For access, you can get your api key from Mappls Console
- Map
- data: This could be be in the form of mixjson.
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {"type": "Point","coordinates": [28.54950,77.2678540]
"properties": {
"name": "MapmyIndia old Office",
"description": "Okhla delhi",
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"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
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"coordinates": [28.5510446,77.268952]
"properties": {
"name": "<div onclick=\"function1()\">MapmyIndia New Office</div>",
"description": "68,Okhla delhi",
"icon": "",
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
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- fitbounds: Automatically adjusts the map layer to fit within the boundaries defined by the GeoJSON data.
fitbounds: true
- fitboundOptions: This shows the options available on the fitBound property.
fitboundOptions: {padding: 120,duration:1000}
- cType: It is for geojson data geometry
- 0: for lat,lng combination (Default)
- 1: for lng,lat conbination
- 0: for lat,lng combination (Default)
cType: 1
for marker can use : "icon": "1.png", "icon-size":0.55, "icon-offset":[0,-20],
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"properties": {
"name": "MapmyIndia New Office",
"description": "68,Okhla delhi",
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"stroke": "#33CC00",
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"fill-opacity": 0.6509803921568628
var mix=mappls.addGeoJson({
overlap:false, //or false; default: true; not mandatory for markers.
"icon": "1.png", //for customizing marker
"icon-size":1, // size percentage of the marker: ranging from
"text":"2", // text on marker
"text-size":10, // font size on marker
"text-offset":[0,0], //map anchor offset from the center of icon image.
"text-color":"red" //color of text on marker
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