You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 15
For initial deployment of Escrow Buddy, Jamf administrators can follow this template:
[Last Check-In]
[less than x days ago]
[Last Enrollment]
[more than x days ago]
[FileVault 2 Partition Encryption State]
[FileVault 2 Individual Key Validation]
[is not]
- Package: Latest Escrow Buddy package downloaded from this page
- Scope: Active Macs without a valid FileVault key smart group (see above)
- Frequency: Once per computer
- Trigger: Check-in
Files and Processes: Execute command:
(Alternatively, put this command in a script and attach the script to the policy.)
defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.netflix.Escrow-Buddy.plist GenerateNewKey -bool true
- Scope: Active Macs without a valid FileVault key smart group (see above)
Frequency: Weekly
- (Assumption: you have a daily or weekly policy that updates inventory)
- Trigger: Check-in
Some macOS updates and upgrades reset the authorization database to its default state, which will deactivate Escrow Buddy and prevent FileVault key generation upon next login. See the FAQ page for details.
To resolve this with Jamf, you can use the following:
DBENTRY="<string>Escrow Buddy:Invoke,privileged</string>"
if /usr/bin/security authorizationdb read system.login.console 2>/dev/null | grep -q "$DBENTRY"; then
echo "<result>Configured</result>"
echo "<result>Not Configured</result>"
[Last Check-In]
[less than x days ago]
[Last Enrollment]
[more than x days ago]
[FileVault 2 Partition Encryption State]
[FileVault 2 Individual Key Validation]
[is not]
- Package: Latest Escrow Buddy package downloaded from this page
- Scope: Active Macs without a valid FileVault key smart group (see above)
- Frequency: Once per computer
- Trigger: Check-in
Default Jamf inventory collection does not collect versions of non-app bundles like authorization plugins. You can use this extension attribute to retrieve the installed version of Escrow Buddy.
BUNDLE_PATH="/Library/Security/SecurityAgentPlugins/Escrow Buddy.bundle"
if [ -f "$BUNDLE_PATH/Contents/Info.plist" ]; then
RESULT=$(defaults read "$BUNDLE_PATH/Contents/Info.plist" "$VERSION_KEY")
RESULT="Not Installed"
echo "<result>$RESULT</result>"
Jamf users have reported that Macs that previously showed a "valid" FileVault recovery key can occasionally change to "invalid" or "unknown." The reasons for this aren't always clear, but if you set up the Configure Escrow Buddy to Regenerate FileVault key at next login policy as shown above, with frequency set to Weekly, Jamf will take care of communicating to Escrow Buddy that a new key generation is needed at next login.
If additional metrics are desired, you can replace the one-line defaults write
command shown above with this script in the policy payload:
VALUE=$(defaults read "$DEST_PLIST" GenerateNewKey 2>/dev/null)
if [[ "$VALUE" == "1" ]]; then
echo "GenerateNewKey is already true."
exit 0
defaults write "$DEST_PLIST" GenerateNewKey -bool true
echo "Set GenerateNewKey to true."
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add GenerateNewKeySetWhen array" "$DEST_PLIST" 2>/dev/null
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add GenerateNewKeySetWhen:0 date \"$(date)\"" "$DEST_PLIST"
echo "Recorded current date: $(date)."
This will add a new GenerateNewKeySetWhen
key to the Escrow Buddy prefs, which will store datestamps to an array each time a Mac receives the configuration from the Jamf policy. Macs with multiple datestamps in the array are likely candidates for investigation as to why valid keys become invalid.
For tracking progress towards successful escrow of your whole fleet's FileVault keys, you can use two mutually exclusive advanced computer searches.
[Last Check-In]
[less than x days ago]
[FileVault 2 Partition Encryption State]
[FileVault 2 Individual Key Validation]
[Last Check-In]
[less than x days ago]
[FileVault 2 Partition Encryption State]
[FileVault 2 Individual Key Validation]
[is not]
You can use the Jamf API to record the total membership of the above groups daily during your FileVault remediation initiative, and use the resulting data to show progress over time.