- Summary
- Tier
- Antrea ClusterNetworkPolicy
- Antrea NetworkPolicy
- Antrea-native Policy ordering based on priorities
- ClusterGroup
- Audit logging for Antrea-native policies
- Select Namespace by Name
- FQDN based filtering
- toServices instruction
- Notes
Antrea supports standard K8s NetworkPolicies to secure traffic between Pods. These NetworkPolicies are written from an application developer's perspective, hence they lack the ability to gain a finer-grained control over the security policies that a cluster administrator would require. This document describes a few new CRDs supported by Antrea to provide the administrator with more control over security within the cluster, and which are meant to co-exist with and complement the K8s NetworkPolicy.
Starting with Antrea v1.0, Antrea-native policies are enabled by default, which means that no additional configuration is required in order to use the Antrea-native policy CRDs.
Antrea supports grouping Antrea-native policy CRDs together in a tiered fashion
to provide a hierarchy of security policies. This is achieved by setting the
field when defining an Antrea-native policy CRD (e.g. an Antrea
ClusterNetworkPolicy object) to the appropriate tier name. Each tier has a
priority associated with it, which determines its relative order among all tiers.
Note: K8s NetworkPolicies will be enforced once all tiers have been enforced.
Creating Tiers as CRDs allows users the flexibility to create and delete Tiers as per their preference i.e. not be bound to 5 static tiering options as was the case initially.
An example Tier might look like this:
apiVersion: crd.antrea.io/v1alpha1
kind: Tier
name: mytier
priority: 10
description: "my custom tier"
Tiers have the following characteristics:
- Policies can associate themselves with an existing Tier by setting the
field in a Antrea NetworkPolicy CRD spec to the Tier's name. - A Tier must exist before an Antrea-native policy can reference it.
- Policies associated with higher ordered (low
value) Tiers are enforced first. - No two Tiers can be created with the same priority.
- Updating the Tier's
field is unsupported. - Deleting Tier with existing references from policies is not allowed.
Antrea release 0.9.x introduced support for 5 static tiers. These static tiers have been removed in favor of Tier CRDs as mentioned in the previous section. On startup, antrea-controller will create 5 Read-Only Tier resources corresponding to the static tiers for default consumption, as well as a "baseline" Tier CRD object, that will be enforced after developer-created K8s NetworkPolicies. The details for these tiers are shown below:
Emergency -> Tier name "emergency" with priority "50"
SecurityOps -> Tier name "securityops" with priority "100"
NetworkOps -> Tier name "networkops" with priority "150"
Platform -> Tier name "platform" with priority "200"
Application -> Tier name "application" with priority "250"
Baseline -> Tier name "baseline" with priority "253"
Any Antrea-native policy CRD referencing a static tier in its spec will now internally reference the corresponding Tier resource, thus maintaining the order of enforcement.
The static tier resources are created as follows in the relative order of precedence compared to K8s NetworkPolicies:
Emergency > SecurityOps > NetworkOps > Platform > Application > K8s NetworkPolicy > Baseline
Thus, all Antrea-native Policy resources associated with the "emergency" tier will be
enforced before any Antrea-native Policy resource associated with any other
tiers, until a match occurs, in which case the policy rule's action
will be
applied. Any Antrea-native Policy resource without a tier
name set in its spec
will be associated with the "application" tier. Policies associated with the first
5 static, read-only tiers, as well as with all the custom tiers created with a priority
value lower than 250 (priority values greater than or equal to 250 are not allowed
for custom tiers), will be enforced before K8s NetworkPolicies.
Policies created in the "baseline" tier, on the other hand, will have lower precedence
than developer-created K8s NetworkPolicies, which comes in handy when administrators
want to enforce baseline policies like "default-deny inter-namespace traffic" for some
specific Namespace, while still allowing individual developers to lift the restriction
if needed using K8s NetworkPolicies.
Note that baseline policies cannot counteract the isolated Pod behavior provided by
K8s NetworkPolicies. If a Pod becomes isolated because a K8s NetworkPolicy is applied
to it, and the policy does not explicitly allow communications with another Pod,
this behavior cannot be changed by creating an Antrea-native policy with an "allow"
action in the "baseline" tier. For this reason, it generally does not make sense to
create policies in the "baseline" tier with the "allow" action。
The following kubectl commands can be used to retrieve Tier resources:
# Use long name
kubectl get tiers
# Use long name with API Group
kubectl get tiers.crd.antrea.io
# Use short name
kubectl get tr
# Use short name with API Group
kubectl get tr.crd.antrea.io
# Sort output by Tier priority
kubectl get tiers --sort-by=.spec.priority
All of the above commands produce output similar to what is shown below:
emergency 50 27h
securityops 100 27h
networkops 150 27h
platform 200 27h
application 250 27h
Antrea ClusterNetworkPolicy (ACNP), one of the two Antrea-native policy CRDs introduced, is a specification of how workloads within a cluster communicate with each other and other external endpoints. The ClusterNetworkPolicy is supposed to aid cluster admins to configure the security policy for the cluster, unlike K8s NetworkPolicy, which is aimed towards developers to secure their apps and affects Pods within the Namespace in which the K8s NetworkPolicy is created. Rules belonging to ClusterNetworkPolicies are enforced before any rule belonging to a K8s NetworkPolicy.
Example ClusterNetworkPolicies might look like these:
apiVersion: crd.antrea.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterNetworkPolicy
name: acnp-with-stand-alone-selectors
priority: 5
tier: securityops
- podSelector:
role: db
- namespaceSelector:
env: prod
- action: Allow
- podSelector:
role: frontend
- podSelector:
role: nondb
role: db
- protocol: TCP
port: 8080
endPort: 9000
- protocol: TCP
port: 6379
name: AllowFromFrontend
enableLogging: false
- action: Drop
- ipBlock:
- protocol: TCP
port: 5978
name: DropToThirdParty
enableLogging: true
apiVersion: crd.antrea.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterNetworkPolicy
name: acnp-with-cluster-groups
priority: 8
tier: securityops
- group: "test-cg-with-db-selector" # defined separately with a ClusterGroup resource
- action: Allow
- group: "test-cg-with-frontend-selector" # defined separately with a ClusterGroup resource
- protocol: TCP
port: 8080
endPort: 9000
- protocol: TCP
port: 6379
name: AllowFromFrontend
enableLogging: false
- action: Drop
- group: "test-cg-with-ip-block" # defined separately with a ClusterGroup resource
- protocol: TCP
port: 5978
name: DropToThirdParty
enableLogging: true
apiVersion: crd.antrea.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterNetworkPolicy
name: isolate-all-pods-in-namespace
priority: 1
tier: securityOps
- namespaceSelector:
app: no-network-access-required
- action: Drop # For all Pods in those Namespaces, drop and log all ingress traffic from anywhere
name: drop-all-ingress
enableLogging: true
- action: Drop # For all Pods in those Namespaces, drop and log all egress traffic towards anywhere
name: drop-all-egress
enableLogging: true
apiVersion: crd.antrea.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterNetworkPolicy
name: default-ns-isolation
priority: 2
tier: baseline
- namespaceSelector: {} # Selects all Namespaces in the cluster
- action: Allow
- namespaces:
match: self # Allow from Pods from same Namespace
name: AllowFromSameNS
enableLogging: false
- action: Drop
- namespaceSelector: {} # Drop from Pods from other all Namespaces
name: DropFromAllOtherNS
enableLogging: true
- action: Allow
- namespaces:
match: self # Allow to Pods from same Namespace
name: AllowToSameNS
enableLogging: false
- action: Drop
- namespaceSelector: {} # Drop to Pods from all other Namespaces
name: DropToAllOtherNS
enableLogging: true
apiVersion: crd.antrea.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterNetworkPolicy
name: acnp-drop-to-services
priority: 5
tier: securityops
- podSelector:
role: client
env: prod
- action: Drop
- name: svcName
namespace: svcNamespace
name: DropToServices
enableLogging: true
spec: The ClusterNetworkPolicy spec
has all the information needed to
define a cluster-wide security policy.
appliedTo: The appliedTo
field at the policy level specifies the
grouping criteria of Pods to which the policy applies to. Pods can be
selected cluster-wide using podSelector
. If set with a namespaceSelector
all Pods from Namespaces selected by the namespaceSelector will be selected.
Specific Pods from specific Namespaces can be selected by providing both a
and a namespaceSelector
in the same appliedTo
The appliedTo
field can also reference a ClusterGroup resource by setting
the ClusterGroup's name in group
field in place of the stand-alone selectors.
IPBlock cannot be set in the appliedTo
An IPBlock ClusterGroup referenced in an appliedTo
field will be ignored,
and the policy will have no effect.
This appliedTo
field must not be set, if appliedTo
rule is used.
In the first example, the policy applies to Pods, which either match the labels
"role=db" in all the Namespaces, or are from Namespaces which match the
labels "env=prod".
The second example policy applies to all network endpoints selected by the
"test-cg-with-db-selector" ClusterGroup.
The third example policy applies to all Pods in the
Namespaces that matches label "app=no-network-access-required".
priority: The priority
field determines the relative priority of the
policy among all ClusterNetworkPolicies in the given cluster. This field is
mandatory. A lower priority value indicates higher precedence. Priority values
can range from 1.0 to 10000.0.
Note: Policies with the same priorities will be enforced
indeterministically. Users should therefore take care to use priorities to
ensure the behavior they expect.
tier: The tier
field associates an ACNP to an existing Tier. The tier
field can be set with the name of the Tier CRD to which this policy must be
associated with. If not set, the ACNP is associated with the lowest priority
default tier i.e. the "application" Tier.
ingress: Each ClusterNetworkPolicy may consist of zero or more ordered
set of ingress rules. Each rule, depending on the action
field of the rule,
allows or drops traffic which matches all from
, ports
Under ports
, the optional field endPort
can only be set when a numerical port
is set to represent a range of ports from port
to endPort
Also, each rule has an optional name
field, which should be unique within
the policy describing the intention of this rule. If name
is not provided for
a rule, it will be auto-generated by Antrea. The auto-generated name will be
of format [ingress/egress]-[action]-[uid]
, e.g. ingress-allow-2f0ed6e,
where [uid] is the first 7 bits of hash value of the rule based on sha1 algorithm.
If a policy contains duplicate rules, or if a rule name is same as the auto-generated
name of some other rules in the same policy, it will cause a conflict,
and the policy will be rejected.
A ClusterGroup name can be set in the group
field of an ingress from
section in place
of stand-alone selectors to allow traffic from workloads/ipBlocks set in the ClusterGroup.
The first example policy contains a single rule, which allows matched traffic on a
single port, from one of two sources: the first specified by a podSelector
and the second specified by a combination of a podSelector
and a
The second example policy contains a single rule, which allows matched traffic on
multiple TCP ports (8000 through 9000 included, plus 6379) from all network endpoints
selected by the "test-cg-with-frontend-selector" ClusterGroup.
The third example policy contains a single rule,
which drops all ingress traffic towards any Pod in Namespaces that have label app
set to
. Note that an empty From
in the ingress rule means that
this rule matches all ingress sources.
Note: The order in which the ingress rules are specified matters, i.e., rules will
be enforced in the order in which they are written.
egress: Each ClusterNetworkPolicy may consist of zero or more ordered set
of egress rules. Each rule, depending on the action
field of the rule, allows
or drops traffic which matches all from
, ports
Under ports
, the optional field endPort
can only be set when a numerical port
is set to represent a range of ports from port
to endPort
Also, each rule has an optional name
field, which should be unique within
the policy describing the intention of this rule. If name
is not provided for
a rule, it will be auto-generated by Antrea. The rule name auto-generation process
is the same as ingress rules.
A ClusterGroup name can be set in the group
field of a egress to
section in place
of stand-alone selectors to allow traffic to workloads/ipBlocks set in the ClusterGroup.
field contains a list of combinations of Service Namespace and Service Name to match traffic to this Service.
More details can be found in the toServices section.
The first example policy contains a single rule, which drops matched traffic on a
single port, to the subnet specified by the ipBlock
The second example policy contains a single rule, which drops matched traffic on
TCP port 5978 to all network endpoints selected by the "test-cg-with-ip-block"
The third example policy contains a single rule,
which drops all egress traffic initiated by any Pod in Namespaces that have app
set to
The fifth example policy contains a single rule,
which drops traffic from "role: client" labeled Pods from "env: prod" labeled Namespaces to Service svcNamespace/svcName
via ClusterIP.
Note that an empty to
+ an empty toServices
in the egress rule means that
this rule matches all egress destinations.
Egress To
section also supports FQDN based filtering. This can be applied to exact FQDNs or
wildcard expressions. More details can be found in the FQDN section.
Note: The order in which the egress rules are specified matters, i.e., rules will
be enforced in the order in which they are written.
enableLogging: A ClusterNetworkPolicy ingress or egress rule can be
audited by enabling its logging field. When enableLogging
field is set to
true, the first packet of any connection that matches this rule will be logged
to a separate file (/var/log/antrea/networkpolicy/np.log
) on the Node on
which the rule is applied. These log files can then be retrieved for further
analysis. By default, rules are not logged. The example policy logs all
traffic that matches the "DropToThirdParty" egress rule, while the rule
"AllowFromFrontend" is not logged. Specifically for drop and reject rules,
deduplication is applied to simplify multiple logs. Duplication buffer length is set as 1 second.
The rules are logged in the following format:
<yyyy/mm/dd> <time> <ovs-table-name> <antrea-native-policy-reference> <action> <openflow-priority> <source-ip> <destination-ip> <packet-length> <protocol>
<yyyy/mm/dd> <time> <ovs-table-name> <antrea-native-policy-reference> <action> <openflow-priority> <source-ip> <destination-ip> <packet-length> <protocol> [<num of packets> packets in <duplicate duration>]
2020/11/02 22:21:21.148395 AntreaPolicyAppTierIngressRule AntreaNetworkPolicy:default/test-anp Allow 61800 60 TCP
2021/06/24 23:56:41.346165 AntreaPolicyEgressRule AntreaNetworkPolicy:default/test-anp Drop 44900 60 TCP [3 packets in 1.011379442s]
per rule: A ClusterNetworkPolicy ingress or egress rule may
optionally contain the appliedTo
field. Semantically, the appliedTo
per rule is similar to the appliedTo
field at the policy level, except that
it is valid for that rule itself, as opposed to spanning over all the rules.
If used, the appliedTo
field must be set for all the rules existing in the
policy and cannot be set along with appliedTo
at the policy level.
Note: In a given ClusterNetworkPolicy, all rules/appliedTo
fields must
either contain stand-alone selectors or references to ClusterGroup.
Usage of ClusterGroups along with stand-alone selectors is not allowed.
There are six kinds of selectors that can be specified in an ingress from
section or egress to
podSelector: This selects particular Pods from all Namespaces as "sources",
if set in ingress
section, or as "destinations", if set in egress
namespaceSelector: This selects particular Namespaces for which all Pods
are grouped as ingress
"sources" or egress
"destinations". Cannot be set
with namespaces
podSelector and namespaceSelector: A single to/from entry that specifies both namespaceSelector and podSelector selects particular Pods within particular Namespaces.
namespaces: A namespaces
field allows users to perform advanced matching on
Namespace objects which cannot be done via label selectors. Currently, the
field has only one matching strategy, self
. If set to self
, it indicates
that the corresponding podSelector
(or all Pods if podSelector
is not set)
should only select Pods belonging to the same Namespace as the workload targeted
(either through a policy-level AppliedTo or a rule-level Applied-To) by the current
ingress or egress rule. This enables policy writers to create per-Namespace rules within a
single policy. See the example YAML above. This field is
optional and cannot be set along with a namespaceSelector
within the same peer.
group: A group
refers to a ClusterGroup to which this ingress/egress peer, or
an appliedTo
must resolve to. More information on ClusterGroups can be found here.
ipBlock: This selects particular IP CIDR ranges to allow as ingress
"sources" or egress
"destinations". These should be cluster-external IPs,
since Pod IPs are ephemeral and unpredictable.
fqdn: This selector is applicable only to the to
section in an egress
block. It is used to
select Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs), specified either by exact name or wildcard
expressions, when defining egress
- ClusterNetworkPolicy is at the cluster scope, hence a
without anynamespaceSelector
selects Pods from all Namespaces. - There is no automatic isolation of Pods on being selected in appliedTo.
- Ingress/Egress rules in ClusterNetworkPolicy has an
field which specifies whether the matched rule allows or drops the traffic. - IPBlock field in the ClusterNetworkPolicy rules do not have the
field. A higher priority rule can be written to deny the specific CIDR range to simulate the behavior of IPBlock field withcidr
set. - Rules assume the priority in which they are written. i.e. rule set at top takes precedence over a rule set below it.
The following kubectl commands can be used to retrieve ACNP resources:
# Use long name
kubectl get clusternetworkpolicies
# Use long name with API Group
kubectl get clusternetworkpolicies.crd.antrea.io
# Use short name
kubectl get acnp
# Use short name with API Group
kubectl get acnp.crd.antrea.io
All of the above commands produce output similar to what is shown below:
test-cnp emergency 5 54s
Antrea NetworkPolicy (ANP) is another policy CRD, which is similar to the ClusterNetworkPolicy CRD, however its scope is limited to a Namespace. The purpose of introducing this CRD is to allow admins to take advantage of advanced NetworkPolicy features and apply them within a Namespace to complement the K8s NetworkPolicies. Similar to the ClusterNetworkPolicy resource, Antrea NetworkPolicy can also be associated with Tiers.
An example Antrea NetworkPolicy might look like this:
apiVersion: crd.antrea.io/v1alpha1
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: test-anp
namespace: default
priority: 5
tier: securityops
- podSelector:
role: db
- action: Allow
- podSelector:
role: frontend
- podSelector:
role: nondb
role: db
- protocol: TCP
port: 8080
endPort: 9000
name: AllowFromFrontend
enableLogging: false
- action: Drop
- ipBlock:
- protocol: TCP
port: 5978
name: DropToThirdParty
enableLogging: true
Antrea NetworkPolicy shares it's spec with ClusterNetworkPolicy. However, the following documents some of the key differences between the two Antrea policy CRDs.
- Antrea NetworkPolicy is Namespaced while ClusterNetworkPolicy operates at cluster scope.
- Unlike the
in a ClusterNetworkPolicy, setting anamespaceSelector
in theappliedTo
field is forbidden. podSelector
without anamespaceSelector
, set within a NetworkPolicy Peer of any rule, selects Pods from the Namespace in which the Antrea NetworkPolicy is created. This behavior is similar to the K8s NetworkPolicy.- Antrea NetworkPolicy only supports stand-alone selectors. i.e. no support for ClusterGroup references.
- Antrea NetworkPolicy does not support
field within a peer, as ANP themselves are scoped to a single Namespace.
The following kubectl commands can be used to retrieve ANP resources:
# Use long name with API Group
kubectl get networkpolicies.crd.antrea.io
# Use short name
kubectl get anp
# Use short name with API Group
kubectl get anp.crd.antrea.io
All of the above commands produce output similar to what is shown below:
test-anp securityops 5 5s
Antrea-native policy CRDs are ordered based on priorities set at various levels.
With the introduction of tiers, Antrea Policies, like ClusterNetworkPolicies, are first enforced based on the Tier to which they are associated. i.e. all policies belonging to a high Tier are enforced first, followed by policies belonging to the next Tier and so on, until the "application" Tier policies are enforced. K8s NetworkPolicies are enforced next, and "baseline" Tier policies will be enforced last.
Within a tier, Antrea-native policy CRDs are ordered by the priority
at the policy
level. Thus, the policy with the highest precedence (lowest priority number
value) is enforced first. This ordering is performed solely based on the
assigned, as opposed to the "Kind" of the resource, i.e. the relative
ordering between a ClusterNetworkPolicy resource and
an Antrea NetworkPolicy resource within a Tier depends only
on the priority
set in each of the two resources.
Within a policy, rules are enforced in the order in which they are set. For example, consider the following:
- ACNP1{tier: application, priority: 10, ingressRules: [ir1.1, ir1.2], egressRules: [er1.1, er1.2]}
- ANP1{tier: application, priority: 15, ingressRules: [ir2.1, ir2.2], egressRules: [er2.1, er2.2]}
- ACNP3{tier: emergency, priority: 20, ingressRules: [ir3.1, ir3.2], egressRules: [er3.1, er3.2]}
This translates to the following order:
- Ingress rules: ir3.1 > ir3.2 > ir1.1 -> ir1.2 -> ir2.1 -> ir2.2
- Egress rules: er3.1 > er3.2 > er1.1 -> er1.2 -> er2.1 -> er2.2
Once a rule is matched, it is executed based on the action set. If none of the policy rules match, the packet is then enforced for rules created for K8s NP. If the packet still does not match any rule for K8s NP, it will then be evaluated against policies created in the "baseline" Tier.
The antctl command with 'sort-by=effectivePriority' flag can be used to check the order of policy enforcement. An example output will look like the following:
antctl get netpol --sort-by=effectivePriority
4c504456-9158-4838-bfab-f81665dfae12 85b88ddb-b474-5b44-93d3-c9192c09085e 1 AntreaClusterNetworkPolicy:acnp-1 250 1
41e510e0-e430-4606-b4d9-261424184fba e36f8beb-9b0b-5b49-b1b7-5c5307cddd83 1 AntreaClusterNetworkPolicy:acnp-2 250 2
819b8482-ede5-4423-910c-014b731fdba6 bb6711a1-87c7-5a15-9a4a-71bf49a78056 2 AntreaNetworkPolicy:anp-10 250 10
4d18e031-f05a-48f6-bd91-0197b556ccca e216c104-770c-5731-bfd3-ff4ccbc38c39 2 K8sNetworkPolicy:default/test-1 <NONE> <NONE>
c547002a-d8c7-40f1-bdd1-8eb6d0217a67 e216c104-770c-5731-bfd3-ff4ccbc38c39 1 K8sNetworkPolicy:default/test-2 <NONE> <NONE>
aac8b8bc-f3bf-4c41-b6e0-2af1863204eb bb6711a1-87c7-5a15-9a4a-71bf49a78056 3 AntreaClusterNetworkPolicy:baseline 253 10
The ovs-pipeline doc contains more information on how policy rules are realized by OpenFlow, and how the priority of flows reflects the order in which they are enforced.
A ClusterGroup (CG) CRD is a specification of how workloads are grouped together.
It allows admins to group Pods using traditional label selectors, which can then
be referenced in ACNP in place of stand-alone podSelector
and/or namespaceSelector
In addition to podSelector
and namespaceSelector
, ClusterGroup also supports the
following ways to select endpoints:
- Pod grouping by
. ClusterGroup specified byserviceReference
will contain the same Pod members that are currently selected by the Service's selector. ipBlock
to share IPBlocks between ACNPs.childGroups
to select other ClusterGroups by name.
ClusterGroups allow admins to separate the concern of grouping of workloads from the security aspect of Antrea-native policies. It adds another level of indirection allowing users to update group membership without having to update individual policy rules.
An example ClusterGroup might look like this:
apiVersion: crd.antrea.io/v1alpha3
kind: ClusterGroup
name: test-cg-sel
role: db
env: prod
- type: "GroupMembersComputed"
status: "True"
lastTransitionTime: "2021-01-29T19:59:39Z"
apiVersion: crd.antrea.io/v1alpha3
kind: ClusterGroup
name: test-cg-ip-block
# IPBlocks cannot be set along with PodSelector, NamespaceSelector or serviceReference.
- cidr:
- type: "GroupMembersComputed"
status: "True"
lastTransitionTime: "2021-01-29T19:59:39Z"
apiVersion: crd.antrea.io/v1alpha3
kind: ClusterGroup
name: test-cg-svc-ref
# ServiceReference cannot be set along with PodSelector, NamespaceSelector or ipBlocks.
name: test-service
namespace: default
- type: "GroupMembersComputed"
status: "True"
lastTransitionTime: "2021-01-29T20:21:46Z"
apiVersion: crd.antrea.io/v1alpha3
kind: ClusterGroup
name: test-cg-nested
childGroups: [test-cg-sel, test-cg-ip-blocks, test-cg-svc-ref]
- type: "GroupMembersComputed"
status: "True"
lastTransitionTime: "2021-01-29T20:21:48Z"
There are a few restrictions on how ClusterGroups can be configured:
- A ClusterGroup is a cluster-scoped resource and therefore can only be set in an Antrea
peers. - For the
field, currently only one level of nesting is supported: If a ClusterGroup has childGroups, it cannot be selected as a childGroup by other ClusterGroups. - ClusterGroup must exist before another ClusterGroup can select it by name as its childGroup. A ClusterGroup cannot be deleted if it is referred to by other ClusterGroup as childGroup. This restriction may be lifted in future releases.
- At most one of
can be set for a ClusterGroup, i.e. a single ClusterGroup can either group workloads, represent IP CIDRs or select other ClusterGroups. A parent ClusterGroup can select different types of ClusterGroups (Pod/Service/CIDRs), but as mentioned above, it cannot select a ClusterGroup that has childGroups itself.
spec: The ClusterGroup spec
has all the information needed to define a
cluster-wide group.
podSelector: Pods can be grouped cluster-wide using podSelector
If set with a namespaceSelector
, all matching Pods from Namespaces selected
by the namespaceSelector
will be grouped.
namespaceSelector: All Pods from Namespaces selected by the namespaceSelector
will be grouped.
If set with a podSelector
, all matching Pods from Namespaces selected by the
will be grouped.
ipBlock: This selects a particular IP CIDR range to allow as ingress
"sources" or egress
A ClusterGroup with ipBlock
referenced in an ACNP's appliedTo
field will be
ignored, and the policy will have no effect.
For a same ClusterGroup, ipBlock
and ipBlocks
cannot be set concurrently.
ipBlock will be deprecated for ipBlocks in future versions of ClusterGroup.
ipBlocks: This selects a list of IP CIDR ranges to allow as ingress
"sources" or egress
A ClusterGroup with ipBlocks
referenced in an ACNP's appliedTo
field will be
ignored, and the policy will have no effect.
For a same ClusterGroup, ipBlock
and ipBlocks
cannot be set concurrently.
serviceReference: Pods that serve as the backend for the specified Service
will be grouped. Services without selectors are currently not supported, and will
be ignored if referred by serviceReference
in a ClusterGroup.
When ClusterGroups with serviceReference
are used in ACNPs as appliedTo
peers, no Service port information will be automatically assumed for
traffic enforcement. ServiceReference
is merely a mechanism to group Pods and
ensure that a ClusterGroup stays in sync with the set of Pods selected by a given
childGroups: This selects existing ClusterGroups by name. The effective members of the "parent" ClusterGrup will be the union of all its childGroups' members. See the section above for restrictions.
status: The ClusterGroup status
field determines the overall realization
status of the group.
groupMembersComputed: The "GroupMembersComputed" condition is set to "True" when the controller has calculated all the corresponding workloads that match the selectors set in the group.
The following kubectl commands can be used to retrieve CG resources:
# Use long name with API Group
kubectl get clustergroups.crd.antrea.io
# Use short name
kubectl get cg
# Use short name with API Group
kubectl get cg.crd.antrea.io
Logs are recorded in /var/log/antrea/networkpolicy
when enableLogging
is configured.
Fluentd can be used to assist with analyzing the logs. Refer to the
Fluentd cookbook for documentation.
Kubernetes NetworkPolicies and Antrea-native policies allow selecting
workloads from Namespaces with the use of a label selector (i.e. namespaceSelector
However, it is often desirable to be able to select Namespaces directly by their name
as opposed to using the labels
associated with the Namespaces.
Starting with K8s v1.21, all Namespaces are labeled with the kubernetes.io/metadata.name: <namespaceName>
provided that the NamespaceDefaultLabelName
feature gate (enabled by default) is not disabled in K8s.
K8s NetworkPolicy and Antrea-native policy users can take advantage of this reserved label
to select Namespaces directly by their name
in namespaceSelectors
as follows:
apiVersion: crd.antrea.io/v1alpha1
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: test-anp-by-name
namespace: default
priority: 5
tier: application
- podSelector: {}
- action: Allow
- podSelector:
app: core-dns
kubernetes.io/metadata.name: kube-system
- protocol: TCP
port: 53
- protocol: UDP
port: 53
name: AllowToCoreDNS
Note: NamespaceDefaultLabelName
feature gate is scheduled to be removed in K8s v1.24, thereby
ensuring that labeling Namespaces by their name cannot be disabled.
In order to select Namespaces by name, Antrea labels Namespaces with a reserved label antrea.io/metadata.name
whose value is set to the Namespace's name. Users can then use this label in the
field, in both K8s NetworkPolicies and Antrea-native policies to
select Namespaces by name. By default, Namespaces are not labeled with the reserved name label.
In order for the Antrea controller to label the Namespaces, the labelsmutator.antrea.io
must be enabled. This can be done by applying the following
webhook configuration YAML:
apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1
kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration
# Do not edit this name.
name: "labelsmutator.antrea.io"
- name: "namelabelmutator.antrea.io"
name: "antrea"
namespace: "kube-system"
path: "/mutate/namespace"
- operations: ["CREATE", "UPDATE"]
apiGroups: [""]
apiVersions: ["v1"]
resources: ["namespaces"]
scope: "Cluster"
admissionReviewVersions: ["v1", "v1beta1"]
sideEffects: None
timeoutSeconds: 5
Note: antrea-controller
Pod must be restarted after applying this YAML.
Once the webhook is configured, Antrea will start labeling all new and updated
Namespaces with the antrea.io/metadata.name: <namespaceName>
label. Users may now
use this reserved label to select Namespaces by name as follows:
apiVersion: crd.antrea.io/v1alpha1
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: test-anp-by-name
namespace: default
priority: 5
tier: application
- podSelector: {}
- action: Allow
- podSelector:
app: core-dns
antrea.io/metadata.name: kube-system
- protocol: TCP
port: 53
- protocol: UDP
port: 53
name: AllowToCoreDNS
The above example allows all Pods from Namespace "default" to connect to all "core-dns" Pods from Namespace "kube-system" on TCP port 53.
Antrea-native policy accepts a fqdn
field to select Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs),
specified either by exact name or wildcard expressions, when defining egress
The standard Allow
, Drop
and Reject
actions apply to FQDN egress rules.
An example policy using FQDN based filtering could look like this:
apiVersion: crd.antrea.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterNetworkPolicy
name: acnp-fqdn-all-foobar
priority: 1
- podSelector:
app: client
- action: Drop
- fqdn: "*foobar.com"
The above example drops all traffic destined to any FQDN that matches the wildcard
expression *foobar.com
originating from any Pod with label app
set to client
across any Namespace. This feature only works at the L3/L4 level.
Note that FQDN based policies do not work for Service DNS names created by
(e.g. kubernetes.default.svc
or antrea.kube-system.svc
), except for headless
Services. The reason is that Antrea will use the information included in A or
AAAA DNS records to implement FQDN based policies. In the case of "normal" (not
headless) Services, the DNS name resolves to the ClusterIP for the Service, but
policy rules are enforced after AntreaProxy Service Load-Balancing and at that
stage the destination IP address has already been rewritten to the address of an
endpoint backing the Service. For headless Services, a ClusterIP is not
allocated and, assuming the Service has a selector, the DNS server returns A /
AAAA records that point directly to the endpoints. In that case, FQDN based
policies can be used successfully. For example, the following policy, which
specifies an exact match on a DNS name, will drop all egress traffic destined to
headless Service svcA
defined in the default
apiVersion: crd.antrea.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterNetworkPolicy
name: acnp-fqdn-headless-service
priority: 1
- podSelector:
app: client
- action: Drop
- fqdn: "svcA.default.svc.cluster.local"
A combination of Service name and Service Namespace can be used in toServices
to refer to a Service.
match traffic based on the clusterIP, port and protocol of Services. So headless Service is not supported.
Since toServices
represents a combination of IP+port, it can't be used with to
or ports
. Also, this match process
relies on the groupID assigned to the Service by AntreaProxy. So it can only be used when AntreaProxy is enabled.
This clusterIP based match has one caveat: directly access to the Endpoints of this Service is not controlled by
. To control the access to the backend Endpoints, you could use ClusterGroup
with ServiceReference
Because ClusterGroup
with ServiceReference
is equivalent to a podSelector that selects all backend Endpoints Pods of
the Service referred in ServiceReference
Antrea-native policy CRDs are meant for admins to manage the security of their
cluster. Thus, access to manage these CRDs must be granted to subjects which
have the authority to outline the security policies for the cluster and/or
Namespaces. On cluster initialization, Antrea grants the permissions to edit
these CRDs with admin
and the edit
ClusterRole. In addition to this, Antrea
also grants the permission to view these CRDs with the view
Cluster admins can therefore grant these ClusterRoles to any subject who may
be responsible to manage the Antrea policy CRDs. The admins may also decide to
share the view
ClusterRole to a wider range of subjects to allow them to read
the policies that may affect their workloads.
Similar RBAC is applied to the ClusterGroup resource.
- There is a soft limit of 20 on the maximum number of Tier resources that are supported. But for optimal performance, it is recommended that the number of Tiers in a cluster be less than or equal to 10.
- In order to reduce the churn in the agent, it is recommended to set the policy priority within the range 1.0 to 100.0.
- The v1alpha1 policy CRDs support up to 10,000 unique priorities at policy level, and up to 50,000 unique priorities at rule level, across all tiers except for the "baseline" tier. For any two policy rules, their rule level priorities are only considered equal if they share the same tier, and have the same policy priority as well as rule priority.
- For the "baseline" tier, the max supported unique priorities (at rule level)is 150.