Unix domain sockets (or inter-process communication sockets) is a mean to exchange data between two MiniScript programs running on the same machine or between a MiniScript program and some other program that also supports unix domain sockets (reverse proxies, databases etc).
The MiniScript shell (interpreter) provides an intrinsic uds
module with functions and classes that help writing both client and server side of UDS communication.
Steps to write a client:
- Call
-- it returns a connection object (uds.Connection
). - Call connection's
methods to exchange data with the server.
Steps to write a server:
- Call
-- it returns a server object (uds.Server
). - Call server's
method -- it returns a connection object when a new client connects (uds.Connection
). - Call connection's
methods to exchange data with the client.
Both connect()
and createServer()
accept a path to a socket-file used as the connection point. The server will create it if it doesn't exist.
Methods uds.connect()
, connection.receive()
and server.accept()
have an optional timeout
parameter (in seconds). They return as soon as the result is ready or as the timeout expires (in which case they return null
). If the timeout is zero, they return immediately in a non-blocking fashion. If the timeout is negative, these methods will block till the result is ready. The default value is 30 seconds.
Simple echo server:
srv = uds.createServer("echo.sock")
while true
c = srv.accept(-1)
msg = c.receive
print "received " + msg.utf8
c.send msg
end while
c = uds.connect("echo.sock")
c.send "foo"
msg = c.receive
print msg.utf8 // prints: foo
uds.connect(sockPath, timeout=30) -> uds.Connection or null
Creates a connection to a server on the client side. (In C++ it calls socket() and connect().)
The sockPath
parameter is a path to a socket file (connection point).
The timeout
parameter tells how many seconds to wait for the server to accept us (0
-- return immediately, -1
-- wait indefinitely).
If successful, a connection object is returned (an instance of uds.Connection
Otherwise, the result is null
uds.createServer(sockPath, backlog=20) -> uds.Server or null
Creates a server object. (In C++ it calls socket(), bind() and listen().)
The sockPath
parameter is a path to a socket file (connection point).
If the socket file doesn't exist, this function creates it.
If the socket file exists, this function deletes it and creates a new one.
The backlog
parameter (the maximal number of queued connections) will be passed to C++'s listen().
If successful, a server object is returned (an instance of uds.Server
Otherwise, the result is null
connection.isOpen() -> true or false
Returns whether the underlying socket is still open.
Closes the underlying socket. (In C++ it calls close() in unixes or closesocket() in Windows.)
connection.send(rawData, offset=0) -> nBytes
Sends a message over a socket. (In C++ it calls send().)
The rawData
parameter can either be a RawData
object or a string.
The optional offset
parameter tells from which byte in rawData
to start.
It returns the number of successfully sent bytes or -1
(basically, the result of C++'s send()).
connection.receive(bytes=-1, timeout=30) -> RawData or null
Receives bytes from a socket. (In C++ it calls recv().)
The bytes
parameter is the amount of bytes to read from a socket. If -1
, it returns all available bytes.
The timeout
parameter tells how many seconds to wait for the bytes to arrive (0
-- return immediately, -1
-- wait indefinitely).
If there are bytes, it returns a RawData
Otherwise, the result is null
server.isOpen() -> true or false
Returns whether the underlying socket is still open.
server.accept(timeout=30) -> Connection
Accepts a request for an incoming connection. (In C++ it calls accept().)
The timeout
parameter tells how many seconds to wait for a connection request (0
-- return immediately, -1
-- wait indefinitely).
If successful, a connection object is returned (an instance of uds.Connection
Otherwise, the result is null
To test uds
launch two virtual terminals and run in each of them miniscript testUds.ms