Noteable changes of Potori will be documented here.
1.3.0 - 2021-11-07
Support new acceptance mails and reasons
- Mails: Support new acceptance mails in zh
- Mails: Support Cultural and Niantic
- Map: Add title and set color for nominations by their status
1.2.0 - 2021-08-15
Support Pokémon GO
- Incomplete support for Pokémon GO
- Error occurs when manually matching is required
1.1.0 - 2021-05-31
Update dependencies
- Update dependencies
1.0.0 - 2021-04-08
Rebuild with Vue
- New page: Dashboard, to display general informations and provide entrances to other pages
- New page: Charts, to display non-brainstorming charts
- New page: Brainstorming, to display brainstorming-related charts and update local database
- New page: List, to display nominations filtered by status, scanner or reasons
- New page: Map, to display nominations filtered by status, scanner or reasons in map
- New page: Details, to display details of nomination and edit
- New page: Preferences, to configure Potori and manage data
- New chart: Interval, days between confirmed and resulted
- New chart: Coverage (Brainstorming), recorded, not recorded and early nominations
- Feature: Delete nomination
- Feature: Clear all nominations and brainstorming data
- Feature: Sync nominations with Google Drive automatically or manually
- Feature: Only query mails after the latest one
- Feature: Automatically query brainstorming for locations after processing mails
- Feature: Detailed progress with finished / total
- Feature: Paste Intel URL to set nomination's location
- Framework: Rebuilt with Vue 3
- Framework: Nominations and brainstorming data are saved in local IndexedDB database
- UI: Optimized for standalone mode of mobile devices
- Code: Optimized with async / await
- Feature: Filter controller (Filter card), repleced by: Tap cards in dashboard to open filtered lists
- UI: Support for dark mode is removed (temporarily)
- Feature: Unable to load Google API in some browsers, please try adding to home screen or installing Potori
0.8.1 - 2021-03-21
Split umi data and mail samples to independent repository
- Support old photo hosted on
- Load umi data from submodule
- Update umi to 11
- Not set scanner for nominations when parsing mails
- Remove leading white space in title
0.8.0 - 2021-03-06
Update structure
- Multiple reasons and scanner for nominations
- Migrate from legacy data file
- Use more regex when processing mails
0.7.12 - 2020-12-23
- UI improved
- Double click app bar to back to top
- Minor UI improved
- Location may lost when nomination from Prime gets result
0.7.11 - 2020-11-23
- UI improved
- Rounded icon and transparent icon
- Improved scss files
- Ripples are missing in menu items
0.7.10 - 2020-11-09
- Optimize and add error handlers
- Display an dialog to ask manually match if the nomination's image is missing
- Display an alert to ask report when error occurs during parsing mail
- Log error and export in About dialog
- Allow
being missing - Ignore nominations missing
in Count By Month card - Optimize element creation process
0.7.9 - 2020-10-24
- Fixed various issues caused by incorrect data
- Check existence of
and format ofid
when parse nomination from JSON
- Various issues caused by incorrect nomination data, will check and skip them when download data
0.7.8 - 2020-10-15
- Skip some queries and improve UI
- Skip queries for nominations which got result before database exists (17/2/2018)
- Minor UI improvement
- Some translations
0.7.7 - 2020-09-26
- Improved UI and reduce app size
- zh-HK locale based on zh-TW
- Detailed reasons when fail to query database
- Replace drop down selector with text field and chips in Details dialog to aviod menu being covered
- Pack 3rd-party modules and reduce app size
- Logo
- Turn one reason switch on will show all rejected cards when the reject switch is off
- Unable to parse image from some mail
0.7.6 - 2020-09-08
- Support offline
- Support for opening local files when offline
- Brainstorming URL leads to 404
- Progress bar not totally hide
- Brainstorming cards not updated when save nomination data
0.7.5 - 2020-09-06
- Dynamically load most modules and lazyload images
- Support lazyload for images
- Lazyload Dashboard, ListView, Chart.js, Firebase, Moment.js and Mapbox GL JS
- Minor optimized
- Broken reason selector in Details dialog
0.7.4 - 2020-08-18
- Support new rejection mails with reason(s)
- Support for new rejection mails with reason(s)
- Update dependencies
- Cards not updated when clear the bs data
- When calculate Synch Rate, 3.0 is not regarded as accepted
0.7.3 - 2020-08-02
- Improve UI
- Set chart type of Quotas from line to bar
- Remove points in line and radar charts
0.7.2 - 2020-07-13
- Fixed bugs
- Mail processing may be blocked when there are new mails
- Unable to open alert dialog
- Content of copy brainstorming id alert
0.7.1 - 2020-06-24
- Bugs fixed
- Ability to support more scanners i.e. Pokémon GO
- Split code to multiple chunks
- Pack mdc-web to improve page loading speed
- Wrong start_url and scope in manifest.json
- Some icons are missing in Chrome and Firefox
0.7.0 - 2020-06-21
Migrate to Webpack and TypeScript
- Documents build with VuePress
- Internationalization for zh-CN and zh-TW
- Build with Webpack
- Convert JavaScript to TypeScript
- Replace Material Icons with FontAwesome
- Speed up page loading
- Improve support for PWA
- Update status data structure
- Various bugs related to Map Card
0.6.2 - 2020-06-08
Bugs fixed
- Can not open Portal Data file
- Synch is NaN% when no Brainstorming data
- No response when open file in Safari
0.6.1 - 2020-06-07
Fixed view switching not work
- Can not switch view
0.6.0 - 2020-06-07
Modularize Potori
- A snackbar to show some alerts
- Automatically detect language in Intro
- Modularize all scripts
- Build all HTML elements with eliKit
- Save bsData file after 2 sec
- Synch includes reviews for pending portals
0.5.6 - 2020-05-29
UI improvement and bug fix
- Optimize the progress bar
- Minor UI improvement
- Map bound incorrect in desktop devices
0.5.5 - 2020-05-28
Add new cards
- Brainstorming Reviews card
- Brainstorming Synch card
- process.analyseBs()
- Alert when update bs data completed
- Minor adjustment for cards
- Code enhancement
0.5.4 - 2020-05-26
Bug fixed and minor enhancement
- Query lastTime from Bs when open Detail dialog of pending portal
- Display legend in Stats: Type card
- Update Brainstorming card
- Map doesn't update after saving portal details
- Card doesn't follow filter after saving the portal details
- Tooltips of radar chart display value as title
0.5.3 - 2020-05-25
Fixed lite version can not finish process
- Query lntLat can't finish in lite version
0.5.2 - 2020-05-25
Statistic for Brainstorming data
- Save, open, update and download BS data
- Brainstorming card
- BS: Rates card
- Lite version is able to query location from local bs data
- Minor code optimized
- Error: Style is not done loading
- Parsing portals file always fail
0.5.1 - 2020-05-25
Submissions card -> Count by Month card
- Submissions card -> Count by Month card including results
- Card style: outlined
- Minor code optimized
0.5.0 - 2020-05-22
Introduce Dashboard, a view to show map and statistics
- Stats: Type card
- Stats: Rejected card
- Submissions card
- Quotas card
- A dashboard with map, filter and more cards
- Status & About dialog -> About dialog
0.4.22 - 2020-05-21
Minor improvement and bugs fixed
- Set text color of clusters to black in light mode
- Clusters disappear after switching dark/light mode
0.4.21 - 2020-05-20
Add menu and Restore time of quota
- A menu to host actions in app bar
- Time left for the quota to be restored
0.4.20 - 2020-05-20
Minor improvement
- Remove classified portals data in status dialog
0.4.19 - 2020-05-19
Cluster all rejected nominations
- Import Wayfarer data to update title and location
- Cluster rejected nominations in one source
- Error: Style is not done loading
0.4.18 - 2020-05-18
Cluster nominations on map
- Display nominations as clusters on map
- Page height on mobile devices
0.4.17 - 2020-04-29
Minor update
- Fetch version code from GitHub release
- Minor update in Intro & Privacy
- Dark mode for Mapbox
0.4.16 - 2020-03-30
SDK upgraded
- Specify the version of MDC-web: 5.1.0
- Upgrade Mapbox GL JS to 1.9.0
- Position of icon in Detail dialog
Bug fixed
- Reject reason select menu broken
Bug fixed
- Fullscreen control for map
- Map size in Safari
- Accepted file type when open file
UI optimized
- UI optimized
- Merged Intro and Privacy Policy
Updated version format
- Includes a data version, changing of data won't change the code version
Updated code structure
- Update code structure, make it easier to update for new rejected reason
Changed query for confirmation mails of Prime
- Mail query for confirmation mails of Prime due to the launching of in-game edit / report feature
- Indicator in progress bar doesn't show up
Fixed Details dialog not working properly in lite version
- Details dialog: Search button is not initiated in lite version, which leads to crashing during interacting with dialog
Fixed several bugs related to Details dialog
- Details dialog: Text field and select menu hide after the dialog opened
- Details dialog: Labels of text field and select menu may disappear
- Details dialog: Map doesn't always fit the container
- Some filters are not updated after saving with changing the status and rejected reason
Support editing location in Details dialog
- BETA: Add, edit, search and delete location in Details dialog
- Click events of Location button and Intel button will be triggered multiple times when clicked once after saving in Details dialog
Support dark mode
- BETA: Support for dark mode, including css and map style
Support editing in Details dialog
- BETA: Edit status, result time and rejected reason in Details dialog
- Filter group in Status & About dialog: All -> Type
- Code optimized
Fixed dialog issues
- Alert dialog can't show up
- Details Dialog can't show up
I18n framework for Intro and Privacy
- A dialog to show details of portal, will be editable in future
- Intergrate code of Full and Lite, the version-limited features are enabled / disabled by versionKit
- Struct updated: Merge and sort Portals in process.finish()
- Markers are not be removed after logout
- Progress Bar is not accurate when some mails are processed before other lists been fetched
Add dialog: Portal Details
- A dialog to show details of portal, will be editable in future
- Intergrate code of Full and Lite, the version-limited features are enabled / disabled by versionKit
- Struct updated: Merge and sort Portals in process.finish()
- Markers are not be removed after logout
- Progress Bar is not accurate when some mails are processed before other lists been fetched
Support PWA
- Basic support for Progressive Web App (PWA)
- Icon color
Brand new Material Design UI
- Full: Support for Safari mobile standalone mode
- Re-designed UI with Material Components for the Web
- Updated Intro and Privacy
- Structure optimized, all files except ui.js are the same in Full and Lite
- Lite: Keyboard will show up when click the status button to copy bs ID
Fixed: Deleting empty file in Google Drive will cause crash
- If there are more multiple files match the filename potori.json, Potori will search the correct one
- Filename: nominations.json -> potori.json
- Delete method with wrong params will cause crash
- Two string values are missing
Fixed: CSS overflow-y: scroll doesn't work in Firefox
- CSS overflow-y issue in Firefox: add min-height: 0% in parent element
Fixed: Fail to upload file
- Error handling and alert correctly
- Fail to upload file caused by wrong parameter in Update method
Lite: Migrate to Potori
- Lite: Save data in Google Drive
- Lite: Support for iOS full-screen mode
- Lite: Migrate to Potori GCP project
Lite: Added an extended page for features related to 3rd-party
- Lite: Click the status icon to copy the bs ID
- Lite: /ex page with bs database query, Intel Maps link and bs watermeter link, only processes the data file, no login required
- Lite: JavaScript structure optimized
Support rejection-undeclared ja and en
- Support for rejection/undeclared ja and en
- Remove all contents following "-NianticOps" before parse rejected reason
Added Navi Control and fixed title issue
- Navigation Control on map
- Can't extract title from subject correctly, caused by encoding of VS Code
- CSS overflow-y: scroll doesn't work in Firefox, which make the page as long as the list
Check structure when get file from Google Drive
- When get file from Google Drive, check the structure, which may be wrong in some situations
Support confirmation in en and ja
- Support for confirmation mails in en an ja
Fixed Open File
- Open File doesn't work, caused by calling a function that has been moved
Support Prime
- Support for Prime, partly
- Re-constructed code
- A lite version in /docs to meet the criteria of Google Trust & Safety Team
Removed all features related to 3rd-party
- Bs Watermeter link and Intel Map link
Hide rejection reason filters by default
- An intro page, required by OAuth consent screen
- Hide rejection reason filters when process finishes
New feature: Filter & statics for rejected portals classified by the reason
- Classify the rejected portal by reason
- Id of elements: "console" -> "control"
- Pack dozens of objects into three main objects
Collapsible in console
- A button in console to collapse the rows
- Id of elements: "psci" -> "console"
- Issues when there is no acceptance or rejection mail - not tested yet
Fixed: scroll to card
- Won't scroll to the card when click marker
Fixed confirmation time of pending portals
- Confirmation time of pending portals are displayed as Invalid Date
Fixed min-width
- Changed min-width from 400px to 300px to avoid overflow on mobile
Optimized for portrait orientation like mobile phone
- UI optimized for portrait orientation
New feature: Filter
- A filter to hide / display accepted, rejected or pending nominations
- UI improved
- Data structure optimized
UI updated with some new features
- A map to display the nominations with results
- The main UI
Intel link added
- Click title of accepted portal to open intel
- Click status icon to open BS watermeter in new tab
Reason of rejection
- The status icon of rejected portals now show the reason of rejection
- Policy updated
- Minor UI improved
Link to BS watermeter
- Click title to query the portal in Brainstorming watermeter
UI fixed and policy updated
- An icon
- More details in the policy page
- Minor mistakes in UI
UI improved
- Style of cards to MD-like style
Bug fixed
- ipsc -> psci
Bug fixed
- Status text
- Initial version with basic functions