Quake dedicated server for Windows and Unix.
A dedicated server hosts a game that allows clients to connect, but is not directly playable. It is intended to run on a high-capacity server without a screen.
Windows Releases:
- 1996 Aug 08, qwded103.exe
- 1996 Aug 13, qwded104.exe, qwded104.lzh
- 1996 Aug 19, qwded104.exe (minor update)
- 1996 Oct 01, qwded106.exe
- 1996 Oct 07, qwded106.exe (minor update)
Unix Releases:
- 1997 Mar 28,
- unixded-0.99-i386-unknown-bsdi3.0.tar.gz
- unixded-0.99-i386-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz
- unixded-0.99-i386-unknown-sco3.2v5.0.2.tar.gz
- unixded-0.99-sparc-sun-solaris2.5.1.tar.Z
- 1997 Apr 10
- unixded-0.991-i386-unknown-bsdi3.0.tar.gz
- unixded-0.991-i386-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz
- unixded-0.991-sparc-sun-solaris2.5.1.tar.gz
- 1997 May 01
- unixded-1.0-i386-unknown-bsdi3.0.tar.gz
- unixded-1.0-i386-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz
- unixded-1.0-sparc-sun-solaris2.5.1.tar.Z
Released as qwded103.exe
on August 8th 1996.
==August 8==
WHOOP!! Now I can stay in NT 4 and run the server at night instead of having to reboot into 95. Just got email from Mike Wilson. The Win32 v1.03 dedicated server is on ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/unsup/qwded103.exe. Part of the message reads:
This is an unsupported release, but we have
tested it quite a bit over the last few days,
and it seems to be the best Internet Quake
server available at the moment--and of course it
support NT, so it should make a lot of people
happy. One note: you have to have the
registered Quake levels to run this dedicated
Also, somebody was wondering how long it normally takes to compile levels. They did dm1.map in 50 minutes on a DX2-66 with 16 megs ram. I haven't tried to compile levels yet.
-- http://redwood.gatsbyhouse.com/quake/896.html (archived)
- ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/unsup/qwded103.exe
August 8th
Win32 Server Available
Mike Wilson of id Software forwarded along the following email from his id cohort Michael Abrash:
"I have placed a native Win32 dedicated Quake server, on the ftp site in idstuff/unsup/qwded103.exe.Please let people know about this."
"This is an unsupported release, but we have tested it quite a bit over the last few days, and it seems to be the best Internet Quake server available at the moment--and of course it support NT, so it should make a lot of people happy. One note: you have to have the registered Quake levels to run this dedicated server." --Michael
The file is 208 KB, and here's the text file.
-- https://www.bluesnews.com/archives/august96.html
- https://www.bluesnews.com/archives/winded.txt
8-8-96, Thursday, 8:00PM EST
The Win32 dedicated Quake server has been released! Grab it from here, or id's FTP site. Here's what id said about it, in an email to Sean Martin (Redwood):
"This is an unsupported release, but we have tested it quite a bit over the last few days, and it seems to be the best Internet Quake server available at the moment--and of course it support NT, so it should make a lot of people happy. One note: you have to have the registered Quake levels to run this dedicated server."
-- http://www.canvasnet.com/quake/old/august.htm (archived)
- ftp://ftp.canvasnet.com/quake/idstuff/unsup/qwded103.exe
- ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/unsup/qwded103.exe
Quake Win32 here
Rick Bastedo
8 Aug 1996
I just got an email from Mike Wilson, saying "come get Win32 Quake
dedicated server exe", so now that I have it, you come get it too...
it's in the "Files" area. It's for registered only, it's dedicated only.
It runs on 95 and NT, NT for coolest performance. Mike said, "Smoothest
Quake Server we've seen yet"
-- rec.games.computer.quake.misc
Archive content:
600064 8 Aug 1996 WINDED.EXE
1423 8 Aug 1996 WINDED.TXT
Readme snippet:
This is an unsupported release of a native Win32 x86 Quake dedicated server.
This archive contains two files:
WINDED.TXT - this file
WINDED.EXE - Win32 dedicated Quake server
WINDED runs as a native app on either Win95 or Windows NT (Intel x86 only),
so you can finally run your server on NT. In fact, WINDED running on NT is
pretty much the smoothest Quake server we've seen. Any Quake client should
be able to connect to a WINDED server.
-- qwded103.exe/WINDED.TXT
Additional Links:
- ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/unsup/qwded103.exe
- http://annex.retroarchive.org/cdrom/cotc-21/DOOM/QWDED103.ZIP
- http://annex.retroarchive.org/cdrom/cotc-21/DOOM/QWDED103/QWDED103.EXE
- http://cd.textfiles.com/cream/cream21/doom/qwded103.zip
- http://cd.textfiles.com/cream21/doom/qwded103.zip
- http://www.gamesmania.com/english/../COMMON/QUAKE/UTIL_SW/qwded103.zip
- http://www.gamesmania.com/german/../COMMON/QUAKE/UTIL_SW/qwded103.zip
- http://www.gamesmania.com/italian/../COMMON/QUAKE/UTIL_SW/qwded103.zip
- http://www.gamesmania.com/japanese/common/QUAKE/UTIL_SW/qwded103.zip
Released as qwded104.exe
and qwded104.lzh
on August 13th 1996.
==August 14== 10:40p.m. CDT
7:40a.m. CDT
id has release v1.04 of their win32 server. You can get it at ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/unsup/qwded104.exe. The changes are: "Changed from Sleep(0) to Sleep(1) to avoid problems coexisting with Microsoft Exchange server on NT 3.51 (version 1.04)". Hehe...Kraemer must be happy since that change was made for him. I have tried it out (for longer than you think) and it works very well. Thanks to Chris for telling me they finally uploaded it.
-- http://redwood.gatsbyhouse.com/quake/896.html (archived)
August 14th
New Version of Win32 Dedicated Server
Version 1.04 is now available on id's FTP site /idstuff/unsup/qwded104.exe. While I'm at it, in case you are running a server, and aren't aware, John Carmack has asked that you experiment with sv_friction values:
"I am considering increasing the default sv_friction value for QuakeWorld from 4 to 6 or 8. It might take a little getting used to, but I think it gives more precise control for wide area network play. If anyone wants to run some experiments with different friction levels on a current Quake server, I would be interested in hearing some feedback."
-- https://www.bluesnews.com/archives/august96.html
- ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/unsup/qwded104.exe
8-14-96, Wednesday, 5:45PM EST
Also, id has released version 1.04 of the Win32 dedicated Quake server, but this only has fixed one minor problem- compatibility with systems that are simultaneously running Microsoft Exchange Server. Supposedly one line of code was changed, from sleep(0) to sleep(1).
-- http://www.canvasnet.com/quake/old/august.htm (archived)
- ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/unsup/qwded104.exe
каталог /gamesdomain/idsoftware/unsup
intel_linux_quake101.tgz 324944 Aug-9-1996 * -
qwded103.exe 213525 Aug-8-1996 * -
qwded104.exe 213766 Aug-12-1996 * -
qwded104.lzh 212146 Aug-12-1996 * -
Quake Win32 dedicated server here
Frans P. de Vries
13 Aug 1996
An updated version was just released:
qwded104.lzh or qwded104.exe in the same places as above.
Frans P. de Vries | f...@ftp.cdrom.com | Doom/Quake archive backup maintainer
-- rec.games.computer.quake.servers
We do not have a copy of this release at this time.
Released as qwded104.exe
on August 19th 1996.
Archive content:
600064 19 Aug 1996 WINDED.EXE
1659 19 Aug 1996 WINDED.TXT
Readme snippet:
Update history:
Initial release (version 1.03)
Changed from Sleep(0) to Sleep(1) to avoid problems coexisting with
Microsoft Exchange server on NT 3.51 (version 1.04)
Fixed version number to read 1.04
-- qwded104.exe/WINDED.TXT
Additional Links:
- ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/unsup/qwded104.exe
- http://reality.sgi.com/rae/quake/idfiles/qwded104.exe
- http://reality.sgi.com/rae_aw/quake/idfiles/qwded104.exe
Released as qwded106.exe
on October 1st 1996.
=October 2==
3:10p.m. CDT
Uhh, since nobody I noticed seems to have noticed, QUAKE 1.06 is OUT!! Read what's changed. Get the shareware quake106.zip (9meg), or the patch q101-106.zip (355k). Don't forget about the Win32 v1.06 Server. And you thought I was getting slow in my old age. BTW, I give credit to Notify (part of Symantec's Internet Fast Find package) for keeping me young and swift. Everybody must be having a nice siesta right now. ;) What was that? You say Stomped was supposed to be first? I hate when I do that. ;)
-- http://redwood.gatsbyhouse.com/quake/1096.html (archived)
Relevant Links:
- ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/unsup/qwded106.exe
() Quake v1.06 released ()
Frans P. de Vries
2 Oct 1996
id Software just released the long-awaited version 1.06 of Quake.
The complete array of files is available:
quake106.zip full 9MB shareware release
qsw106_?.zip shareware release in 7 parts of 1.44MB
q101-106.zip upgrade patch v1.01 to v1.06 (363kB)
qwded106.exe dedicated Win32 server (217kB)
progs106.zip latest Quake-C sources and progs.dat (231kB)
from id's server and the idgames2 archive:
and within a day or so from more than a dozen idgames2 mirrors around
the world.
Frans P. de Vries | f...@ftp.cdrom.com | Doom/Quake archive backup maintainer
-- rec.games.computer.quake.announce
Archive content:
610304 1 Oct 1996 WINDED.EXE
1828 1 Oct 1996 WINDED.TXT
Update history:
Initial release (version 1.03)
Changed from Sleep(0) to Sleep(1) to avoid problems coexisting with
Microsoft Exchange server on NT 3.51 (version 1.04)
Fixed version number to read 1.04
Updated with bug fixes from Quake 1.06. Added IPX support. The IPX
support works on NT 4.0, does NOT work on Win95, and has not been tested
on NT 3.51 yet.
-- qwded106.exe/WINDED.TXT
Additional Links:
Released as qwded106.exe
on October 7th 1996.
==October 8==
5:50p.m. CDT
Got email from Mike Abrash stating this (heh, you paying attention Kraemer?):
I just uploaded a new winded (still version
1.06, but a new exe) to our ftp site. The only
change is that it does a Sleep(1) instead of
sleeping half the remaining time until the next
server slot, which causes the new winded to suck
up a lot less CPU time than the old one on NT
3.51. It shouldn't make any difference on any
other platform.
-- http://redwood.gatsbyhouse.com/quake/1096.html (archived)
October 8th
New Winded Released
Large thanks to Sean "Redwood" Martin for forwarding along the word as he received it from Michael Abrash about the new Windows Dedicated Server:
"I just uploaded a new winded (still version 1.06, but a new exe) to our ftp site. The only change is that it does a Sleep(1) instead of sleeping half the remaining time until the next server slot, which causes the new winded to suck up a lot less CPU time than the old one on NT 3.51. It shouldn't make any difference on any other platform."
-- https://www.bluesnews.com/archives/oct96-1.html
- ftp://bluesnews.com/pub/idstuff/unsup/qwded106.exe
Archive content:
607744 7 Oct 1996 WINDED.EXE
1877 7 Oct 1996 WINDED.TXT
Update history:
Initial release (version 1.03)
Changed from Sleep(0) to Sleep(1) to avoid problems coexisting with
Microsoft Exchange server on NT 3.51 (version 1.04)
Fixed version number to read 1.04
Updated with bug fixes from Quake 1.06. Added IPX support. The IPX
support works on NT 4.0, does NOT work on Win95, and has not been tested
on NT 3.51 yet.
Put Sleep() interval back to 1.
-- qwded106.exe/WINDED.TXT
Additional Links:
- ftp://bluesnews.com/pub/idstuff/unsup/qwded106.exe
- ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/unsup/qwded106.exe
- http://aggiequake.tamu.edu/quake/qwded106.exe
- http://annex.retroarchive.org/cdrom/cotc-22/DOOM/QWDED106.ZIP
- http://annex.retroarchive.org/cdrom/cotc-22/DOOM/QWDED106/QWDED106.EXE
- http://cd.textfiles.com/cream/cream22/doom/qwded106.zip
- http://cd.textfiles.com/cream22/doom/qwded106.zip
- http://cd.textfiles.com/swextrav8/swextrav8-2/gamapog2/qwded106.zip
- http://ftp.3dgamers.com/pub/3daction/quake/unsupported/qwded106.txt
- http://ftp.mancubus.net/pub/idgames2/idstuff/unsup/qwded106.exe
- http://ftp.sunet.se/pub/pc/games/idgames2/idstuff/unsup/qwded106.exe
- http://gamers.org/pub/3dgamers/00archives/doom2/addons/idstuff/unsup/qwded106.exe
- http://gamers.org/pub/games/idgames/idstuff/unsup/qwded106.exe
- http://redwood.gatsbyhouse.com/files/srvutils/qwded106.exe
- http://web.ukonline.co.uk/dr.stebbings/ZIPFILES/qwded106.exe
- http://www.3dgamers.com/dl/games/quake/Thirdparty/qwded106.txt
- http://www.3dgamers.com/dlselect/games/quake/Thirdparty/qwded106.txt
- http://www.gameaholic.com/deicide/download.cgi?/idstuff/unsup/qwded106.exe
- http://www.gamers.org/pub/3daction/quake/unsupported/qwded106.txt
- http://www.gamers.org/pub/games/idgames/idstuff/unsup/qwded106.exe
- http://www.gamers.org/pub/games/idgames2/idstuff/unsup/qwded106.exe
- http://www.gamers.org/pub/idgames/idstuff/unsup/qwded106.exe
- http://www.gamers.org/pub/idgames2/idstuff/unsup/qwded106.exe
- http://www2.passagen.se/spel/quake/filer/qwded106.exe
- https://www.quaddicted.com/files/engines/qwded106.exe
- https://www.quaddicted.com/files/idgames/idstuff/unsup/qwded106.exe
- https://www.quaddicted.com/files/idgames2/idstuff/unsup/qwded106.exe
The files in this release included:
- unixded-0.99-i386-unknown-bsdi3.0.tar.gz
- unixded-0.99-i386-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz
- unixded-0.99-i386-unknown-sco3.2v5.0.2.tar.gz
- unixded-0.99-sparc-sun-solaris2.5.1.tar.Z
March 27, 1997
New Unix Ports
The following announcement was just sent along by Zoid, which is also posted on ThreeWave:
Unix Ports - New Release
Here is the long awaited release of several Unix Quake ports. These got delayed a bit from all the CTF4 work I've been doing.
The ports all have support for Quake Mission Packs #1 and #2 from Hipnotic Interactive and Rogue Entertainment, respectively. There are four new dedicated Quake server ports as well as a new SVGALib Linux Quake for playing on. The new SQuake for Linux fixes up the middle mouse button problem and some random crashes. It's at version 0.991 off the Quake 1.07 source.
Please see the Files Section for the ports and to the download them. The quick list is dedicated servers for Linux2.0, BSDI3.0, Solaris2.5 and SCO ODT5. The dedicated servers are all based on the Quake1.07 source and are version numbered at 0.99 for now.
-- https://www.bluesnews.com/archives/march97-4.html
These versions are listed on the threewave files section:
- Regular Quake dedicated (TCP/IP) Unix Servers
- BSDI BSD/OS 3.0 on Intel Platforms -
- Linux2.0 (ELF) on Intel Platforms -
- SCO Unix (ODT5) 3.2v5.0.2 on Intel Platforms -
- Sun Solaris2.5.1 (SunOs 5.5.1) on Sun Sparc Platforms -
-- http://www.planetquake.com/quakex/threewave/files.html
- http://www.planetquake.com/quakex/threewave/files/unixded-0.99-i386-unknown-bsdi3.0.tar.gz
- http://www.planetquake.com/quakex/threewave/files/unixded-0.99-i386-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz
- http://www.planetquake.com/quakex/threewave/files/unixded-0.99-i386-unknown-sco3.2v5.0.2.tar.gz
- ftp://ftp.firestarter.org/pub/3wave/unixded-0.99-sparc-sun-solaris2.5.1.tar.Z
The unixded-0.99-i386-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz
archive content:
28 Mar 1997 readme.unixded
28 Mar 1997 unixded-i386-unknown-linux2.0
Readme snippet:
README for Unix Dedicated Server
This is a dedicated Quake server for Unix. It only supports TCP/IP.
-- unixded-0.99-i386-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz/readme.unixded
The files in this release included:
- unixded-0.991-i386-unknown-bsdi3.0.tar.gz
- unixded-0.991-i386-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz
- unixded-0.991-sparc-sun-solaris2.5.1.tar.gz
No SCO Unix releases from this point and in the future.
Announcement and discussion:
April 10, 1997
New Unix Ports
Zoid's been busy, there are a bunch of new Unix releases up on id Software's FTP Site (shift-click the links to download):
Linux QWCL qwcl1.54c-i386-unknown-linux2.0
BSDI QWSV qwsv1.54c-i386-unknown-bsdi3.0
Linux QWSV qwsv1.54c-i386-unknown-linux2.0
Solaris QWSV qwsv1.54c-sparc-sun-solaris2.5.1
Linux SVGALib Quake squake-0.992-i385-unknown-linux2.0
BSDI Dedicated Quake unixded-0.991-i386-unknown-bsdi3.0
Linux Dedicated Quake unixded-0.991-i386-unknown-linux2.0
Solaris Dedicated Quake unixded-0.991-sparc-sun-solaris2.51
-- https://www.bluesnews.com/archives/april97-1.html
- https://www.bluesnews.com/files/idstuff/quakeworld/unix/unixded-0_991-i386-unknown-bsdi3_0_tar.gz
- https://www.bluesnews.com/files/idstuff/quakeworld/unix/unixded-0_991-i386-unknown-linux2_0_tar.gz
- https://www.bluesnews.com/files/idstuff/quakeworld/unix/unixded-0_991-sparc-sun-solaris2_5_1_tar.gz
April 10, 1997
7:10a.m. CDT
It seems Zoid's been working overtime, because there are a bunch of new Unix ports available (QuakeWorld, Dedicated Server, and regular clients). I don't have time to list them individually right now, so just go to ftp://ftp.stomped.com/pub/redwood/qw/unix.
-- http://redwood.stomped.com/497.html (archived)
The unixded-0.991-i386-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz
archive content:
2829 10 Apr 1997 readme.unixded
342876 10 Apr 1997 unixded
Readme snippet:
0.991 notes
- Can run in background, such as:
nohup unixded &
- dynamic ip aliasing now supported. If you have multiple ip addresses, you
can use the -ip option to multihome the servers, i.e.
unixded -ip
unixded -ip
to have two servers on different ip addresses on the same machine (but with
the same port).
-- readme.unixded
Additional links:
- http://www.idsoftware.com/ftp/quakeworld/unix/old/unixded-0.991-i386-unknown-bsdi3.0.tar.gz
- http://www.idsoftware.com/ftp/quakeworld/unix/old/unixded-0.991-i386-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz
- http://www.idsoftware.com/ftp/quakeworld/unix/old/unixded-0.991-sparc-sun-solaris2.5.1.tar.gz
The files in this release included:
- unixded-1.0-i386-unknown-bsdi3.0.tar.gz
- unixded-1.0-i386-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz
- unixded-1.0-sparc-sun-solaris2.5.1.tar.Z
Announcement and discussion:
April 30, 1997
New Unix Ports
Zoid has released new QuakeWorld and Quake Unix ports that fix various problems with previous versions:
-- http://redwood.stomped.com/497.html (archived)
- ftp://ftp.stomped.com/pub/redwood/qw/unix/unixded-1.0-i386-unknown-bsdi3.0.tar.gz
- ftp://ftp.stomped.com/pub/redwood/qw/unix/unixded-1.0-i386-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz
- ftp://ftp.stomped.com/pub/redwood/qw/unix/unixded-1.0-sparc-sun-solaris2.5.1.tar.gz
May 1, 1997
uake/QuakeWorld Unix Ports
Thanks Bounty Hunter (Xenocide Flag Academy) for pointing out that there are a whole bunch of new ports up on Threewave (you may need to shift-click):
qwcl1_55-i386-unknown-linux2_0_tar.gz (124 KB) QuakeWorld SVGALib Client for Linux 2.0
qwsv1_55-i386-unknown-bsdi3_0_tar.gz (241 KB) QuakeWorld TCP/IP Server for BSDI BSD/OS 3.0
qwsv1_55-i386-unknown-linux2_0_tar.gz (126 KB) QuakeWorld TCP/IP Server for Linux 2.0
qwsv1_55-sparc-sun-solaris2_5_1_tar.gz (280 KB) QuakeWorld TCP/IP Server for Sun Sparc Solaris 2.5.1
squake-1_0-i386-unknown-linux2_0_tar.gz (163 KB) Regular Quake SVGALib Client for Linux 2.0
unixded-1_0-i386-unknown-bsdi3_0_tar.gz (253 KB) Regular Quake TCP/IP Dedicated Server for BSDI BSD/OS 3.0
unixded-1_0-i386-unknown-linux2_0_tar.gz (150 KB) Regular Quake TCP/IP Dedicated Server for Linux 2.0
unixded-1_0-sparc-sun-solaris2_5_1_tar.gz (440 KB) Regular Quake TCP/IP Dedicated Server for Sun Sparc Solaris 2.5.1
-- https://www.bluesnews.com/archives/april97-4.html
- https://www.bluesnews.com/files/idstuff/quakeworld/unix/unixded-1_0-i386-unknown-bsdi3_0_tar.gz
- https://www.bluesnews.com/files/idstuff/quakeworld/unix/unixded-1_0-i386-unknown-linux2_0_tar.gz
- https://www.bluesnews.com/files/idstuff/quakeworld/unix/unixded-1_0-sparc-sun-solaris2_5_1_tar.gz
The unixded-1.0-i386-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz
archive content:
2829 1 May 1997 readme.unixded
350108 1 May 1997 unixded
Additional links:
- ftp://ftp.stomped.com/pub/redwood/qw/unix/unixded-1.0-i386-unknown-bsdi3.0.tar.gz
- ftp://ftp.stomped.com/pub/redwood/qw/unix/unixded-1.0-i386-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz
- ftp://ftp.stomped.com/pub/redwood/qw/unix/unixded-1.0-sparc-sun-solaris2.5.1.tar.gz
- http://bluesnews.com/files/idstuff/quakeworld/unix/unixded-1_0-i386-unknown-bsdi3_0_tar.gz
- http://bluesnews.com/files/idstuff/quakeworld/unix/unixded-1_0-i386-unknown-linux2_0_tar.gz
- http://bluesnews.com/files/idstuff/quakeworld/unix/unixded-1_0-sparc-sun-solaris2_5_1_tar.gz
- http://www.bluesnews.com/files/idstuff/quakeworld/unix/unixded-1_0-i386-unknown-bsdi3_0_tar.gz
- http://www.bluesnews.com/files/idstuff/quakeworld/unix/unixded-1_0-i386-unknown-linux2_0_tar.gz
- http://www.bluesnews.com/files/idstuff/quakeworld/unix/unixded-1_0-sparc-sun-solaris2_5_1_tar.Z
- http://www.idsoftware.com/ftp/quakeworld/unix/old/unixded-1.0-i386-unknown-bsdi3.0.tar.gz
- http://www.idsoftware.com/ftp/quakeworld/unix/old/unixded-1.0-i386-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz
- http://www.idsoftware.com/ftp/quakeworld/unix/old/unixded-1.0-sparc-sun-solaris2.5.1.tar.Z
- http://www.idsoftware.com/ftp/quakeworld/unix/unixded-1.0-i386-unknown-bsdi3.0.tar.gz
- http://www.idsoftware.com/ftp/quakeworld/unix/unixded-1.0-i386-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz
- http://www.idsoftware.com/ftp/quakeworld/unix/unixded-1.0-sparc-sun-solaris2.5.1.tar.Z
- https://www.quaddicted.com/files/idgames2/planetquake/threewave/unix/unixded-1.0-i386-unknown-bsdi3.0.tar.gz
- https://www.quaddicted.com/files/idgames2/planetquake/threewave/unix/unixded-1.0-i386-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz
- https://www.quaddicted.com/files/idgames2/planetquake/threewave/unix/unixded-1.0-sparc-sun-solaris2.5.1.tar.gz
- https://www.quaddicted.com/files/mirrors/ftp.planetquake.com/threewave/unix/unixded-1.0-i386-unknown-bsdi3.0.tar.gz
- https://www.quaddicted.com/files/mirrors/ftp.planetquake.com/threewave/unix/unixded-1.0-i386-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz
- https://www.quaddicted.com/files/mirrors/ftp.planetquake.com/threewave/unix/unixded-1.0-sparc-sun-solaris2.5.1.tar.gz