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34 lines (27 loc) · 1.83 KB

Release process


  • Create a new branch containing the following changes:
    • Update with new version number and list of changes extracted from git log --pretty=oneline --pretty=format:"- %s" <lastest_release_tag>..HEAD.
  • Commit changes and submit them as a PR to the master branch.
  • If the CI passes OK, merge the PR.

Tag release

git tag -a v0.1.2 -s -m "Version 0.1.2"
git push --tags

PyPI packages

  • These are automatically built and uploaded to PyPI via a github action when a new tag is pushed to the github repo.
  • Check that both an sdist (.tar.gz file) and wheel (.whl file) are available on PyPI.
  • Check you can install the new version in a new virtual environment using pip install xarray-spatial.

github release notes

  • Convert the tag into a release on github:
    • On the right-hand side of the github repo, click on Releases.
    • Click on Draft a new release.
    • Select the correct tag, and enter the title and description by copying and pasting from the
    • Click Publish release.


conda-forge packages

  • A bot in runs periodically to identify the new PyPI release and update the conda recipe appropriately. This should create a new PR, run tests to check that the conda build works, and automatically upload the packages to conda-forge if everything is OK. Check this works, a few hours after the PyPI release.