Depending on your global account type, you have access to a different plan that specifies the cluster parameters for the Kyma environment.
For details on the trial cluster specification, see Scope and Limitations.
Field |
Description |
Default Value |
Allowed Input |
Plan btp CLI parameter: |
Defines the plan you can use in your subaccount (only relevant for btp CLI). |
Trial |
trial |
Cluster Name btp CLI parameter: |
Defines the name of your cluster. |
n/a |
Short string (up to 32 characters) that contains only alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), periods, underscores, and hyphens. It can't contain white spaces. |
The free plan offers you a one-node cluster and is only available on AWS. The upgrade to the paid plan is not yet supported. Only community support is available for free tier service plans and these are not subject to SLAs. For more information, read Using Free Service Plans.
Field |
Description |
Default Value |
Allowed Input |
Plan btp CLI parameter: |
Defines the plan you can use in your subaccount. |
Free |
free |
Cluster Name btp CLI parameter: |
Defines the name of your cluster. |
n/a |
Short string (up to 32 characters) that contains only alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), periods, underscores, and hyphens. It can't contain white spaces. |
Region btp CLI parameter: |
Defines a region (set of datacenters) where your cluster will run. |
Look up the technical cluster region names at Regions for the Kyma Environment - only “Amazon Web Services” regions available. |
Field |
Description |
Default Value |
Allowed Input |
Plan btp CLI parameter: |
Defines the plan you can use in your subaccount. |
The plan assigned to your subaccount. |
Cluster Name btp CLI parameter: |
Defines the name of your cluster. |
n/a |
Short string (up to 32 characters) that contains only alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), periods, underscores, and hyphens. It can't contain white spaces. |
Region btp CLI parameter: |
Defines a region (set of datacenters) where your cluster will run. |
Look up the technical cluster region names at Regions for the Kyma Environment. |
Machine Type btp CLI parameter: |
Specifies the provider-specific virtual machine type. For details, see: |
See all options in the SAP BTP cockpit wizard to create Kyma runtime. |
Auto Scaler Min btp CLI parameter: |
Specifies the minimum number of virtual machines to create. |
Number between 2 and 80, but smaller than or equal to autoScalerMax. |
Auto Scaler Max btp CLI parameter: |
Specifies the maximum number of virtual machines to create. |
Number between 2 and 80, but greater than or equal to autoScalerMin. |
You can configure Auto Scaler Min and Auto Scaler Max during both provisioning and update operations.
Partner Test, Demo, and Development Plan Specification
Field |
Description |
Default Value |
Allowed Input |
Plan btp CLI parameter: |
Defines the plan you can use in your subaccount. |
The plan assigned to your subaccount. |
azure_lite |
Cluster Name btp CLI parameter: |
Defines the name of your cluster. |
n/a |
Short string (up to 32 characters) that contains only alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), periods, underscores, and hyphens. It can't contain white spaces. |
Region btp CLI parameter: |
Defines a region (set of datacenters) where your cluster will run. |
Look up the technical cluster region names at Regions for the Kyma Environment (only Azure regions available). |
Machine Type btp CLI parameter: |
Specifies the provider-specific virtual machine type. For details, see Azure docs. |
Auto Scaler Min btp CLI parameter: |
Specifies the minimum number of virtual machines to create. |
Number between 2 and 40, but smaller than or equal to autoScalerMax. |
Auto Scaler Max btp CLI parameter: |
Specifies the maximum number of virtual machines to create. |
Number between 2 and 40, but greater than or equal to autoScalerMin. |
Related Information
Regions for the Kyma Environment
Account Administration Using the SAP BTP Command Line Interface (btp CLI) [Feature Set B]