Besides the default and local origin, the Read APIs for both classes and interfaces offer the option to read the content of classes and interfaces from remote systems. Remote systems are identified via an IF_RFC_DEST for which objects can be obtained via CL_RFC_DESTINATION_PROVIDER. Origins for classes and interfaces are obtained via XCO_CP_ABAP_OBJECTS=>ORIGIN which provides a common basis for both classes and interfaces. To obtain a remote origin, the following code can be used:
TRY. DATA(lo_rfc_destination) = cl_rfc_destination_provider=>create_by_comm_arrangement( 'MY_COMM_ARRANGEMENT' ). CATCH cx_rfc_dest_provider_error INTO DATA(lx_rfc_dest_provider_error). " Handle exception. ENDTRY. DATA(lo_remote_origin) = xco_cp_abap_objects=>origin->remote( lo_rfc_destination ).
Authorization requirements for remote reading
Note that the user used for the system identified by the RFC destination needs to have the following authorizations in order to support the remote reading of classes and interfaces:
or alternatively for the complete function group, meaning
- S_RFC with RFC_TYPE = Function group, RFC_NAME = SEO_REMOTE and ACTVT = Execute
Once the origin has been obtained, it can be used for any of the exposed GET_* methods as part of the Read APIs for classes and interfaces. The code sample below illustrates how the public methods of the active version of a class can be read out for a remote destination:
DATA(lt_public_methods) = xco_cp_abap=>class( 'MY_REMOTE_CLASS' )->definition->section-public->components->method->all->get( io_version = xco_cp_abap_objects=>version->active io_origin = lo_remote_origin ). LOOP AT lt_public_methods INTO DATA(lo_public_method). " The name of the public method. DATA(lv_public_method_name) = lo_public_method->name. " The short description of the method. DATA(lv_short_description) = ls_public_method-short_description. " The indicator whether the method is ABSTRACT. DATA(lv_abstract_indicator) = ls_public_method-abstract_indicator. " The indicator whether the method is FINAL. DATA(lv_final_indicator) = ls_public_method-final_indicator. " The indicator whether the method is a REDEFINITION. DATA(lv_redefinition_indicator) = ls_public_method-redefinition_indicator. " A structure containing the AMDP attributes of the method (definition). DATA(ls_amdp) = ls_public_method-amdp. ENDLOOP.
Similarly, using the same LO_REMOTE_ORIGIN as in the example above, we can read the constants of the inactive version of a remote interface:
DATA(lt_constants) = xco_cp_abap=>interface( 'MY_REMOTE_INTERFACE' )->components->constant->all->get( io_version = xco_cp_abap_objects=>version->inactive io_origin = lo_remote_origin ). LOOP AT lt_constants INTO DATA(lo_constant). " The name of the constant. DATA(lv_constant_name) = lo_constant->name. DATA(ls_constant) = lo_constant->content( xco_cp_abap_objects=>version->inactive )->get( lo_remote_origin ). " The typing method of the constant. DATA(lo_typing_method) = ls_constant-typing_method. " The typing definition of the constant. DATA(lo_typing_definition) = ls_constant-typing_definition. " The value of the constant DATA(lv_value) = ls_constant-value. ENDLOOP.