is a package manager (originally for Python, but effectively language agnostic) that works on Linux, macOS and Windows.
is a community-mantained channel for the conda
package manager that provides many dependencies useful for scientific software, in particular all the one that are required by the robotology-superbuild .
For an overview of advantages and disadvantages of conda and conda-forge, check the
document. If you are just interested in installing the robotology-superbuild, please proceed to the next sections.
This section describes how to compile and install the binary packages built from the robotology-superbuild on conda on Windows, macOS and Linux.
The binary packages are hosted in the robotology
conda channel . Only packages that are built as part of the profiles and options that are supported on Conda (see documentation on CMake options) are available as conda binary packages in the robotology
If you do not have a conda distribution on your system, we suggest to use the minimal
distribution, that uses conda-forge
packages by default and installs the mamba
command by default.
To install mambaforge
, please follow the instructions in our install-mambaforge
Even if you are not using mambaforge
and you are using instead a different conda
distribution, to follow the instructions on this document you need to install the mamba
package in your base
environment. mamba
is a re-implementation of some functionalities of the conda
package manager, that is much faster.
Differently from apt
and homebrew
, the conda
package manager is an environment
-oriented package manager, meaning that packages are not
installed in some global location, but rather you install packages in an environment
(that is just a directory in your filesystem), so that you
can easily have multiple different environments with different packages installed on your system. To read more about this, check .
For this reason, to use the robotology conda packages it is suggested to first create a conda environment, and then install in it all the packages you want to use. To create a new environment called robotologyenv
, execute the following command:
mamba create -n robotologyenv
Once you created the robotologyenv
environment, you can "activate" it for the current terminal (i.e. make sure that the installed packages can be found) by the command:
mamba activate robotologyenv
IMPORTANT: if you open a new terminal, you need to manually activate the environment also there.
IMPORTANT: To avoid strange conflicts in environment variables, it is a good idea to remove from the environment any variable that refers to libraries or software not installed with conda. For example, if you have a robotology-superbuild installed with apt dependencies, it is a good idea to remove the source of the
from the .bashrc
before using conda environments, or in Windows it can make sense to check with Rapid Environment Editor that the environment is clean.
IMPORTANT: On Windows, it is recommended to use Command Prompt to manage conda environments, as some packages (see conda-forge/gazebo-feedstock#42 and RoboStack/ros-noetic#21) have problems in activating environments on Powershell.
Once you are in an activated environment, you can install robotology packages by just running the command:
mamba install -c conda-forge -c robotology <packagename>
The list of available packages is available at .
For example, if you want to install yarp and icub-main, you simple need to install:
mamba install -c conda-forge -c robotology yarp icub-main
In addition, if you want to simulate the iCub in Gazebo, you should also install icub-models
and gazebo-yarp-plugins
mamba install -c conda-forge -c robotology gazebo-yarp-plugins icub-models
If you want to develop some C++ code on the top of these libraries, it is recommended to also install the necessary compiler and development tools directly in the same environment:
mamba install -c conda-forge compilers cmake=3.21 pkg-config make ninja
This section describes how to compile and install the robotology-superbuild with conda-forge provided dependencies on Windows, macOS and Linux.
If you do not have a conda distribution on your system, we suggest to use the minimal
distribution, that uses conda-forge
packages by default and installs the mamba
command by default.
To install mambaforge
, please follow the instructions in our install-mambaforge
Even if you are not using mambaforge
and you are using instead a different conda
distribution, to follow the next documentation you need to install the mamba
package in your base
environment, and you just need to manually specify to use the conda-forge
packages by adding -c conda-forge
to all mamba install
is a re-implementation of some functionalities of the conda
package manager, that is much faster.
Differently from apt
and homebrew
, the conda
package manager is an environment
-oriented package manager, meaning that packages are not
installed in some global location, but rather you install packages in an environment
(that is just a directory in your filesystem), so that you
can easily have multiple different environments with different packages installed on your system. To read more about this, check .
For this reason, to compile the superbuild it is suggested to first create a conda environment, and then install in it all the dependencies
required by the robotology-superbuild. To create a new environment called robsub
, execute the following command:
mamba create -n robsub
Once you created the robsub
environment, you can "activate" it for the current terminal (i.e. make sure that the installed packages can be found) by the command:
mamba activate robsub
IMPORTANT: if you open a new terminal, you need to manually activate the environment also there. If you compiled a robotology-superbuild in a given conda environment, remember to activate it before trying to compile or run any package of the robotology-superbuild.
IMPORTANT: To avoid strange conflicts in environment variables, it is a good idea to remove from the environment any variable that refers to libraries or software not installed with conda. For example, if you have a robotology-superbuild installed with apt dependencies, it is a good idea to remove the source of the
from the .bashrc
before using conda environments, or in Windows it can make sense to check with Rapid Environment Editor that the environment is clean.
IMPORTANT: On Windows, it is recommended to use Command Prompt to manage conda environments, as some packages (see conda-forge/gazebo-feedstock#42 and RoboStack/ros-noetic#21) have problems in activating environments on Powershell.
Once you activated it, you can install packages in it. In particular the dependencies for the robotology-superbuild can be installed as:
mamba install -c conda-forge cmake compilers make ninja pkg-config
mamba install -c conda-forge ace asio assimp boost eigen gazebo glew glfw graphviz gsl ipopt irrlicht libjpeg-turbo libmatio libode libxml2 nlohmann_json opencv pkg-config portaudio qt=5.12.9=*_4 sdl sdl2 sqlite tinyxml spdlog lua
If you are on Linux, you also need to install also the following packages:
mamba install -c conda-forge bash-completion freeglut libdc1394 libi2c expat-cos7-x86_64 libselinux-cos7-x86_64 libxau-cos7-x86_64 libxcb-cos7-x86_64 libxdamage-cos7-x86_64 libxext-cos7-x86_64 libxfixes-cos7-x86_64 libxxf86vm-cos7-x86_64 mesa-libgl-cos7-x86_64 mesa-libgl-devel-cos7-x86_64 libxshmfence-cos7-x86_64 libxshmfence-devel-cos7-x86_64
If you are on Windows, you also need to install also the following packages:
mamba install -c conda-forge freeglut
To compile the robotology-superbuild
code itself, you need to clone it, following the instructions in .
In a terminal in which you activate the robsub
environment, you can compile.
On Linux or macOS, run:
cd robotology-superbuild
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --config Release
On Windows, run:
cd robotology-superbuild
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G"Visual Studio 16 2019" ..
cmake --build . --config Release
IMPORTANT: If you use Visual Studio 2022, the fourth command needs to be changed in cmake -G"Visual Studio 17 2022" ..
. Visual Studio 2017 or earlier are not supported.
IMPORTANT: conda-forge does not provide Debug version of its libraries, so in Windows you can't compile in Debug mode if you are using conda-forge.
On Linux, macOS or Windows with Git Bash, you can at this point run the software compiled by source with the robotology-superbuild in any new terminal as:
mamba activate robsub
source ./robotology-superbuild/build/install/share/robotology-superbuild/
On Windows with cmd prompt:
mamba activate robsub
call ./robotology-superbuild/build/install/share/robotology-superbuild/setup.bat