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Sending Notifications to a Microsoft Teams channel

In this article you will learn how to create a Office 365 webhook integration on a MS Teams channel and send a notification to it. This article assumes that you already have a Microsoft Teams team and channel setup.

Adding a Webhook Integration to a Channel

Follow the instructions for setting up a webhook connector to your channel. When finished, you should have a Webhook URL that looks like "".

Sending a Notification to the Webhook

// The webhook URL from the integration you set up
let webhookUrl = ""

let imageUrl = sprintf "" 

let notification p =
    { p with
        Summary = Some "Max Muster ran a build"
        Title = Some "Sample Project"
        Sections =
           [ { SectionDefaults with
                 ActivityTitle = Some "Max Muster"
                 ActivitySubtitle = Some "on Sample Project"
                 ActivityText = Some "Build successful!"
                 ActivityImage =
                    imageUrl "MSC12_Oscar_002.jpg"
                    |> ImageUri.FromUrl
                    |> Some
             { SectionDefaults with
                 Title = Some "Details"
                 Facts = [ { Name = "Labels"; Value = "FOO, BAR" }
                           { Name = "Version"; Value = "1.0.0" }
                           { Name = "Trello Id"; Value = "1101" } ]
        PotentialActions =
               Name = "View in Trello"
               Target = System.Uri("")

Office365Notification webhookUrl notification |> ignore

The result should look something like this:

alt text

For additional information on the parameters, check out the Office 356 Connectors API Reference