First create an account on test pypi and generate a token.
Clean your worktree and tag your release to generate a valid version number (otherwise pypi will reject your release) :
git stash # clean your worktree
git tag 0.0.18rc1
git stash pop # restore your worktree
Then, publish using the Makefile to build and push the library :
make clean && make build && make publish-test
Make sure that you are on the maintainer list of the pypi project and generate an API token for this project.
Clean your worktree and tag your release :
git stash # clean your worktree
git tag 0.0.1 # tag the release
git stash pop # tag your release
Build the python package :
make clean && make build
Publish it :
make publish
pip install -r requirements/requirements.txt -r requirements/requirements-test.txt
pre-commit install
Run a live documentation server :
sphinx-autobuild docs docs/_build/html
First install the dev dependencies :
pip install -r requirements/requirements.txt -r requirements/requirements-dev.txt
Then run mypy :
mypy django_pyoidc
Check database settings in tests/
, target a real PostgreSQL Host (You need a PostgreSQL version 12 or greater), for e2e tests check the tests/e2e/
python3 # for unit tests
python3 # for end to end tests
Add the dependency to either requirements/
, requirements/
or requirements/
depending on the usage of the dependency.
Then run :
pip install pip-tools
make update_all_deps
You can build the package locally by running :
python -m build