If you have the next great idea for this little tool, you are welcome to open an issues with your idea. This is how WiFi- and Bluetooth-based muting came to life 🙂
If your idea is too big for the scope of this tool or I don't have the time to implement it, I'll let you know and you are free to provide a PR with the code, if you have the time to provide the code yourself.
You're welcome at any time to provide pull requests with fixes for bugs you discovered. Try to keep it in the current coding style as much as possible. Apart from that I won't dictate any strict rules.
Since my artistic competence is hovering right around the skill level of "programmer art", a new program icon suitable for Windows' light and dark theme (or GitHubs README) would be greatly appreciated 🙂
You are invited to provide translations for the app. But there are some rules.
- Please only translate if you are fluid with the language you provide the translation and also if you are familiar with the nomenclature of the Android system. If in doubt about a specific string, check out other Apps of big companies, like WhatsApp, Facebook, Google, etc., and see how they did it.
- Only contribute, if you are committed to translate the majority of strings. No one wants an app, which is a mix of English and the native language. I might remove translations again, if they won't receive updates on new string resources.
Translations can be provided via Weblate.