- antd: design framework with basic components like buttons etc.
- prop-types: type checking at runtime
- query-string: parse query parameters from URL
- react: react library
- react-dom: for accessing the DOM via react library
- react-router-dom: manage navigation with URLs
- react-hook-form: manage forms easily
- yup: form validation
- react-icons: popular icons (do we really need these?)
- @babel/core, @babel/preset-env, @babel/preset-react, babel-plugin-transform-class-properties, babel-plugin-syntax-dynamic-import: downward compatibility
- babel-loader: integration of babel in webpack
- webpack: bundling the website
- webpack-cli: command line interface for webpack
- webpack-dev-server: development server
- css-loader: needed for loading css files with webpack
- file-loader: needed for loading standard files with webpack
- less-loader: needed for loading less files and compiling to css with webpack
- style-loader: inject css into dom