displayed, without any photometry performed. Then, if the detection was good, call the function again with dry_run=False to perform the photometry and obtain basic properties. Such quantities are stored in an object SE, e.g.

SE = mp.source_extraction(*args,dry_run=False)

The object SE will be passed to the minimisation functions mp.sersic_multifit_radio (for radio images) or mp.sersic_multifit_general (for optical images).

Note that mp.source_extraction is used in either case (radio or optical images).

Background estimation

TO-DO Providing a rms bkg map is not mandatory as it will be computed automatically if not provided. However, the code accepts a user-provided rms bkg map, for example bkg_rms_map.

Running the minimisation

With the input_data and SE objects, the minimisation is called with the function

Radio Images

smfr = mp.sersic_multifit_radio(input_data,
                                SE, #source extraction object, from previous step
                                which_residual = 'shuffled', #natural or shuffled (natural is experimental!)
                                # bkg_rms_map = sep_bkg.back(),
                                fix_geometry=True, #for stability purposes, keep True for now. 
                                comp_ids=['1'],# which component label is compact?
                                dr_fix=[3,50],#for each component, radial element size to fix (x0,y0) positions
                                fix_value_n=[0.5,0.5],#for each component, the Sersic index value to be fixed. 
                                fix_n=[True,True],#for each component, fix or not the Sersic index. 
                                aspect='elliptical',#elliptical or circular gaussian for beam convolution? 
                                z = mlibs.find_z_NED('UGC5101'))

Optical Images

smfg = mp.sersic_multifit_general(input_data,
                                SE, #source extraction object, from previous step
                                which_residual = 'user',
                                bkg_rms_map = bkg_rms_map,
                                tr_solver='exact', #'lsmr or exact'
                                fix_geometry=True, #for stability purposes, keep True for now. 
                                comp_ids=['1'],# which component label is compact/bulge?
                                dr_fix=[5,30,300],#for each component, radial element size to fix (x0,y0) positions
                                fix_value_n=[1.0,0.5,1.0],#for each component, the Sersic index value to be fixed. 
                                fix_n=[False,False,False],#for each component, fix or not the Sersic index. 
                                z = 0.1 #just an arbitrary value for now.

3 Basic Examples

The fitting approach

Source Detection

The source detection is under development, but it is based on the SEP package. Other experiments are being made to use PetroFit (specifically Photutils), but in principle any algorithm can be adapted into morphen.

Structure detection is crucial for the fitting minimisation to work well. It consists in finding the relevant regions of radio emission so that basic properties are computed from it, such as the position (x0,y0), orientation PA, the half-to-total radius R50, and the axis ratio q = R50/R50b. These properties are used as initial conditions and constraints during the minimisation.

Each detected structure is assigned a unique ID. However, the code still does not recognise in which case a detected structure is single or multi-component, for example: i) a radio emission with a core-compact structure plus extended emission around it; ii) or a lenticular galaxy, containing a bulge and a disk. From that, the
manual portion of the code is to define which detected structure requires more than one model component to be fitted to the data.

In a future version this will be done automatically.

Summary of the Method

As a guide, a brief summary involving the manual steps is given below:

  • After the source extraction is performed, some basic properties are computed over the detected components, such as Petrosian radius, position angle, axis ratio and the half-to-total radii, and the intensity at the half-to-total radii. These quantities are used as initial conditions and constraints during the minimisation. Therefore, you have to manually specify which detected structure requires more than one model component to be fitted. This is easily done via the Jupyter Notebook interface, which turns the process easy to analyse the minimisation results and outputs, and if required, repeat the process.
  • By default, the code uses the source detrection positions as initial conditions for the model components to be minimised, and also constrains the variation of such parameters to a small range (e.g. dr_fix ~ 5-10). If you require two or more model components to fit a specific structure, but the structure is very asymmetric, you may want to increase the range that (x0,y0) can vary, e.g.
    dr_fix ~ 50. In the same way as before, you may want to fix the model coordinate positions, and adjust the ranges as required, using fix_x0_y0=[True,True] and
    dr_fix = [5,50]. It is not advised to set fix_x0_y0 = [False, False] because it is pointless, the source detection already is providing good initial values for these parameters, and there is no need to search a parameter space far away from the detection values, which may cause long run time scenarios.
  • Choose if the Sersic Index of the model components are free or fixed; if fixed, which value it should be fixed to. For clarification, core-compact radio structures are very well modelled by Gaussian functions, e.g. sersic index n=0.5 and diffuse radio structures are well modelled by a disk-exponential distribution, e.g. a Sersic index n=1.0, but sometimes are also well modelled by a Gaussian function. So, you may want to inspect which one represent best your data. More details are provided in the Example section bellow. To handle how this
    parameter is fixed or not, and to which value, you can use a list. For example, if you are modelling the emission with 2 model components (COMP_1, COMP_2), and you would like to fix the n of COMP_1 to n=0.5 and keep the one for COMP_2 free, you can provide fix_n=[True,False] alongside fix_value_n = [0.5,1. 0]. By default, the last element of the list fix_value_n will be ignored because its associated element in fix_n is False. The list must contain the same shape as the number of total model components to be fitted to the data. By default, the code will set fix_n to True for all detected structures ID_* and fix_value_n to 0.5 similarly.

*The morfometryka algorithm is not public available yet, and it is under development. In the near future, functions from morphen will migrate to morfometryka and vice versa.

Additional Features

  • Which geometry to be used during optimisation, standard elliptical geometry or generalised elliptical geometry. This can be set with fix_geometry=False or fix_geometry=True (see Eq. 11 of the paper). By default, the code uses the standard elliptical geometry (i.e. C=0).


Fitting Radio Data

% As described in Sec.~\ref{sec:image_fitting}, to construct the list of model components before the minimisation, we have used a source extraction algorithm (\textsc{SEP}\footnote{\url{}}) and a Petrosian analysis package (\textsc{PetroFit}) to estimate the initial conditions for the $50%$ flux radii (i.e. $R_n$ in Eq. \ref{eq:sersic_law}) and associated $50%$ contour levels at each component ($I_n$) as well the coordinates and orientation of each component. To maximise run-time efficiency and minimise fitting issues due to the complexity of the problem, the coordinates $(x_0,y_0)$ of the components are kept almost fixed to their detection positions, with a free interval of $+/-$5 pixels. Note that this is not true for the larger scale components (e.g. \texttt{COMP_4} and \texttt{COMP_5}), where, despite their initial conditions being close to companion components, larger bounds are provided. This has proved effective in reducing minimisation issues.

Fitting Optical Data

A basic example of the code's usage is presented in this notebook: image_sersic_decomposition.ipynb

Source Detection


Running the minimisation

The minimisation is called with the function do_fit2D providing the required inputs:

## We use 2 solver methods for better convergence. 
result_mini, mini,result_1,result_extra,model_dict, \
image_results_conv,image_results_deconv, \
                    smodel2D, model_temp = do_fit2D(imagename=crop_image,residualname=None,
                                                   params_values_init = None,#imfit_conf_values[0:-1],
#                                                    fix_n = False,fix_x0_y0=[False,False,False],
#                                                     mask_region=mask_component,
                                                   fix_value_n = [3.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0],
                                                    dr_fix = [3.5,3.5,3.5,3.5,3.5,7.5,7.5],
                                                   # n_to_fix = [0.5,None,1.0,None]
                                                   #do not fix the n of the extra component
                                                   method1 = 'least_squares',method2 = 'least_squares',
                                                   init_params = 0.2,final_params = 5.0,loss='cauchy',tr_solver='exact',

img_1.png img_2.png

Limitations With Radio Images

Radio images require us that we create associated PSF images with the same size as the radio image. For larger images, performance issues may arrise due to the convolution operations between images and PSFs with large sizes. That it is why is wise to perform cutouts of radio maps accordingly in order to reduce associated sizes.

Notes on performance

Both scipy.optimize and LMFIT minimiser are single-core, in exception when using JaX's Scipy. Even with that, the run-time is comparable to GALFIT and IMFIT which contain multi-thread processing. That said, one would run morphen fitting routine on multiple data sets. That will speed up image decomposition by a significant factor.


The image decomposition within morphen depends on some astrophysical packages such as astropy, petrofit, sep, photutils, morfometryka_core* and optmisation algorithms, such as LMFIT (a wrapper of scipy) and Jax -- a computing layer for
multi-thread CPU and GPU processing. If you have GPU, it benefits from both the CPU and GPU.

WARNING: Many functions from scipy are not implemented in jax.scipy so, some of them (e.g. convolution operations) were made manually with in-built Jax functions and they may not be stable/optimised. As of now, every week new functions from scipy are implemented in jax.scipy, so some changes are expected in the near