The creation of a Job Template follows the same technical rules as a Job Catalog Entry as described in Defining the Job Catalog Entry.
The Job Template represents a set of default parameters for the assigned Job Catalog Entry. The Job Template is mandatory for the Fiori app Application Jobs to choose a job definition to be executed. A Job Catalog Entry can have more than one Job Template.
The following code example shows a console application that generates the minimal number of required development objects: One Job Catalog Entry and one related Job Template.
CLASS zcl_test_apj_simple_obj_gen DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES if_oo_adt_classrun. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_test_apj_simple_obj_gen IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD if_oo_adt_classrun~main. CONSTANTS lc_catalog_name TYPE cl_apj_dt_create_content=>ty_catalog_name VALUE 'ZTEST_MY_SIMPLE_JOB'. CONSTANTS lc_catalog_text TYPE cl_apj_dt_create_content=>ty_text VALUE 'My first simple application job'. CONSTANTS lc_class_name TYPE cl_apj_dt_create_content=>ty_class_name VALUE 'ZCL_TEST_APJ_SIMPLE'. CONSTANTS lc_template_name TYPE cl_apj_dt_create_content=>ty_template_name VALUE 'ZTEST_MY_SIMPLE_JOB_TEMPL'. CONSTANTS lc_template_text TYPE cl_apj_dt_create_content=>ty_text VALUE 'My first simple job template'. CONSTANTS lc_transport_request TYPE cl_apj_dt_create_content=>ty_transport_request VALUE 'Y11K900361'. CONSTANTS lc_package TYPE cl_apj_dt_create_content=>ty_package VALUE 'Z_D028092_APJ_MAIN'. DATA(lo_dt) = cl_apj_dt_create_content=>get_instance( ). " Create job catalog entry (corresponds to the former report incl. selection parameters) " Provided implementation class iv_class_name shall implement two interfaces: " - if_apj_dt_exec_object to provide the definition of all supported selection parameters of the job " (corresponds to the former report selection parameters) and to provide the actual default values " - if_apj_rt_exec_object to implement the job execution TRY. lo_dt->create_job_cat_entry( iv_catalog_name = lc_catalog_name iv_class_name = lc_class_name iv_text = lc_catalog_text iv_catalog_entry_type = cl_apj_dt_create_content=>class_based iv_transport_request = lc_transport_request iv_package = lc_package ). out->write( |Job catalog entry created successfully| ). CATCH cx_apj_dt_content INTO DATA(lx_apj_dt_content). out->write( |Creation of job catalog entry failed: { lx_apj_dt_content->get_text( ) }| ). ENDTRY. " Create job template (corresponds to the former system selection variant) which is mandatory " to select the job later on in the Fiori app to schedule the job DATA lt_parameters TYPE if_apj_dt_exec_object=>tt_templ_val. NEW zcl_test_apj_simple( )->if_apj_dt_exec_object~get_parameters( IMPORTING et_parameter_val = lt_parameters ). TRY. lo_dt->create_job_template_entry( iv_template_name = lc_template_name iv_catalog_name = lc_catalog_name iv_text = lc_template_text it_parameters = lt_parameters iv_transport_request = lc_transport_request iv_package = lc_package ). out->write( |Job template created successfully| ). CATCH cx_apj_dt_content INTO lx_apj_dt_content. out->write( |Creation of job template failed: { lx_apj_dt_content->get_text( ) }| ). RETURN. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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