The CMake build system can build the entire codebase, including proton-c, and all its language bindings.
Cross-platform dependencies
- CMake 2.8.7+
- Swig 1.3+ (for the bindings)
- Python 2.6+ (for the Python binding)
- Ruby 1.9+ (for the Ruby binding)
Linux dependencies
- GNU Make 3.81+
- GCC 4.4+
- Cyrus SASL 2.1+ (for SASL support)
- OpenSSL 1.0+ (for SSL support)
Windows dependencies
- Visual Studio 2005 or newer (regular or C++ Express)
The following prerequisites are required to do a full build on RPM-based systems (RHEL, Fedora, etc.). If you do not wish to build a given language binding you can omit the devel package for that language.
# Required dependencies
$ yum install gcc gcc-c++ make cmake libuuid-devel
# Dependencies needed for SSL support
$ yum install openssl-devel
# Dependencies needed for Cyrus SASL support
$ yum install cyrus-sasl-devel cyrus-sasl-plain cyrus-sasl-md5
# Dependencies needed for bindings
$ yum install swig # Required for all bindings
$ yum install python-devel # Python
$ yum install ruby-devel rubygem-minitest # Ruby
# Dependencies needed to generate documentation
$ yum install epydoc # Python
$ yum install rubygem-yard # Ruby
$ yum install doxygen # C, C++
The following prerequisites are required to do a full build on Debian-based systems (Ubuntu). If you do not wish to build a given language binding you can omit the dev package for that language.
# Required dependencies
$ apt-get install gcc g++ cmake cmake-curses-gui uuid-dev
# Dependencies needed for SSL support
$ apt-get install libssl-dev
# dependencies needed for Cyrus SASL support
$ apt-get install libsasl2-2 libsasl2-dev libsasl2-modules
# dependencies needed for bindings
$ apt-get install swig python-dev ruby-dev
# dependencies needed for python docs
$ apt-get install python-epydoc
From the directory where you found this
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
# Set the install prefix. You may need to adjust it depending on your
# system.
# Omit the docs target if you do not wish to build or install
# documentation.
$ make all docs
# Note that this step will require root privileges.
$ make install
When make install completes, all installed files are listed in the
file. The contents of this file may be used to
This describes how to build the Proton library on Windows using Microsoft Visual C++.
The Proton build uses the CMake tool to generate the Visual Studio project files. These project files can then be loaded into Visual Studio and used to build the Proton library.
The following packages must be installed:
- Visual Studio 2005 or newer (regular or C++ Express)
- Python (
- CMake (
Additional packages are required for the language bindings:
- Swig (
- Development headers and libraries for the language of choice
- Be sure to install relevant Microsoft Service Packs and updates
- python.exe, cmake.exe and swig.exe must all be added to your PATH
To generate the Visual Studio project files, from the directory where you found
> mkdir build
> cd build
> cmake ..
If CMake doesn't guess things correctly, useful additional arguments are:
-G "Visual Studio 10"
Refer to the CMake documentation for more information.
Build and install from a command prompt (using msbuild):
> cmake --build . --target install --config RelWithDebInfo
Loading the ALL_BUILD
project into Visual Studio:
- Run the Microsoft Visual Studio IDE
- From within the IDE, open the
project file or Proton solution file - it should be in thebuild
directory you created above. - Select the appropriate configuration. RelWithDebInfo works best with the included CMake/CTest scripts
Note that if you wish to build debug version of Proton for use with Swig bindings on Windows, you must have the appropriate debug target libraries to link against.
Proton can use the IO library on any platform where it is available. Install the libuv library and header files and adapt the instructions for building on Linux.
The libuv library is not required on Linux or Windows, but if you wish
you can use it instead of the default native IO by running cmake with
Most dynamic languages provide a way for asking where to install libraries in order to place them in a default search path.
is enabled (ON
), the
does not affect the location for where the
language bindings (Python and Ruby) are installed. For those
elements, the location is determined by the language interpreter
itself; that is, each interpreter is queried for the proper location
for extensions.
is disabled (OFF
), Proton installs all
dynamic language bindings into a central, default location:
In order to use these bindings, you'll need to configure your interpreter to load the bindings from the appropriate directory.
- Python - Add ${BINDINGS}/python to PYTHONPATH
- Ruby - Add ${BINDINGS}/ruby to RUBYLIB
You can configure the build to install a specific binding to the location specified by the system interpreter with the SYSINSTALL_[LANGUAGE] options, where [LANGUAGE] is one of PYTHON or RUBY.
To disable any given language bindings, you can use the BUILD_[LANGUAGE] option where [LANGUAGE] is one of PYTHON or RUBY, for example: